加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题


我自己短登时买的房一直出租着,现在通过中介,和房客有着1年期的定期合同,明年4月30日到期。现在我想自己去住了,想提前到明年1,2月份结束合同,可以吗? 看了租房法,对这点没有明确说明,跟相关部门咨询,回答是不可以,除非和房客协商,房客同意才行。 不知道有人了解租房法吗?该如何合法解决?提前2个月通知?赔1个月房租?还是根本不可以,除非房客愿意?

韦小宝语录:我不喜欢温哥“滑”,会摔跤的!…妈妈:你爸爸是空中飞人,满世界飞。小宝:爸爸为什么要满街飞呢?…我长大了要做开icecream truck的人。…你怎么知道我想pee啊?是不是看见我刚才do pee-pee dancing啦?…我的屁股出了很多汗,把床弄湿了。(尿床了!)回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题偶不愿意租私人的房子就是这个原因! 因为房主随时都会找理由赶房客走,住这样的房子没有安定感。单身还好办,一个家庭,尤其是带孩子的家庭就遭罪了。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题我自己短登时买的房一直出租着,现在通过中介,和房客有着1年期的定期合同,明年4月30日到期。现在我想自己去住了,想提前到明年1,2月份结束合同,可以吗? 看了租房法,对这点没有明确说明,跟相关部门咨询,回答是不可以,除非和房客协商,房客同意才行。 不知道有人了解租房法吗?该如何合法解决?提前2个月通知?赔1个月房租?还是根本不可以,除非房客愿意?点击展开...建议您与房客协商,房客同意是最好的了。 如果房客不同意,而房客又没有什么违约的地方,那么建议您别想其它的理由赶房客走。等合约到期吧!不能只顾着自己的利益不是?

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题你自己去看BC省租务法(中文版)链接

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题我自己短登时买的房一直出租着,现在通过中介,和房客有着1年期的定期合同,明年4月30日到期。现在我想自己去住了,想提前到明年1,2月份结束合同,可以吗? 看了租房法,对这点没有明确说明,跟相关部门咨询,回答是不可以,除非和房客协商,房客同意才行。 不知道有人了解租房法吗?该如何合法解决?提前2个月通知?赔1个月房租?还是根本不可以,除非房客愿意?点击展开...residential tenancy act上有明确规定:自住的话,需提前2个月通知房客。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题Landlord's notice: landlord's use of property49 (1) In this section:"close family member" means, in relation to an individual,(a) the individual's father, mother, spouse or child, or(b) the father, mother or child of that individual's spouse;"family corporation" means a corporation in which all the voting shares are owned by(a) one individual, or(b) one individual plus one or more of that individual's brother, sister or close family members;"landlord" means(a) for the purposes of subsection (3), an individual who(i) at the time of giving the notice, has a reversionary interest in the rental unit exceeding 3 years, and(ii) holds not less than 1/2 of the full reversionary interest, and(b) for the purposes of subsection (4), a family corporation that(i) at the time of giving the notice, has a reversionary interest in the rental unit exceeding 3 years, and(ii) holds not less than 1/2 of the full reversionary interest;"purchaser", for the purposes of subsection (5), means a purchaser that has agreed to purchase at least 1/2 of the full reversionary interest in the rental unit.(2) Subject to section 51 [tenant's compensation: section 49 notice], a landlord may end a tenancy for a purpose referred to in subsection (3), (4), (5) or (6) by giving notice to end the tenancy effective on a date that must be(a) not earlier than 2 months after the date the tenant receives the notice,需要提前2个月通知房客(b) the day before the day in the month, or in the other period on which the tenancy is based, that rent is payable under the tenancy agreement, and(c) if the tenancy agreement is a fixed term tenancy agreement, not earlier than the date specified as the end of the tenancy.(3) A landlord who is an individual may end a tenancy in respect of a rental unit if the landlord or a close family member of the landlord intends in good faith to occupy the rental unit.房东或者房东的直系亲属居住可以提前终止合约(4) A landlord that is a family corporation may end a tenancy in respect of a rental unit if a person owning voting shares in the corporation, or a close family member of that person, intends in good faith to occupy the rental unit.(5) A landlord may end a tenancy in respect of a rental unit if(a) the landlord enters into an agreement in good faith to sell the rental unit,(b) all the conditions on which the sale depends have been satisfied, and(c) the purchaser asks the landlord, in writing, to give notice to end the tenancy on one of the following grounds:(i) the purchaser is an individual and the purchaser, or a close family member of the purchaser, intends in good faith to occupy the rental unit;(ii) the purchaser is a family corporation and a person owning voting shares in the corporation, or a close family member of that person, intends in good faith to occupy the rental unit.(6) A landlord may end a tenancy in respect of a rental unit if the landlord has all the necessary permits and approvals required by law, and intends in good faith, to do any of the following:(a) demolish the rental unit;(b) renovate or repair the rental unit in a manner that requires the rental unit to be vacant;(c) convert the residential property to strata lots under the Strata Property Act;(d) convert the residential property into a not for profit housing cooperative under the Cooperative Association Act;(e) convert the rental unit for use by a caretaker, manager or superintendent of the residential property;(f) convert the rental unit to a non-residential use.(7) A notice under this section must comply with section 52 [form and content of notice to end tenancy].(8) A tenant may dispute a notice under this section by making an application for dispute resolution within 15 days after the date the tenant receives the notice.(9) If a tenant who has received a notice under this section does not make an application for dispute resolution in accordance with subsection (8), the tenant(a) is conclusively presumed to have accepted that the tenancy ends on the effective date of the notice, and(b) must vacate the rental unit by that date.

