Know the Difference between a Cold and H1N1 Flu Symptoms: Symptom Cold H1N1 Flu Fever Fever is rare with a cold. Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the H1N1 flu. Coughing A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the H1N1 flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). Aches Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. Severe aches and pains are common with the H1N1 flu. Stuffy Nose Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. Chills Chills are uncommon with a cold. 60% of people who have the H1N1 flu experience chills. Tiredness Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. Tiredness is moderate to severe with the H1N1 flu. Sneezing Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. Sneezing is not common with the H1N1 flu. Sudden Symptoms Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. The H1N1 flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. Headache A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. A headache is very common with the H1N1 flu, present in 80% of flu cases. Sore Throat Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. Sore throat is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. Chest Discomfort Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. Chest discomfort is often severe with the H1N1 flu. The only way to stop the spread of the epidemic is to spread the awareness.<IMG id=ecxecxecxecxecxMA1.1256414088 height=1 width=1 border=0><IMG id=ecxecxecxecxecxMA2.1256414088 height=1 width=1 border=0>
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548 赏

移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别感谢分享
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别能懂一些的,谢谢...
赏 晕!我贴的是一个对照表,一提交上来就变成这样了,无可奈何啊。点击展开...感谢,看懂了,加分。
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别除了疫苗以为, 目前最有效的药应该是 阿奇霉素
赏 除了疫苗以为, 目前最有效的药应该是 阿奇霉素点击展开...阿奇霉素是较厉害的治疗呼吸道感染的抗生素了吧。看来H1N1还挺严重。
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别Know the Difference between aCold and H1N1 Flu Symptoms:SymptomColdH1N1 FluFeverFever is rare with a cold. Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the H1N1 flu.CoughingA hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the H1N1 flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). AchesSlight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. Severe aches and pains are common with the H1N1 flu.Stuffy NoseStuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu.ChillsChills are uncommon with a cold. 60% of people who have the H1N1 flu experience chills. TirednessTiredness is fairly mild with a cold. Tiredness is moderate to severe with the H1N1 flu.SneezingSneezing is commonly present with a cold. Sneezing is not common with the H1N1 flu.Sudden SymptomsCold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. The H1N1 flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. HeadacheA headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. A headache is very common with the H1N1 flu, present in 80% of flu cases.Sore ThroatSore throat is commonly present with a cold. Sore throat is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. Chest DiscomfortChest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. Chest discomfort is often severe with the H1N1 flu. The only way to stop the spread of the epidemic is to spread the awareness.<IMG id=ecxecxecxecxecxMA1.1256414088 height=1 width=1 border=0><IMG id=ecxecxecxecxecxMA2.1256414088 height=1 width=1 border=0>点击展开...好像发对照表要用发表的那个图标才可以
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别我在国内,现在国内的情况也比较严重了,很多学校已经停课,本来这周末是我大学校庆,今天也收到通知因为有病例而临时叫停。我儿子上周四开始发烧,带去医院看,我问是否要测一下HINI,医生说除了了特别严重的症状的都不测了,一律当作普通上感或流感治疗,给开了3天的阿奇霉素,退烧药,还有一种治疗上感的中成药。昨天晚上退烧了,今天去学校前还按照要求到区卫生院开复课证明。刚才按上面的症状对比了一下,觉得我儿子很象是H1N1啊。感觉现在国内也没法较真了,如果按照刚开始传播时那么搞,所有的学校和企业都得关。
89年的3月,一个诗人死去,89年的6月,一群人的灵魂死去;但是每年的某一天,他们都会回来,在世界中心的高地,建一所小屋------面朝大海,春暖花开回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别阿奇霉素是红霉素族的主治肺部感染,看来这种流感容易引起肺部感染。我家人有医生,据他们说国内80%的感冒应该都是猪流感,只是中国人的基因原因,对病毒的抵抗能力较强,所以症状较弱,白人表现得症状更严重。
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别我在国内,现在国内的情况也比较严重了,很多学校已经停课,本来这周末是我大学校庆,今天也收到通知因为有病例而临时叫停。我儿子上周四开始发烧,带去医院看,我问是否要测一下HINI,医生说除了了特别严重的症状的都不测了,一律当作普通上感或流感治疗,给开了3天的阿奇霉素,退烧药,还有一种治疗上感的中成药。。点击展开...请问那种治疗上感的中成药叫什么?我女儿有点低烧,还没有去看医生。谢谢并祝福。
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别谢谢牛姐姐分享!
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别请问那种治疗上感的中成药叫什么?我女儿有点低烧,还没有去看医生。谢谢并祝福。点击展开...不好意思,今天白天都没上来,现在才看到你的问题。开的中成药是“银黄颗粒”冲剂。
89年的3月,一个诗人死去,89年的6月,一群人的灵魂死去;但是每年的某一天,他们都会回来,在世界中心的高地,建一所小屋------面朝大海,春暖花开回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别小儿上周也突然发烧,干咳,最后几天说胸口有点痛,症状很像H1N1,偶也给他吃了3天的阿齐霉素好了。其实后来才知道,政府准备了两种免费的专门针对H1N1的药,找医生开个药方,去pharmacy领就可以。听说很有效的,只记得其中一种的名字叫Tamiflu,有需要的朋友可以参考一下。
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871不好意思,今天白天都没上来,现在才看到你的问题。开的中成药是“银黄颗粒”冲剂。点击展开...谢谢你!我记住了,下次回国买备用药时,带上"银黄颗粒”。女儿已经不烧了,看样子像普通感冒!感谢神!
回复: 分享:普通感冒和H1N1的差别参考:甲流与普流的区别 H1N1新型流感vs 一般感冒 甲:3-6小时会急速发高烧(37.8度以上),且会急速的全身性肌肉酸痛一般:逐渐发烧及全身性肌肉酸痛 甲:约80%以上会有严重的头痛 一般:轻微的头痛 甲:无流鼻涕但有咳嗽及喉咙痛 一般:流鼻涕及咳嗽甲:几乎有打喷嚏(较不常)一般: 打喷嚏 甲:37.8度以上的高烧会持续3-4天一般: 偶会发高烧甲:严重的全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛 一般:轻微的全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛 甲:大多数的人会有发烧恶寒 一般:偶会有恶寒 甲:持续会有严重的疲劳感与弱一般: 轻微的疲劳感 甲:扁桃腺不会肿一般: 扁桃腺会肿甲:会有严重的胸部压迫感 一般:无胸部压迫感
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