加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息瑞信女斗小三事件


一个在瑞信银行工作的白领给所有的朋友群发邮件,怒斥丈夫和小三背叛自己的各种行为;丈夫和小三分别回信,让此女停止纠缠速速离婚……本来是一桩常见的斗小三狗血事件,但是重点在于,三位主角均是金融业高级白领,来往信件皆为英文,各种优雅的语法被用作三角恋斗法,让网友大开眼界,将此称为“瑞信女斗小三”事件。开眼之余,手痒的网友还纷纷动笔翻译,南京话版、北京话版、上海话版全部登场,还有人干脆拿这些英文信当例子,讲解起了四六级语法。1。 原配电邮发件人: Zhang, Lily [mailto:[email protected]]发送时间: 2010年2月23日 10:23收件人: Tao, Diane; ; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean;Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh, Charles;Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; ; ;; ; ;; ;; Shiu, Ruby; ; Lai,Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting;Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei; ;Prince, Jamaliah抄送: Yale Yang主题: Dear friends ... Moving on ..Dear friends,After 13 years and 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I haveparted our ways. Yale moved out last week.Dear Diane/Tao Dan Yang,Over the past couple of years, you knew everything about my family.You knew when my kids had their soccer tournaments, you knew whenthey had their swimming practices. You even knew their babynicknames. On December 18th, 2009, on a noon flight, I took mychildren to the U.S. for Christmas vacation. On the very same day,December 18th, 2009, on an afternoon flight, you and Yale took offfor the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets of Bangkok forChristmas vacation. Diane, as a fellow woman, I often wondered ifthe level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to thelevel of devastation this vacation had brought to my children andme. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like for you to sleepin the arms of another woman's husband, other children's father? Iwondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife,that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that wecould get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if youknew you were destroying a family, if you knew your joy would bringendless tears to us.We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Your clotheswere in our Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touchthose, they are disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell.They are the devil's cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9years old, now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get married." Myson, 8 years old, says "Diane is our Voldemort!" The psychologicaldamage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic. Theyare forever emotionally damaged. With this, I announce you thewinner.How do I feel, Diane? This affair is like 10 thousand knivesstabbing and chopping my heart all at once. This affair has left mein so much pain that I don't know how to heal myself. This affairhas taught me tear supply can actually be infinite. This affair hascrushed me, leaving me a corpse walking around with no heart. Idon't know how to deal with this kind of pain. I don't know how tomove on. But I have children. I must move on. Diane, I pray to Godthat you will never have to experience this kind of betrayal andhurt. I wish you and Yale a happy life together because, after all,we are all women and we all deserve to be happy.With sincere regards,Lily*****************************************************************2。 丈夫电邮发件人: Yale Yang [mailto:[email protected]]发送时间: 2010年2月23日 11:14收件人: Zhang, Lily抄送: Tao, Diane; ; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean;Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh, Charles;Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; ; ;; ; ;; ;; Shiu, Ruby; ; Lai,Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting;Cheung, Clara Siu Yum主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...Lily,Please do not bring the personal issues to the public. The truth ofthe facts is that our marriage had been falling apart 8 years ago,divorce had been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known toall the people in the word! Diane had done nothing wrong for herpart! I am firmly standing by and behind Diane. I will certainlyhope she will marry me one day soon!Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in this way isnot going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and ourmarriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. Iam sorry I have dragged everyone into this. Lily please moveon!Sincerely yoursYale*******************************************************************3。 小三回复发件人: Tao,Diane发送时间: 2010年2月25日 10:25收件人: Zhang,Lily抄送: Yang, Yale; ;Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison,Alastair; Huh, Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew;; ; ;; ; ;; ; Shiu, Ruby;; Lai, Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling;Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei;; Prince, Jamaliah主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on...Dear Lily,I understand that you aregoing through a difficult time in your personal life, and Isincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is thebest for you and your children.I do understand how youfeel. Ialso understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart fromthe inside. I do not appreciateyour attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the homewrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart longbefore Yale and I even met. Whether or not I amin Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of yourmarriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless soughtto burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage,which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.Your description of theemotional damage your children have suffered is disturbingindeed. Icannot help but wondering what you have been tellingthem. Iwould think that a mother's first and foremost priority is toprotect her children from any emotional damage, rather than usingthem as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win publicsympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he willalways love them and be the best father he can be tothem. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children'swellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will alwayslove them even though one parent will not be living with them allthe time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach thechildren to hate their own father.You asked me how it was liketo sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to askyou, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearlydoes not want to be with you at all? Lily, you areintelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying andwell-respected job. So why did you spendso much time and energy trying to force someone who does not careabout you to stay with you? As a fellow woman Iwant to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there'sanything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman'shusband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you,cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets achance. SoLily, why would you want to put yourself in thatsituation? Once again, don't you think you deservebetter?I sincerely hope that thepain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn anew leaf in your life. Please remember, youcan lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never loseyourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on yourchildren. They are innocent. Please always keep inmind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve truehappiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.Best regards,Diane