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题Tenant's compensation: section 49 notice51 (1) A tenant who receives a notice to end a tenancy under section 49 [landlord's use of property] is entitled to receive from the landlord on or before the effective date of the landlord's notice an amount that is the equivalent of one month's rent payable under the tenancy agreement.(1.1) A tenant referred to in subsection (1) may withhold the amount authorized from the last month's rent and, for the purposes of section 50 (2), that amount is deemed to have been paid to the landlord.(1.2) If a tenant referred to in subsection (1) gives notice under section 50 before withholding the amount referred to in that subsection, the landlord must refund that amount.(2) In addition to the amount payable under subsection (1), if(a) steps have not been taken to accomplish the stated purpose for ending the tenancy under section 49 within a reasonable period after the effective date of the notice, or(b) the rental unit is not used for that stated purpose for at least 6 months beginning within a reasonable period after the effective date of the notice,the landlord, or the purchaser, as applicable under section 49, must pay the tenant an amount that is the equivalent of double the monthly rent payable under the tenancy agreement.这里是说,如果你声称自主但原房客搬出6个月内发现不是你声称的目的,你需赔偿原房客2个月的房租。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题residential tenancy act上有明确规定:自住的话,需提前2个月通知房客。点击展开...那LZ现在符合时间要求呀。我认为还是和房客协商,说清楚你提前回来的原委,并让房客有充分时间和精神上的准备,多少也要补偿人家一些,才合理。

那LZ现在符合时间要求呀。我认为还是和房客协商,说清楚你提前回来的原委,并让房客有充分时间和精神上的准备,多少也要补偿人家一些,才合理。点击展开...在加拿大按法律办事一点错没有。我租的房子有点损坏,房东和MANAGER都是西人,MANAGER来过几次,每次来时都说要给维修或者更换,但2个月过去了就是没有实际行动,我在本月支票上附了一封信说你已经违反了租房合同法,限期2周内给维修或者更换,否则,我就要自己找人维修或者更换,所有费用都将会从将来的租金中扣除。结果,没过3天MANAGER就打电话说我正在HOME DEPOT给你买东西,请给我量量你家窗子尺寸。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题你自己去看BC省租务法(中文版)链接点击展开...这个中文版的--只言片语

