加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题ask them to send you the photos also, try to think who drove the car those two days
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题ask them to send you the photos also, try to think who drove the car those two days点击展开...----------------------Thanks. 他们说我可以去看照片,我说如果车型和颜色不对咋办,他们说只有牌照号码。看来必须去一趟了。从来没有人用过我的车,而且看记录当时我一次在上班,一次在家看电视。
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题if you can provide enough evidence, they would be able to let you pass... but again, if its only 7.80, you might as well just pay for it, the time you spend going to their office and stuff like that might cost you more...also if you believe this is not you, yet someone is using your plate number, you might want to think about reporting to police or ICBC for investigation
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题这里套牌的情况好像不多吧?
混在大温BC, Bring Cash!QE to the infinity!if you can provide enough evidence, they would be able to let you pass... but again, if its only 7.80, you might as well just pay for it, the time you spend going to their office and stuff like that might cost you more... also if you believe this is not you, yet someone is using your plate number, you might want to think about reporting to police or ICBC for investigation点击展开...-----------------谢谢~~~ 我怕这次交了钱,下次还来账单就更被动了。唉,去一趟的油 费也是差不多了~~
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题这里套牌的情况好像不多吧?点击展开... ---------------------------是啊,我也担心有套牌的 所以要去一趟。如果的确是我的牌照号,我就要换牌照了~~~
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题换牌照倒是不难,18块钱吧
混在大温BC, Bring Cash!QE to the infinity!回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题走过三次,都准确无误的收到了账单。那个桥,谁如果走过,一定不会忘(很长,且附近没有别的桥过河)。LZ若没有走过那个桥,那一定是别的车的牌照和你的一样。他们的照相识别系统很先进,不会出错。退一步说,他们若看不清也不会给你寄账单。
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题走过三次,都准确无误的收到了账单。那个桥,谁如果走过,一定不会忘(很长,且附近没有别的桥过河)。LZ若没有走过那个桥,那一定是别的车的牌照和你的一样。他们的照相识别系统很先进,不会出错。退一步说,他们若看不清也不会给你寄账单。点击展开... -------------------我查了地图,大桥在兰里,LOUGHEED HWY 附近。我从来没有去过那里,而且当时在上班,也没有借车给别人,我也闹迷糊了~~~真有套牌的?我可是新牌,还不到半年~~~ 是啊,我打过电话,他们说不会出错,有照片的,看来只有带着车险单子去一趟,如果车型和颜色不一样希望有机会申诉~~
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题如果确认没有去过,应该申诉。没有电子标签的车辆靠的是LPR(license plate recognition) 车牌自动识别系统对车牌进行识别,其识别率跟通过车辆的车牌情况以及当时的环境照度和能见度有关,不可能是100%准确。一般是由系统自动识别,辅以人工Audit。407ER在系统之初也出现过车牌识别率的问题造成误收误罚。曾经有过官司,现407识别率已经大大提高。
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题Hello everyone there,I'm very excited to be joining here, and I'm very proud to telling you guys the GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE was fabricated in ZPMC, China, and futhermore, I was on of the quality supervisor during the fabrication.Could you guys able to post some pics of it by the way?? Thanks.
回复: 请教GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE TOLLS 问题Hello everyone there,I'm very excited to be joining here, and I'm very proud to telling you guys the GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE was fabricated in ZPMC, China, and futhermore, I was on of the quality supervisor during the fabrication.Could you guys able to post some pics of it by the way?? Thanks.点击展开...http://www.goldenearsbridge.ca/media/photos/photo_galleries.37.html
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