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件南京话版亲戚朋友们:我都有的儿不好意思开口。在一块堆儿过了十三年唠,娃儿都生了两个了,这个臭不要脸的鸟男人还是不跟我玩了,个狗日的,上个礼拜蹿的了。小三子:这个几年里头,你对我家的情况是掌握得准确的一塌带一抹噢!我家娃儿什么时候踢球、什么时候游泳,你个小B养的都晓得,他们的小名字,你都叫得出来。009年的12月18号,我前脚带着娃儿Ki美国度假,后脚你个小B养的就跟着那个死不掉的老炮子子Ki普吉岛鬼混。你个狗日的表忘唠,你不也是个蹲着撒尿的么!你晓不晓得你们两人在他妈的那头有多开心,我带着娃儿孤儿寡母的在这头就有多受罪?要是我换成你,才没得脸跟另外一个女人的丈夫,还有几个娃儿的老男人做这种倒楣瞌冲的无歹事情呢!我们孤儿寡母,也是老爹老妈养大的,也是血肉之躯,你个小妖精阿忍心啊,酱紫害我们!你不就是要把你的快活压在我们的痛苦之上么!上个礼拜我回家过年,没得想到,你的衣裳还那么不要脸的持在我家的房间里头。 我儿子哭着喊着叫我把你的衣裳烧的地,讲太恶赖了!我家丫头才9岁,就说她以后不敢结婚唠,我儿子8岁,讲你是我家的扫把星。我把我家娃儿们纯洁幼小的心灵,都搞成杯具唠!他们的这辈子算是完了,给你毁的唠!你真太狠唠!回头再讲讲我自己。唉,我这刻儿的心里头,像是被戳了无数个窟窿眼儿,疼啊,疼的是一的儿办法都没得!眼泪水么,淌的就跟大河一样滴的!我就跟魂给收走了样的。光剩个躯壳了!怎么办哩,你讲怎么办哩!要不是看在两个娃儿没得人带,我就不活了!小三子,我巴望你这辈子表搞到临了搞的跟我一个下场,还好啊?!婆子:多大四啊,表搞的满到四处都晓滴阿好啊?你我8年前就讲不到一块堆唠,5 年前就时不时的韶韶离婚唠。哪个表滴你我这的儿四啊?跟Diane有屁相干啊?告你讲,我跟她马急就Ki结婚了,你想怎样办就怎样办好了!你把我跟她讲成魔鬼,你心里头就快活了吧?门都没得!认识你我的人都讲“早就该分手了,老酱紫不是个办法”!就连老朱都 酱紫讲。不好意思嗷,把不相干的人都弄来打酱油唠!哎,就算是我求求你阿行啊?你快的儿蹿会死啊? 北京话版亲们:在一起过了13年,生了俩孩子,这个臭不要脸的男人还是跟我分手了,丫上周滚蛋了。小三:这几年你对我们家了若指掌啊。我娃啥时候踢球啥时候游泳你tm都知道,连他们的小名儿你都叫得出来。09年12月18,我前脚带着孩子去美国休假,你tm后脚就跟着臭不要脸的去普吉岛厮混,去曼谷血拼。你丫也是一女人啊,知不知道你们tmd在那边有多high,我们孤儿寡母在这边就有多惨?我要是你,才没脸跟另一个女人的丈夫,还是几个孩子的父亲做这种龌龊事。我们孤儿寡母也是爹妈养大的,有血有肉的,你tm竟然忍心这么伤害我们!你tm就是把你丫的幸福建立在我们的痛苦之上!上周我回北京过年,竟然看到你丫的衣服那么淫荡地挂在我家里。