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题month by month的才能提前两个月通知,如果是签了一年的lease,那应该到lease结束。借用6楼引用的条款:(2) Subject to section 51 [tenant's compensation: section 49 notice], a landlord may end a tenancy for a purpose referred to in subsection (3)(就是需要自住), (4), (5) or (6) by giving notice to end the tenancy effective on a date that must be(a) not earlier than 2 months after the date the tenant receives the notice,需要提前2个月通知房客,这只适用month by month的,lease的是(c)(b) the day before the day in the month, or in the other period on which the tenancy is based, that rent is payable under the tenancy agreement, and(c) if the tenancy agreement is a fixed term tenancy agreement, not earlier than the date specified as the end of the tenancy. 这是lease的,因为是fixed term,一年的。这种情况只有和房客商量。这就和你租住公寓,lease没到期前要搬走一样,要不你把你的公寓sublet给别人,要不就得付钱到lease结束的时候。除非和公寓的管理方商量,否则没有别的办法。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题我自己短登时买的房一直出租着,现在通过中介,和房客有着1年期的定期合同,明年4月30日到期。现在我想自己去住了,想提前到明年1,2月份结束合同,可以吗? 看了租房法,对这点没有明确说明,跟相关部门咨询,回答是不可以,除非和房客协商,房客同意才行。 不知道有人了解租房法吗?该如何合法解决?提前2个月通知?赔1个月房租?还是根本不可以,除非房客愿意?点击展开...不可以提前解约!!!(除非房客同意)

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题建议您与房客协商,房客同意是最好的了。 如果房客不同意,而房客又没有什么违约的地方,那么建议您别想其它的理由赶房客走。等合约到期吧!不能只顾着自己的利益不是?点击展开...你似乎有点阶级对立,看来是做过被欺压的房客。其实每个人都有可能有角色互换的时候,或者兼两种身份。在这里,房客和房东基本平等,法律还保护房客多一些。我的房子一直是通过正规中介公司出租着,都有着符合RTA的合同,现在的房客是CBC,已经住了2年了。我也只是想问问我的问题该如何合法解决,“想理由赶走”,“只顾自己利益”这些字眼实在让人很不舒服。怎么买了房子出租就多半是坏心眼的人了吗?我不是恶人,最怕跟人有冲突。 我现在的想法是,如果法律规定提前多点时间通知,或者赔一月房租可以解决,那是最简单;不行就只能和房客商量,如果他们能同意,或补偿金钱能同意,那也算圆满;(花钱当然心痛,但能用钱解决的事还算小事)如果他们实在不想提前搬,那就等到4月底,我就要想办法解决这之前3,4个月的住处和2次搬家,which is不太容易的事。所以在这里请教人先。

韦小宝语录:我不喜欢温哥“滑”,会摔跤的!…妈妈:你爸爸是空中飞人,满世界飞。小宝:爸爸为什么要满街飞呢?…我长大了要做开icecream truck的人。…你怎么知道我想pee啊?是不是看见我刚才do pee-pee dancing啦?…我的屁股出了很多汗,把床弄湿了。(尿床了!)month by month的才能提前两个月通知,如果是签了一年的lease,那应该到lease结束。借用6楼引用的条款:(2) Subject to section 51 [tenant's compensation: section 49 notice], a landlord may end a tenancy for a purpose referred to in subsection (3)(就是需要自住), (4), (5) or (6) by giving notice to end the tenancy effective on a date that must be (a) not earlier than 2 months after the date the tenant receives the notice,需要提前2个月通知房客,这只适用month by month的,lease的是(c) (b) the day before the day in the month, or in the other period on which the tenancy is based, that rent is payable under the tenancy agreement, and (c) if the tenancy agreement is a fixed term tenancy agreement, not earlier than the date specified as the end of the tenancy. 这是lease的,因为是fixed term,一年的。 这种情况只有和房客商量。这就和你租住公寓,lease没到期前要搬走一样,要不你把你的公寓sublet给别人,要不就得付钱到lease结束的时候。除非和公寓的管理方商量,否则没有别的办法。点击展开...你是对的,还是你看的仔细。但有一个概念需要纠正:lease通常指商业地产的租赁,tenancy才是关于住宅的租赁,你可以看一下bc residential tenancy act,除了一个sublease(转租)之外,上面没有出现一个lease这个单词。但不否认现实中人们通常把租房子住说成lease。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题6楼、7楼的解释很专业。 如果是业主或家人确实要自己住,提前两个月通知租户,是可以解除合同的,同时需赔偿租户一个月租金。如果租户搬走后,业主或家人自住没有超过半年又不住了,应赔偿租户两个月租金。

