加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest q
Garage sale of our company, on the coming Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!!!!If you just got a new house or condo, or you want to get new furniture, maybe you should come and have a look,worthy it. Don't miss it!!!Address, 1275 West 6th ave, Vancouver.Sorry i can't type Chinese in my computer right now!
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!see this web link, get information first!http://www.inspirationinteriors.com/bc/images/9278rrrIBCGrgeSale09.jpg
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!欢迎大家来看看!
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!it might be good to those in need but, it's not a real garage salewhat your company need is to be more honest
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!It is real garage sale,if you come you will know how many people here, actually maybe we should call it 'big discount'. Anyway,welcome to have a look!
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!一定要去看看
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!Garage sale of our company, on the coming Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!!!!If you just got a new house or condo, or you want to get new furniture, maybe you should come and have a look,worthy it. Don't miss it!!!Address, 1275 West 6th ave, Vancouver.Sorry i can't type Chinese in my computer right now!点击展开...问一下你们店的退货政策,谢谢!
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!Thanks for your interests with our garage sale. One thing i need to explain is why we call it garage sale, because all those furniture are from our huge warehouse and some of them may get a bit slightly scratch, that is why they are unbelievable cheaper comparing to their quality, brand, design and manufacturing. But again,they are absolutely reliable,functional and worthy of getting them. If you come and have a look,you will see tons of people already here. SO,there is no return or exchange for our garage sale items.We are going to hold our garage sale for three days, but i suggest you come as early as possible, because most of good products will be sold very quickly.thanks again!
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!but you are in Vancover
回复: Garage sale of Inspiration Furniture, lowest price,highest quality!!!yes,we are in Vancouver.
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