加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息问个坐邮轮的问题
回复: 问个坐邮轮的问题问KITTY妈妈才行哦 帮忙顶起来
回复: 问个坐邮轮的问题只有美国多次签证和加拿大单次签证且已延期续签一次的中国护照持有者,可以参加温哥华往返的阿拉斯加邮轮?有情况相同的朋友已经坐过的吗?点击展开...即使你的美签和加签都是单次的,你都可以来来回回地在美加两地随便溜达,只要首次入境时间都未超过183天
回复: 问个坐邮轮的问题http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=324293 看一下衔接,里面已经讨论过了。坐邮轮不仅温哥华往返没问题,美国往返都成!
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871即使你的美签和加签都是单次的,你都可以来来回回地在美加两地随便溜达,只要首次入境时间都未超过183天点击展开...请问在哪个官方网站可查到相关信息,如果首次入境时间超过183天呢?因为所持有的加拿大单次入境签证已经延期过一次了,所以肯定已经超过183天了。
回复: 问个坐邮轮的问题http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=324293 看一下衔接,里面已经讨论过了。坐邮轮不仅温哥华往返没问题,美国往返都成!点击展开...谢谢,上面的信息都看了,只是看到下面这个case,请看链接,所以想再确认一下。http://www.iask.ca/Forums/viewtopic/t=164645/postdays=0/postorder=asc/highlight=alaska+Cruise//start=0/lang=schinese.html
回复: 问个坐邮轮的问题请问在哪个官方网站可查到相关信息,如果首次入境时间超过183天呢?因为所持有的加拿大单次入境签证已经延期过一次了,所以肯定已经超过183天了。点击展开...这么简单的问题你还再问一遍,延期了就证明你又有合法的居留时间了,美国加拿大两地来往进出和你的签证次数没有关系!
回复: 问个坐邮轮的问题下面是从加拿大www.cic.gc.ca 官方网站上查到的。大家以后带探亲的父母去美国,还是打印下来备用吧,以免碰到糊涂的人员节外生枝。 Single-entry visa A single-entry visa allows you to enter Canada once. When you arrive at the point of entry in Canada, an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency will make sure you meet the requirements to enter Canada. The officer will authorize your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document. If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada. If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document. If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada. There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you: 1. return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer or 2. have a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.
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