移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=3575486楼、7楼的解释很专业。 如果是业主或家人确实要自己住,提前两个月通知租户,是可以解除合同的,同时需赔偿租户一个月租金。如果租户搬走后,业主或家人自住没有超过半年又不住了,应赔偿租户两个月租金。点击展开...不对租约有两种:tenancy act上面有分开讲的, 1. month to month, 1a 如果房东想解约: 如果是业主或家人确实要自己住,提前两个月通知租户,是可以解除合同的,同时需赔偿租户一个月租金。如果租户搬走后,业主或家人自住没有超过半年又不住了,应赔偿租户两个月租金。1b 如果房客想解约,提前一个整月以上通知房东即可,无需赔偿2. fix-term lease,2a 如果房东想提前解约:除非房客书面同意!除非房客有违反租约的行为,比如不交钱啦 种草啦 等等,否则房东不能单方面赔钱提前解约2b 如果房客想提前解约:除非房东书面同意!否则房东有权要求剩下租期的全部损失,包括空房期损失和市场租金下降差额。。。最高能达到剩下租期全部租金偶觉得lz说得就是第二种情况,固定一年约,除非房客同意,否则根本不能提前让房客走人的。。。。不然还叫什么fix lease哪

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]宠辱不惊,闲看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒。不对 租约有两种:tenancy act上面有分开讲的, 1. month to month, 1a 如果房东想解约: 如果是业主或家人确实要自己住,提前两个月通知租户,是可以解除合同的,同时需赔偿租户一个月租金。如果租户搬走后,业主或家人自住没有超过半年又不住了,应赔偿租户两个月租金。 1b 如果房客想解约,提前一个整月以上通知房东即可,无需赔偿 2. fix-term lease, 2a 如果房东想提前解约:除非房客书面同意!除非房客有违反租约的行为,比如不交钱啦 种草啦 等等,否则房东不能单方面赔钱提前解约 2b 如果房客想提前解约:除非房东书面同意!否则房东有权要求剩下租期的全部损失,包括空房期损失和市场租金下降差额。。。最高能达到剩下租期全部租金 偶觉得lz说得就是第二种情况,固定一年约,除非房客同意,否则根本不能提前让房客走人的。。。。不然还叫什么fix lease哪点击展开...Landlord's notice: landlord's use of property49 (1) In this section:"close family member" means, in relation to an individual,(a) the individual's father, mother, spouse or child, or(b) the father, mother or child of that individual's spouse;"family corporation" means a corporation in which all the voting shares are owned by(a) one individual, or(b) one individual plus one or more of that individual's brother, sister or close family members;"landlord" means(a) for the purposes of subsection (3), an individual who(i) at the time of giving the notice, has a reversionary interest in the rental unit exceeding 3 years, and(ii) holds not less than 1/2 of the full reversionary interest, and(b) for the purposes of subsection (4), a family corporation that(i) at the time of giving the notice, has a reversionary interest in the rental unit exceeding 3 years, and(ii) holds not less than 1/2 of the full reversionary interest;"purchaser", for the purposes of subsection (5), means a purchaser that has agreed to purchase at least 1/2 of the full reversionary interest in the rental unit.(2) Subject to section 51 [tenant's compensation: section 49 notice], a landlord may end a tenancy for a purpose referred to in subsection (3), (4), (5) or (6) by giving notice to end the tenancy effective on a date that must be(a) not earlier than 2 months after the date the tenant receives the notice,(b) the day before the day in the month, or in the other period on which the tenancy is based, that rent is payable under the tenancy agreement, and(c) if the tenancy agreement is a fixed term tenancy agreement, not earlier than the date specified as the end of the tenancy.再看了一遍,尤其是上面的红字,看来是我错了。小奥对的。.

