加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教入籍面试的事情


接到通知,一星期后要去考试和面试。看通知知道要带的文件和证件。现在的问题是: 我是连同孩子一起申请的,到那一天,要带同孩子申请时的材料一起去面试,孩子17岁,要不要随同我一起去面试? 先谢谢提供帮助的朋友们!

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情要去。

http://www.canadameet.com赞反馈:绿茶人生 2009-10-13#3 Wilson60 1,830 $0.00 回复: 请教入籍面试的事情印象中,16岁以上孩子都要独立申请CITIZENSHIP。LZ孩子是否申请的时候不到16?如果CASE处理过程中孩子跨越16,好像更需要特别说明。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情接到通知,一星期后要去考试和面试。看通知知道要带的文件和证件。现在的问题是: 我是连同孩子一起申请的,到那一天,要带同孩子申请时的材料一起去面试,孩子17岁,要不要随同我一起去面试? 先谢谢提供帮助的朋友们!点击展开...18岁以下随大人申请不用参加考试和面试但需把孩子的材料一起给齐。 唱国歌入籍时孩子一定要去的。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情纷纷谢谢上面答复的朋友们。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情请问联邦移民以后入籍需要提供lease等证明文件吗?如果是房东出具的居住证明可以代替吗?

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情请问联邦移民以后入籍需要提供lease等证明文件吗?如果是房东出具的居住证明可以代替吗?点击展开...记得只有在表格上填写最近几年的住址,没有要求提供证明。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情记得只有在表格上填写最近几年的住址,没有要求提供证明。点击展开...谢谢

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情今天打电话去确认,要求年龄在19-54的人士出席笔试和面试。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情今天打电话去确认,要求年龄在19-54的人士出席笔试和面试。点击展开...隐约记得14岁以上虽无需考试面试,但是要参加入籍宣誓的。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情隐约记得14岁以上虽无需考试面试,但是要参加入籍宣誓的。点击展开...是的,要参加宣誓。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情接到通知,一星期后要去考试和面试。看通知知道要带的文件和证件。现在的问题是: 我是连同孩子一起申请的,到那一天,要带同孩子申请时的材料一起去面试,孩子17岁,要不要随同我一起去面试? 先谢谢提供帮助的朋友们!点击展开...请问LZ是什么时候接到通知的,这期间大约要多长时间? 我是9月初收到书的,不知什么时候能考试,因为过年想回国又怕耽误.谢谢!!

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情请问LZ是什么时候接到通知的,这期间大约要多长时间? 我是9月初收到书的,不知什么时候能考试,因为过年想回国又怕耽误.谢谢!!点击展开...我是一月份申请,六月份收到书的。

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情我是一月份申请,六月份收到书的。点击展开...我是三月二日递的申请,正好半年9月初收到了书.看来是放慢了速度,要不是想回国过年我也不着急,机票1月末已经出了,就怕赶巧.

回复: 请教入籍面试的事情http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/become-eligibility.aspAgeYou must be at least 18 years old to apply for Canadian citizenship.To apply for citizenship for a child under 18, make sure the following conditions are met: * the person applying is the child’s parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian * the child is a permanent resident, but does not need to have lived in Canada for three years and * one parent is already a Canadian citizen or is applying to become a citizen at the same time. This also applies to adoptive parents.Time lived in CanadaTo become Canadian citizens, adults must have lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) in the past four years before applying. Children do not need to meet this requirement.You may be able to count time you spent in Canada before you became a permanent resident if that time falls within the four-year period.Use the citizenship calculator to find out if you have lived in Canada long enough to apply for citizenship.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/cit-test.aspWho has to take the citizenship testYou must take the citizenship test if you * are between the ages of 18 and 54, and * meet the basic requirements for citizenship.You may also have to take the test if are applying to retain your citizenship.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/become-after.asp

成功落?加拿大 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/become-eligibility.aspAge You must be at least 18 years old to apply for Canadian citizenship. To apply for citizenship for a child under 18, make sure the following conditions are met: * the person applying is the child’s parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian* the child is a permanent resident, but does not need to have lived in Canada for three years and* one parent is already a Canadian citizen or is applying to become a citizen at the same time. This also applies to adoptive parents.Time lived in Canada To become Canadian citizens, adults must have lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) in the past four years before applying. Children do not need to meet this requirement. You may be able to count time you spent in Canada before you became a permanent resident if that time falls within the four-year period. Use the citizenship calculator to find out if you have lived in Canada long enough to apply for citizenship. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/cit-test.aspWho has to take the citizenship test You must take the citizenship test if you * are between the ages of 18 and 54, and* meet the basic requirements for citizenship. You may also have to take the test if are applying to retain your citizenship. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/become-after.asp点击展开...谢谢这位热心的TZ,真应该好好学习英文的说明。

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