我儿子哭着喊着让我把它们烧了,忒脏!我闺女才9岁,已经说她以后不敢嫁人了。我儿子8岁,说你是我们家的灾星。你tmd把娃们幼小的心灵彻底整成杯具了。他们这辈子毁你手里了。算你狠!我呢?我tm现在是万箭穿心啊,疼的没招没落的,悲伤已经逆流成河。我tm现在就是一行尸走肉了。咋办,你说咋办。要不是为了娃们,我也活不下去了。小三儿,我祝福你,祝福你这辈子别重蹈我的覆辙。祝你幸福,祝你全家幸福。 上海话版本……百合花, 谢谢弄伐要闹私拧感情带到工作高头来.现在额事实就是阿拉8年额婚姻生活邦特了,阿 拉5年前头就讨论离婚了.全世噶额拧才晓得阿拉额事体额好伐.小戴根本么组粗特撒事体.无绝对登了一背后头撑一额,无特想快地帮一结婚噢! 弄想起帮拧噶刚无帮小戴有多少多少坏是伐会成功额,所有拧,才拧得弄个则女拧额,才 晓得阿拉额婚姻额,一拉才支持无离婚额,包括无要好额旁有猪尾.无老对伐起拿额,闹拿拖进来.百合花弄继续呀有本事弄继续好来! 此致 亚 亲爱额小戴/淘丹阳(音译) 了了古起额婚姻生活当总,弄晓得所有阿拉窝里额情况.弄晓得阿拉小拧额比赛成绩;弄 晓得一拉参噶额游泳训练,弄晓得一拉额小名.了了2009年12月18号,无带老一拉乘中浪乡额航班到美国起古圣诞节.就是了同一天,2009年额12月18号,弄帮无老公乘下半捏额航班到普吉岛海滩起白相了,还等了曼谷穷买么司,号称古圣诞节.小戴,同样是女拧,无一直老想晓得,拿册起白相带八弄额惊喜是伐是帮带八无跟小拧额伤害是一样额.小戴,无阿一直了门自噶像弄个能噶困了别额女拧额老公,别额小拧额亚旁边是撒感觉?无 爱老想晓得,弄到底考虑古阿拉伐?考虑古小拧帮一老婆伐?阿拉是有血缘关系额呀,阿拉额感觉,可能对阿拉造成额伤害,老痛老痛额伤害,痛的来奥起话一额伤害,弄到底想古伐?我穷想八想到底弄是伐是晓得弄了破坏一额家庭,弄乃弄额开心建立了阿拉额眼粒四高头! 额礼拜阿拉回到北京古尼,弄额衣裳居然了阿拉窝里,无尼子突乱之间叫起来:”姆妈, 起旁一!一拉老窝应额!闹一拉多到火里烧特!个眼才是狐狸精额衣裳!”无小拧伤了深啊!无囡恩,则有9岁,一刚”妈妈,无再阿结婚了”无尼子,则有8岁,一刚:”小戴就是则伏地魔”(见哈里波特)个窝措事体带八一拉额心理伤害是相当杯具额.一拉永永远远伐会恢复了.是额,无承拧弄赢了. 小戴,无有撒感觉?个脏事体就像无额心八1万步刀子乱戳八戳(千刀万剐);个脏事体带 八无噶深噶深额痛苦以至于无根本伐晓得哪能恢复;个脏事体娘无晓得眼粒四原来真额流伐光额;个脏事体完全毁特无了!无现在就是一具则会走路额尸体(行尸走肉).无根本伐晓得要哪能此理个种痛苦;无根本伐晓得要哪能继续生活下去.但是无还有小拧,无必须活下去.小戴,无希望菩萨保佑弄永远阿伐会旁着个种背叛与伤害.无希望弄高亚会得古了开心,因为,刚到底,阿拉才是女拧,阿拉才应该得到幸福.(个女拧哈虚伪…纯属古拧意见) 此致敬礼!