移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题问过律师房东如果和房客签有合同不可以单方面终止合同。几个月前有个CONDO的停车位租给别人卖房时需要回收,但是租客不同意提前归还,只好每月多付几十刀另租了一个别人的车位给他用到期满。

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题我就是一人带着孩子租了别人的房子住着,结果明年1,2月份开始就不能住了。所以非常同意你的看法,想着还不如拿回自己的房子住比较安定,没那么被动。(原来想着单身带孩子跟人一起住可以做个伴,而且房租收入大于房租支出,可以补贴家用)。 你似乎有点阶级对立,看来是做过被欺压的房客。其实每个人都有可能有角色互换的时候,或者兼两种身份。在这里,房客和房东基本平等,法律还保护房客多一些。我的房子一直是通过正规中介公司出租着,都有着符合RTA的合同,现在的房客是CBC,已经住了2年了。我也只是想问问我的问题该如何合法解决,“想理由赶走”,“只顾自己利益”这些字眼实在让人很不舒服。怎么买了房子出租就多半是坏心眼的人了吗?我不是恶人,最怕跟人有冲突。 我现在的想法是,如果法律规定提前多点时间通知,或者赔一月房租可以解决,那是最简单;不行就只能和房客商量,如果他们能同意,或补偿金钱能同意,那也算圆满;(花钱当然心痛,但能用钱解决的事还算小事)如果他们实在不想提前搬,那就等到4月底,我就要想办法解决这之前3,4个月的住处和2次搬家,which is不太容易的事。所以在这里请教人先。点击展开...对不起,我的措词伤到你了,这不是我的本意。但我说得没错,当初您出租是因为房租收入大于房租支出,可以补贴家用 ,现在想收回是因为不如拿回自己的房子住比较安定,没那么被动,只是我的措词不够委婉,让您不舒服了。但我不认为您是坏心眼的人,否则,您早就想到办法收回自己的房子了。 既然您已经尝到被人家迫迁的滋味了,就不要再让您的房客尝这种滋味,协商解决是最好的,让人家心里也舒服点。 我想只要房客不是很难缠的主,会考虑您的困难的。祝您好运!

回复: 谁比较了解BC租房法,请教提前解约的问题家园里有很多专家哦,回答都那么专业,可喜!看来我只有和房客商量解决,他不愿意就只好等到期了。谢谢各位朋友的热心解答,全部加分!

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华人网我通过了cegep的英语毕业考试,可以申请大学了,开心。看来我的英语已经达到了当地中小学生的及格水平。人和人可真不一样,当地孩子随便投个胎就能达到的水平,我需要付出许多年 ...


Air Pod“失”而复得历险记

华人网今天去超市买东西,突然感觉我的耳机不在了!我马上沿着我在超市里的路线去寻找,走了好几趟也没有找到。我打开腰包拉锁(平时我不听的时候会放在里面),没有摸到。 在油管上 ...



华人网美联储要发威了 评论 市场在耍泼赖 评论 别和美联储作对,傻B机构被割韭菜 评论 2008+2020都闯过来了, 现在这些都是小儿科,洒洒水了, 咱哥们啥场面没经历过啊,呵呵, 今年上半年 ...



华人网不想吃胖,所以晚上少吃。结果每次到晚上九点半就饿了。 评论 今天晚餐就吃了四个核桃和一个桃 评论 现在就饿了,抓一个小面包吃吧 评论 应该是中午少吃 评论 等晚上睡着了就不饿 ...