加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息激动中,收到英国来电。。。
在CRAIGSLIST上打了个出租广告,收到了下面的邮件:I am very interested in renting this property and i will be living in it with my wife and daughter.My daughter will be 14years old on the 24th of July.Please provide me with the exterior and interior pictures of this unit,most especially the kitchen as my wife is very much interested in it.? What is the proximity to school? We do not like pets and we do not smoke as well. I can assure you that i will take absolute care of this property.Do you have any idea on the average utilities cost on this property per month. Are you the direct owner of this property or the property manager.Please provide me with the Lease application so that i can review them ahead of time. After reviewing the lease i will have it endorsed and mailed back to you.I will be arriving Canada with my wife and daughter on the 20th of April,2010.I will also provide you with contact details of my representative in Canada in my next message.In view of securing this unit before my arrival (20-04-2010),I will be glad to effect payment for the first 12 months rent and a security deposit as a measure of securing this property prior to my arrival.I am interested in signing more than 1year lease. Please let me know if you will approve more than a year lease. I do not know when to call you because of the time diffrence between England and Canada.Please Provide me with a contact phone number and let me know when to call you.I hope we can discuss on phone so that we can conclude basic arrangement.If you require any additional information,please do not hesitate to let me know.Talk to you soon.Please provide me with your contact phone numbers and let me know when to call you.Respond on receipt of this mail. Respectfully, Burke
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。Sofa 野温泉看来没白去。
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。电邮地址:[email protected]号称:John G Burke
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。也就是斑竹真要成为收租婆了?? 哈哈哈哈 恭喜哦
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。good for you, boss!Congrats.
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。典型、模版似的骗局,还激动,谷歌一下吧
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。楼上的几位,看清楚,这可是典型的SPAM EMAIL....套钱来了。。。
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。典型的骗局,还激动,谷歌一下吧点击展开...脑子不错。。。
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。怎么个套钱??
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。楼上的几位,看清楚,这可是典型的SPAM EMAIL....套钱来了。。。点击展开...
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。怎么个套钱??点击展开...一般是到最后阶段,会给你开一张大额支票,多出部分返回给骗子。骗子收到多出部分后,取消开的大额支票。网上这类故事不少。。。
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。craigslist上这样的骗子很多, 一定要小心. 我去年卖相机时就遇到一个, 什么都不问就直接说愿意出更高的价然后让我把相机给寄过去, 我才不是傻子呢
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。呵呵,我也正想说呢。craigslist上的骗子可不少,特别是租房、找工作的。
找工作经历;与房东的诉讼经验;带狗狗移民全攻略等。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]新版面“宠物之家”欢迎各位宠友及热爱动物的同学报道!分享家有爱宠的酸甜苦辣,感受人与动物之间的和谐默契!神犬汤圆的幸福移民生活回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。这种怎么骗钱呢
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。不会吧,到现在还有人上当?
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。一般是到最后阶段,会给你开一张大额支票,多出部分返回给骗子。骗子收到多出部分后,取消开的大额支票。网上这类故事不少。。。点击展开...俺只收大额支票 等到帐再说其他事 糖衣炮弹 俺只舔外面的糖衣 炮弹是肯定要还给好心的主人滴
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。俺没打广告,也收到啦,同激动一把~ 话说英国骗子咋这多捏 Hello,I am in a hurry writing this mail to you.I had traveled to London for an urgent situation and unfortunately for me i was robbed and mugged at gun point at the hotel where I lodged.I was hit on the head but i am getting better now.I am so confused right now and I do not know what to do or where to go.All cash,credit card and phone were stolen during the robbery attack and the hotel's telephone lines was disconnected during the robbery incident so I have access to only emails. Please can you send me $900 today so I can return home. As soon as I get home I would refund it immediately.Please I need you to locate a Western union money transfer outlet where you are and kindly transfer the money to my name and with this address below.Name: **WangAddress: 10 Great Windmill Street,London,W1D 7NB,United KingdomAmount Expected ?$900.00I was told that Western union can be located at Banks,Post offices and some other local stores too.Please be rest assured that I shall have your money reimbursed as soon as I return.Also kindly email the transfer details to me as soon as you are done sending the money.I'm looking forward to reading from you soon,Thanks and Regards.
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。相信一句话永远没错:天上不会掉馅饼,易如反掌之财不会轻易落在你头上。
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。It is called "cheque kiting".
回复: 激动中,收到英国来电。。。俺楞是没看出猫腻。
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