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件南京话版 亲戚朋友们: 我都有的儿不好意思开口。在一块堆儿过了十三年唠,娃儿都生了两个了,这个臭不要脸的鸟男人还是不跟我玩了,个狗日的,上个礼拜蹿的了。 小三子: 这个几年里头,你对我家的情况是掌握得准确的一塌带一抹噢!我家娃儿什么时候踢球、什么时候游泳,你个小B养的都晓得,他们的小名字,你都叫得出来。009年的12月18号,我前脚带着娃儿Ki美国度假,后脚你个小B养的就跟着那个死不掉的老炮子子Ki普吉岛鬼混。你个狗日的表忘唠,你不也是个蹲着撒尿的么!你晓不晓得你们两人在他妈的那头有多开心,我带着娃儿孤儿寡母的在这头就有多受罪?要是我换成你,才没得脸跟另外一个女人的丈夫,还有几个娃儿的老男人做这种倒楣瞌冲的无歹事情呢!我们孤儿寡母,也是老爹老妈养大的,也是血肉之躯,你个小妖精阿忍心啊,酱紫害我们!你不就是要把你的快活压在我们的痛苦之上么! 上个礼拜我回家过年,没得想到,你的衣裳还那么不要脸的持在我家的房间里头。 我儿子哭着喊着叫我把你的衣裳烧的地,讲太恶赖了!我家丫头才9岁,就说她以后不敢结婚唠,我儿子8岁,讲你是我家的扫把星。我把我家娃儿们纯洁幼小的心灵,都搞成杯具唠!他们的这辈子算是完了,给你毁的唠!你真太狠唠! 回头再讲讲我自己。唉,我这刻儿的心里头,像是被戳了无数个窟窿眼儿,疼啊,疼的是一的儿办法都没得!眼泪水么,淌的就跟大河一样滴的!我就跟魂给收走了样的。光剩个躯壳了!怎么办哩,你讲怎么办哩!要不是看在两个娃儿没得人带,我就不活了!小三子,我巴望你这辈子表搞到临了搞的跟我一个下场,还好啊?! 婆子: 多大四啊,表搞的满到四处都晓滴阿好啊?你我8年前就讲不到一块堆唠,5 年前就时不时的韶韶离婚唠。哪个表滴你我这的儿四啊?跟Diane有屁相干啊?告你讲,我跟她马急就Ki结婚了,你想怎样办就怎样办好了!你把我跟她讲成魔鬼,你心里头就快活了吧?门都没得!认识你我的人都讲“早就该分手了,老酱紫不是个办法”!就连老朱都 酱紫讲。不好意思嗷,把不相干的人都弄来打酱油唠!哎,就算是我求求你阿行啊?你快的儿蹿会死啊? 北京话版 亲们:在一起过了13年,生了俩孩子,这个臭不要脸的男人还是跟我分手了,丫上周滚蛋了。 小三: 这几年你对我们家了若指掌啊。我娃啥时候踢球啥时候游泳你tm都知道,连他们的小名儿你都叫得出来。09年12月18,我前脚带着孩子去美国休假,你tm后脚就跟着臭不要脸的去普吉岛厮混,去曼谷血拼。你丫也是一女人啊,知不知道你们tmd在那边有多high,我们孤儿寡母在这边就有多惨?我要是你,才没脸跟另一个女人的丈夫,还是几个孩子的父亲做这种龌龊事。我们孤儿寡母也是爹妈养大的,有血有肉的,你tm竟然忍心这么伤害我们!你tm就是把你丫的幸福建立在我们的痛苦之上! 上周我回北京过年,竟然看到你丫的衣服那么淫荡地挂在我家里。我儿子哭着喊着让我把它们烧了,忒脏!我闺女才9岁,已经说她以后不敢嫁人了。我儿子8岁,说你是我们家的灾星。你tmd把娃们幼小的心灵彻底整成杯具了。他们这辈子毁你手里了。算你狠! 我呢?我tm现在是万箭穿心啊,疼的没招没落的,悲伤已经逆流成河。我tm现在就是一行尸走肉了。咋办,你说咋办。要不是为了娃们,我也活不下去了。小三儿,我祝福你,祝福你这辈子别重蹈我的覆辙。祝你幸福,祝你全家幸福。 上海话版本…… 百合花, 谢谢弄伐要闹私拧感情带到工作高头来.现在额事实就是阿拉8年额婚姻生活邦特了,阿 拉5年前头就讨论离婚了.全世噶额拧才晓得阿拉额事体额好伐.小戴根本么组粗特撒事体.无绝对登了一背后头撑一额,无特想快地帮一结婚噢! 弄想起帮拧噶刚无帮小戴有多少多少坏是伐会成功额,所有拧,才拧得弄个则女拧额,才 晓得阿拉额婚姻额,一拉才支持无离婚额,包括无要好额旁有猪尾.无老对伐起拿额,闹拿拖进来.百合花弄继续呀有本事弄继续好来! 此致 亚 亲爱额小戴/淘丹阳(音译) 了了古起额婚姻生活当总,弄晓得所有阿拉窝里额情况.弄晓得阿拉小拧额比赛成绩;弄 晓得一拉参噶额游泳训练,弄晓得一拉额小名.了了2009年12月18号,无带老一拉乘中浪乡额航班到美国起古圣诞节.就是了同一天,2009年额12月18号,弄帮无老公乘下半捏额航班到普吉岛海滩起白相了,还等了曼谷穷买么司,号称古圣诞节.小戴,同样是女拧,无一直老想晓得,拿册起白相带八弄额惊喜是伐是帮带八无跟小拧额伤害是一样额.小戴,无阿一直了门自噶像弄个能噶困了别额女拧额老公,别额小拧额亚旁边是撒感觉?无 爱老想晓得,弄到底考虑古阿拉伐?考虑古小拧帮一老婆伐?阿拉是有血缘关系额呀,阿拉额感觉,可能对阿拉造成额伤害,老痛老痛额伤害,痛的来奥起话一额伤害,弄到底想古伐?我穷想八想到底弄是伐是晓得弄了破坏一额家庭,弄乃弄额开心建立了阿拉额眼粒四高头! 额礼拜阿拉回到北京古尼,弄额衣裳居然了阿拉窝里,无尼子突乱之间叫起来:”姆妈, 起旁一!一拉老窝应额!闹一拉多到火里烧特!个眼才是狐狸精额衣裳!”无小拧伤了深啊!无囡恩,则有9岁,一刚”妈妈,无再阿结婚了”无尼子,则有8岁,一刚:”小戴就是则伏地魔”(见哈里波特)个窝措事体带八一拉额心理伤害是相当杯具额.一拉永永远远伐会恢复了.是额,无承拧弄赢了. 小戴,无有撒感觉?个脏事体就像无额心八1万步刀子乱戳八戳(千刀万剐);个脏事体带 八无噶深噶深额痛苦以至于无根本伐晓得哪能恢复;个脏事体娘无晓得眼粒四原来真额流伐光额;个脏事体完全毁特无了!无现在就是一具则会走路额尸体(行尸走肉).无根本伐晓得要哪能此理个种痛苦;无根本伐晓得要哪能继续生活下去.但是无还有小拧,无必须活下去.小戴,无希望菩萨保佑弄永远阿伐会旁着个种背叛与伤害.无希望弄高亚会得古了开心,因为,刚到底,阿拉才是女拧,阿拉才应该得到幸福.(个女拧哈虚伪…纯属古拧意见) 此致敬礼!点击展开...先引用一下。晚上回去看。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件  一个在瑞信银行工作的白领给所有的朋友群发邮件,怒斥丈夫和小三背叛自己的各种行为;丈夫和小三分别回信,让此女停止纠缠速速离婚……本来是一桩常见的斗小三狗血事件,但是重点在于,三位主角均是金融业高级白领,来往信件皆为英文,各种优雅的语法被用作三角恋斗法,让网友大开眼界,将此称为“瑞信女斗小三”事件。开眼之余,手痒的网友还纷纷动笔翻译,南京话版、北京话版、上海话版全部登场,还有人干脆拿这些英文信当例子,讲解起了四六级语法。 1。 原配电邮 发件人: Zhang, Lily [mailto:[email protected]]发送时间: 2010年2月23日 10:23收件人: Tao, Diane; ; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean;Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh, Charles;Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; ; ;; ; ;; ;; Shiu, Ruby; ; Lai,Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting;Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei; ;Prince, Jamaliah抄送: Yale Yang主题: Dear friends ... Moving on .. Dear friends,After 13 years and 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I haveparted our ways. Yale moved out last week. Dear Diane/Tao Dan