加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教POKER 。。。
POKER主任:1)报考AP,免费可以报送的大学能有多少间?2)之后再选在保送,我知道要收费。3)分数WITHHOLD适用于什么情况?4)取消又有什么限制? 谢谢!
回复: 请教POKER 。。。POKER主任:1)报考AP,免费可以报送的大学能有多少间?2)之后再选在保送,我知道要收费。3)分数WITHHOLD适用于什么情况?4)取消又有什么限制? 谢谢!点击展开...可以上COLLEGEBOARD网站上了解。www.collegeboard.com/apstudents Score Reporting Services As an AP student, you will automatically receive an AP Score Report by mail that lists your cumulative AP Exam scores and any colleges to which your scores were sent. You can also find information about score reporting services in the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents and in your AP Student Pack.The score reporting services listed below are available to students: AP Automated Score Reporting Services:Scores by PhoneAdditional Score Reports by PhoneOther score reporting services:Score withholdingScore cancellationFree-response bookletsMultiple-Choice Rescore ServiceArchived AP scoresAP Automated Score Reporting Services You can hear your 2009 exam scores and send your scores to additional colleges by phone with our AP Automated Score Reporting Services. Scores by Phone and Additional Score Reports by Phone will be available beginning July 1.Scores by Phone:You can receive your 2009 AP Exam scores over the phone by using the AP Scores by Phone service. The fee is $8 per call.Additional Score Reports by PhoneYou can send your scores to additional colleges by phone. The fee is $15 per college. Requests generally take one week to process from the date they are received. Rush reports are processed within two working days and are available for $25 per college. Note: You may also order additional score reports by contacting AP Services by mail or fax (see below for contact information) or by filling out and returning the College Information Card on the back of your AP Student Pack.AP Automated Score Reporting Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the following numbers:<UL>
回复: 请教POKER 。。。晕,一个都回答不了。
回复: 请教POKER 。。。谢谢绿茶! 可我就是看了COLLEGE BORAD的SCORE REPORT,还是不明白前面填报的FREE的可以几所。那天孩子学校发给他们一个STUDENT PACK了,她光顾看她喜欢的东西了,那上面应该有,唉。上面的问题,2-4,我已经找到答案,就是这关键的1(
回复: 请教POKER 。。。问过孩子,好像没有免费的。 因为好像没有人在不知道自己考得怎样的时候把成绩递交。可能觉得如果考得不好,不如不递成绩吧。
回复: 请教POKER 。。。mark
回复: 请教POKER 。。。问过孩子,好像没有免费的。 因为好像没有人在不知道自己考得怎样的时候把成绩递交。可能觉得如果考得不好,不如不递成绩吧。点击展开...
回复: 请教POKER 。。。俺问问了孩子,免费送一个学校,其他再多发送学校的话要交钱。俺知道最后要给各学校全面送的时候,交一次钱,把所有考过的成绩都送到,万一其中有考的不好的,也不能摘出来,也要送。
回复: 请教POKER 。。。还是雪熊“老手”啊!你就是换马甲换太多,都找不着了。
回复: 请教POKER 。。。还是雪熊“老手”啊!你就是换马甲换太多,都找不着了。点击展开...不好意思,选AP考AP俺是不知道孩子什么时候弄的。但最后给各学校送成绩的时候,要用信用卡,孩子也特别忙,俺才用账号进去发了一群,9刀多一个学校好像。
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