加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息退房通知
要提前一个月向manager书面提出不再续租apartment通知,不知哪位同学可以提供这个英文的通知格式。 谢谢!
回复: 退房通知要提前一个月向manager书面提出不再续租apartment通知,不知哪位同学可以提供这个英文的通知格式。 谢谢!点击展开...30 Day Notice to LandlordDate (dd/mm/yyyy): _____________________Landlord's Name: _______________________Address of Rental Unit:______________________________________________________________________________According to the terms of my lease requiring a 30 day notice, you are hereby advised of my intent to vacate the premises on or before this date __________. I will be cleaning the apartment as to leave it in a good condition. Please send me any specific move out cleaning instructions if you have any. I will remove my personal belongings and turn in my keys on or before __________. Please send me an invoice for the prorated rent amount that will be due on __________.I would appreciate the return of my security deposit within 30 THIRTY days after I have vacated my apartment. The forwarding address for the return of my security deposit is:______________________________________________________________________________If you have any questions, please phone me at ____________________._________________________Tenant’s SignatureTenant's Name: _________________________先说不用谢了!!! 呵...
赏 30 Day Notice to Landlord Date (dd/mm/yyyy): _____________________ Landlord's Name: _______________________ Address of Rental Unit:______________________________________________________________________________ According to the terms of my lease requiring a 30 day notice, you are hereby advised of my intent to vacate the premises on or before this date __________. I will be cleaning the apartment as to leave it in a good condition. Please send me any specific move out cleaning instructions if you have any. I will remove my personal belongings and turn in my keys on or before __________. Please send me an invoice for the prorated rent amount that will be due on __________. I would appreciate the return of my security deposit within 30 THIRTY days after I have vacated my apartment. The forwarding address for the return of my security deposit is:______________________________________________________________________________ If you have any questions, please phone me at ____________________. _________________________Tenant’s Signature Tenant's Name: _________________________ 先说不用谢了!!! 呵...点击展开...加sw
回复: 退房通知没有什么格式,写清楚哪天要搬走就行了。自己留一份复印件。To whom it may concern,I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be moving out on xxx.Apartment number: xxxName: xxxYour signatureDate
回复: 退房通知没有什么格式,写清楚哪天要搬走就行了。自己留一份复印件。To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be moving out on xxx. Apartment number: xxxName: xxx Your signatureDate点击展开...加sw
回复: 退房通知留下备用。加分感谢。
回复: 退房通知好贴
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