加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?如果这是你的第1张信用卡,最好不要注销,会影响信用分数的
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?如果这是你的第1张信用卡,最好不要注销,会影响信用分数的点击展开...卡已经注销一个月了,早知就留着了
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?只要不是有很多信用卡,就算不用,也不主张把卡取消掉因为卡取消了,你过往所有的记录都没有了,包括好的纪录你的total available credit会因此而降低,导致你的debt to credit ratio升高,然后信用分数会降低。
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?因为卡取消了,你过往所有的记录都没有了。点击展开...那就是说如果信用卡有不良记录,最好注销掉此卡,不良记录也会随之烟消云散了,是么
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?刚登录时候申请CIBC的信用卡,让叫了1000,存着GIC两年,现在想把这张卡注销,提前拿回来,请问这样做可以吗?会影响信用记录之类的吗?点击展开...什么是GIC,是银行的一部分吗?
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?只要不是有很多信用卡,就算不用,也不主张把卡取消掉因为卡取消了,你过往所有的记录都没有了,包括好的纪录你的total available credit会因此而降低,导致你的debt to credit ratio升高,然后信用分数会降低。点击展开...你确定这个吗?因为按照常理来说这个是很不合理的.比如: BMO的美元卡以前没年费,而现在开始收费了,那么你为了保持这张卡的信用记录,岂不是得继续忍气吞声乖乖缴费.
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?什么是GIC,是银行的一部分吗?点击展开...保值投资储蓄.利息低,但不会出现负数.
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?那就是说如果信用卡有不良记录,最好注销掉此卡,不良记录也会随之烟消云散了,是么点击展开...那是不会的,这是两回事。 注销了有押金的信用卡,押金就回来了。
向金融危机猛烈开火!!!!![SIGPIC]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/signaturepics/sigpic61848_1.gif[/SIGPIC]回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?没事,该注销就注销。
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?你确定这个吗?因为按照常理来说这个是很不合理的.比如: BMO的美元卡以前没年费,而现在开始收费了,那么你为了保持这张卡的信用记录,岂不是得继续忍气吞声乖乖缴费.点击展开...http://www.debtsteps.com/credit-to-debt-ratio.html One of the biggest fallacies I’ve seen perpetrated on the web, at the bank, etc., is that you should close credit card accounts that you are no longer using to improve your FICO score. When you close the account, your “history” is gone for that credit card … yes, it will still show up on your Credit Report; but the “good history” will no longer be included in the calculation of your FICO score. Banks and other financial institutions place a lot of emphasis on your credit history (obtained from you and your credit report) and on your FICO score. Based on this available information; they can easily calculate what your debt to credit ratio is to see just how close to being in financial trouble you are. The closer you are to being over your head in debt, the higher the interest rate you will pay, if you get the loan at all! The debt to credit ratio is used in the calculation of your FICO score as well; so the higher your debt load to the available credit you have to draw on, the lower your FICO score can be. If you can keep your debt load (the debt part of the debt/credit ratio) under the 50% mark, the better off you will be in the long run. In summary, if you consider the above, you can see why it wouldn’t be a good idea to close a paid off account: 1.it also closes the good history on the account2.it reduces the available credit and increases the debt ratioWhat you want to also consider is how you will handle the paid off account. If you can have it and not use it; then do so, providing you aren’t paying outrageous annual fees to have the card sitting in your wallet or at home. Once you have paid off several accounts, then you can review your financial situation and decide if closing one account would be a good idea; after all, you don’t want a lot of unused credit either as it can impact your ability to borrow for a home or car loan; and it’s harder to keep track of multiple cards/accounts as well.
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?据说主动申请注销的信用卡不会有不良影响,但是被发卡机构销了就会不好看了.
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?居我的经历,,我以前开了一张TD的信用卡,,就LZ说那样,后来我用了1年,我就想取消,,然后我就想取回那个押金,然后不能推,因为那张卡是3年为期,,他那个押金其实就是锁死3年不能动,一定要3年后到其拉,才能给你退,,所以我也是要等多2年才能退,这是我在TD开那个信用卡的经历,,,希望能帮LZ
回复: 申请信用卡时候的押金能不能取消信用卡而提前拿回来?居我的经历,,我以前开了一张TD的信用卡,,就LZ说那样, 后来我用了1年,我就想取消,,然后我就想取回那个押金, 然后不能推,因为那张卡是3年为期,,他那个押金其实就是锁死3年不能动, 一定要3年后到其拉,才能给你退,,所以我也是要等多2年才能退, 这是我在TD开那个信用卡的经历,,,希望能帮LZ点击展开...谢谢
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