回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?真的吗?
回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?美乐姐姐的帖子?麻烦给个链接看看
与人玫瑰 手留余香回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?想太多。
温哥华奶爸回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?不太可能吧,枫叶卡是需要制作时间的,加拿大连办驾照都不可能现场随办随领了,何况是制作精密度更高的枫叶卡,就算事先提前做好枫叶卡,海关也不知道你会从那个机场landing啊,估计现场发枫叶卡不太可能
回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?可以在批准移民的时候就去做,这样就来得及在入境的时候拿了,但是要通知移民局登陆的时间和地点,所以可操作性不大
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=276614
I will begin linc 2 ......回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?现在可以拿新的枫叶卡,没听说新移民可以当场拿枫叶卡的政策。
回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?谣言,真正的信息是:加国新型强化枫叶卡正式启用多伦多信息港 http://www. 2009年08月25日 [ 字号:缩小 增大]新卡的官方样本引用:
与人玫瑰 手留余香回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?Permanent resident card has new look, enhanced security featuresOttawa, August 24, 2009 Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced the implementation of the redesigned permanent resident card, which will be in circulation beginning today. “Thanks to state-of-the-art security features, this redesigned permanent resident card will help prevent the fraudulent use of Canada’s immigration documents and protect the integrity of our immigration system,” said Minister Kenney. “The new card contains security features that comply with international standards for travel documents. Technology is continuously evolving and it is important that our standards keep up.”The new card contains micro-lettering and fine line patterns that are resistant to copying, similar to banknotes. Also, the card holder’s photograph and personal details are recorded on a bar code in an encrypted format that may only be read by authorized officials.New permanent residents will automatically receive the new card as part of the immigration process. Current permanent residents will receive a new card only when their existing card expires. In the meantime, their existing card is still valid.As always, permanent residents should check the expiry date of their existing card and apply for a new card, if necessary, well in advance of international travel. This wallet-sized plastic card is required for all permanent residents of Canada seeking to re-enter Canada on a commercial carrier (airplane, boat, train or bus).
Feb26/07BJFN, Oct13/08S2, Jan06Sup, Mar12/09ME, Apr06/09->12, (Jun26 Fax借护照 Jul03 收到护照 Jul26还护照 Aug05->8 Aug10->12 Nov16 Fax借护照 Nov24 收到护照 Nov06还护照)2010/01/20->13 01/22->17 01/25 CIC DM 01/26收到大信封,毕业03/22->北京无法查状态New permanent residents will automatically receive the new card as part of the immigration process.点击展开...当初有枫叶卡的时候也是这么说的,这仅仅表示新移民不用再交枫叶卡申请费了。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 请问:有新政策说新移民在海关当场可以拿到枫叶卡吗?空欢喜,呵呵,anyway,能够拿到枫叶卡也不在乎多等几天了。
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