Yang,Over the past couple of years, you knew everything about my family.You knew when my kids had their soccer tournaments, you knew whenthey had their swimming practices. You even knew their babynicknames. On December 18th, 2009, on a noon flight, I took mychildren to the U.S. for Christmas vacation. On the very same day,December 18th, 2009, on an afternoon flight, you and Yale took offfor the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets of Bangkok forChristmas vacation. Diane, as a fellow woman, I often wondered ifthe level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to thelevel of devastation this vacation had brought to my children andme. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like for you to sleepin the arms of another woman's husband, other children's father? Iwondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife,that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that wecould get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if youknew you were destroying a family, if you knew your joy would bringendless tears to us. We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Your clotheswere in our Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touchthose, they are disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell.They are the devil's cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9years old, now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get married." Myson, 8 years old, says "Diane is our Voldemort!" The psychologicaldamage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic. Theyare forever emotionally damaged. With this, I announce you thewinner.How do I feel, Diane? This affair is like 10 thousand knivesstabbing and chopping my heart all at once. This affair has left mein so much pain that I don't know how to heal myself. This affairhas taught me tear supply can actually be infinite. This affair hascrushed me, leaving me a corpse walking around with no heart. Idon't know how to deal with this kind of pain. I don't know how tomove on. But I have children. I must move on. Diane, I pray to Godthat you will never have to experience this kind of betrayal andhurt. I wish you and Yale a happy life together because, after all,we are all women and we all deserve to be happy. With sincere regards,Lily ***************************************************************** 2。 丈夫电邮 发件人: Yale Yang [mailto:[email protected]]发送时间: 2010年2月23日 11:14收件人: Zhang, Lily抄送: Tao, Diane; ; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean;Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh, Charles;Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; ; ;; ; ;; ;; Shiu, Ruby; ; Lai,Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting;Cheung, Clara Siu Yum主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ... Lily, Please do not bring the personal issues to the public. The truth ofthe facts is that our marriage had been falling apart 8 years ago,divorce had been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known toall the people in the word! Diane had done nothing wrong for herpart! I am firmly standing by and behind Diane. I will certainlyhope she will marry me one day soon! Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in this way isnot going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and ourmarriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. Iam sorry I have dragged everyone into this. Lily please moveon! Sincerely yours Yale******************************************************************* 3。 小三回复 发件人: Tao,Diane发送时间: 2010年2月25日 10:25收件人: Zhang,Lily抄送: Yang, Yale; ;Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison,Alastair; Huh, Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew;; ; ;; ; ;; ; Shiu, Ruby;; Lai, Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling;Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei;; Prince, Jamaliah主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on... Dear Lily, I understand that you aregoing through a difficult time in your personal life, and Isincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is thebest for you and your children. I do understand how youfeel. Ialso understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart fromthe inside. I do not appreciateyour attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the homewrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart longbefore Yale and I even met. Whether or not I amin Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of yourmarriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless soughtto burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage,which I do not believe is a mature thing to do. Your description of theemotional damage your children have suffered is disturbingindeed. Icannot help but wondering what you have been tellingthem. Iwould think that a mother's first and foremost priority is toprotect her children from any emotional damage, rather than usingthem as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win publicsympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he willalways love them and be the best father he can be tothem. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children'swellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will alwayslove them even though one parent will not be living with them allthe time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach thechildren to hate their own father. You asked me how it was liketo sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to askyou, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearlydoes not want to be with you at all? Lily, you areintelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying andwell-respected job. So why did you spendso much time and energy trying to force someone who does not careabout you to stay with you? As a fellow woman Iwant to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there'sanything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman'shusband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you,cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets achance. SoLily, why would you want to put yourself in thatsituation? Once again, don't you think you deservebetter? I sincerely hope that thepain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn anew leaf in your life. Please remember, youcan lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never loseyourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on yourchildren. They are innocent. Please always keep inmind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve truehappiness, and I hope that you will find it soon. Best regards, Diane点击展开...

