加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - 卖婴儿秋千/电动摇椅swing
出售一个fisher price的baby swing,两个多月前在toysrus买的,原价189+税,现80转让。九成九新。可以前后也可左右摇,6个不同速度,可播放12首音乐+2种大自然的声音,上面还有一个mobile。从出生开始可以用到25lb。在richmond,自取。电话604-771-9831Features The softgoods feature a Polar Bear character with rich colors and an infant head rest.The swing features 6 speeds and 12 songs - 6 soothing and 6 playful, and 2 nature sound effects. Motorized overhead mobile features 3 fabric precious planet characters and swings away to provide easy access to baby.The seat features a snack tray, two position recline and a machine washable pad. Swing folds for storage.Max 25lbsProduct Description To prenatal mom, the Precious Planet Cradle Swing is the only swing that provides unique two-way swinging motions with three seat positions: center position with side-to-side cradle motion and seat position to the left or right of center provides head-to-toe traditional swing motion.
回复: 卖婴儿秋千/电动摇椅swing为什么不要了?
回复: 卖婴儿秋千/电动摇椅swing为什么不要了?点击展开...因为我儿子已经坐不下了,我给他买得太晚了
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