加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题


今日有两个10岁女孩失踪。2 girls, both 10, missing in VancouverLast Updated: Monday, November 30, 2009 | 5:53 PM PT Chloe Zhu, left, and Deanna Lloyd were last seen about midday Monday near their school in southeast Vancouver. (Vancouver Police handout) Police with tracking dogs are searching a wooded area in the southeast Vancouver for two missing 10-year-old girls.Deanna Lloyd and Chloe Zhu were last seen at 12:30 p.m. PT Monday on the grounds of Captain James Cook Elementary School, located in the Champlain Heights area of Vancouver, according to a police release.It is believed that the girls may have gone into a wooded area that forms part of the neighbourhood, police said.Deanna was last seen wearing white pants, a brown T-shirt, a light green jacket and dark brown boots. She has brown eyes and light brown, shoulder-length hair.Chloe was last seen wearing blue jeans, a light green shirt, a blue winter jacket, and pink boots. She has long black hair and dark brown eyes.Police asked that anyone spotting the girls to call 911 immediately.http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2009/11/30/bc-vancouver-girls-missing.html

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题太可怕了,担心。

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回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题难怪傍晚这一带一直有直升飞机盘旋。

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题和我女儿同一个学校。

。。。回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题找到了。Two 10-year-old girls, who police believe ran away intentionally, were found at 8:30 p.m. eight hours after they went missing.

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题找到了。 Two 10-year-old girls, who police believe ran away intentionally, were found at 8:30 p.m. eight hours after they went missing.点击展开...这得好好教育教育!找到了就好!

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题有惊无险

香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题真让家长担心啊!

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题怎么回事肯定不是拐卖的吧

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题找到了。 Two 10-year-old girls, who police believe ran away intentionally, were found at 8:30 p.m. eight hours after they went missing.点击展开...有没有说那2孩子干嘛去了?

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题没说。METRO VANCOUVER - A massive search for two 10-year-old girls ended at about 8:30 p.m. Monday when the girls were found near a grocery store in a strip mall in Burnaby, police said.Police, police dogs and residents scoured the area around Captain James Cook elementary school in the Champlain Heights neighbourhood of Vancouver after Deanna Lloyd and Chloe Zhu were reported missing. They had been seen near the wooded area at their school at 12:30 p.m. Before they went missing.Some people who heard the girls descriptions in the media phoned police with tips, leading police to search near Byrne Road and Marine Way, where they found the girls. Police say they ran away intentionally.Vancouver Police Const. Lindsay Houghton said it appears Deanna Lloyd and Chloe Zhu ran away from home and there was no indication criminal involvement factored into their disappearance.The girls were last seen at the south-end corner of the grounds at Captain James Cook elementary school, at 3340 East 54th Avenue. The neighbourhood is dotted with heavily forested parks and is near the Fraser Golf Course."It's very very heavily wooded so it presents a challenge for searchers ... if the people you're searching for don't want to be found," he said of the massive search earlier today.Neighbourhood residents Wayne and Tina Maskall, and their daughter, Kylea, were searching the area with flashlights.The couple said homeless people used to live in the woods near the school but had been pushed out.They said they'll no longer allow their daughter to walk to school.The school yard has a fence with several built-in openings that lead to the woods.Houghton said earlier that the girls had winter boots and jackets, but concern increased as the night got colder."Our concern is they're going to start getting hungry and getting cold ... we're really worried for their safety and their well-being," he said.Houghton said police don't know yet why the girls would run away, noting there isn't any indication it had to do with issues at home or school. Their parents, he said, were shocked the girls had run away. Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题找到就好!愿所有的孩子都安全,平安!

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题这两孩子也真是!另外,佩服她们的腿功夫,能溜达8小时??

回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题不只是吓坏他们的家人,所有看到协寻通知的人都会很紧张。

温哥华奶爸回复: 孩子家长们千万注意孩子的安全问题还有晚上过马路一定要小心,天黑雨大,开车的时候看到穿黑衣的人过马路,如果不是看见黄闪灯,根本看不清,所以一定要小心,别以为自己按了灯就安全了,过之前要注意两边。

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