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件学习。。。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件刚看完英文版,是有点4、6级语法考试的感觉。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件学习。。。点击展开...你学习啥?学习语言还是学习斗小三?

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件英文看的头都晕了

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件你学习啥?学习语言还是学习斗小三?点击展开...当然是学习斗小三,人无近患,必有远忧。再者,三人行,必有我师。学习何妨?!

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件突然觉得南京话还是很有喜感滴,如果写下来看 哈哈


回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件三人文采都很好。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件三个人都不是东西。原配明显是拿孩子当枪使,不配做母亲。小三是个贱货,世界上难道没有“非婚状态”的男人吗?丈夫是个王八蛋,8年以前就感情破裂了,为什么不离?

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件英语额是看懂了,上海话有点像考汉语语法的感觉。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件重点骂骂这个小三,我觉得,一个自尊自爱的女人,应该有一个底线,就是“不要碰别人的丈夫”。如果这个男人的婚姻有问题,那就等他解决完了问题,再谈别的不迟。所以,这是个不折不扣的贱货。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件顺便说下,小三的文采似乎是三个人中最好的。原配的英文,有些生硬,造作。丈夫写得不多,看不出太多功力。小三的表达,非常流畅,已经是native speaker的水准。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件重点骂骂这个小三,我觉得,一个自尊自爱的女人,应该有一个底线,就是“不要碰别人的丈夫”。如果这个男人的婚姻有问题,那就等他解决完了问题,再谈别的不迟。所以,这是个不折不扣的贱货。点击展开...哈哈哈 为啥这么愤怒啊 俗话说一个碗不响哦

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件三个人都不是东西。原配明显是拿孩子当枪使,不配做母亲。小三是个贱货,世界上难道没有“非婚状态”的男人吗?丈夫是个王八蛋,8年以前就感情破裂了,为什么不离?点击展开...

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件顺便说下,小三的文采似乎是三个人中最好的。原配的英文,有些生硬,造作。丈夫写得不多,看不出太多功力。小三的表达,非常流畅,已经是native speaker的水准。点击展开... 同感,老婆表意很中国,老公说得不多但语病较多,小三表达通畅但native speaker说不上。

回复: 瑞信女斗小三事件建议南京话版由贾二配音上传,背景话版由P扑克筒靴配音上传。俺个人觉得南京话被东北话还有喜感,看看当年的《卖馄饨》

  ·中文新闻 悉尼学生因佩戴巴勒斯坦围巾被禁止参加12年级正式课程
·中文新闻 二十年来,联邦政府一直向澳大利亚非法商人收取费用



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