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B.C. increases impaired driving penalties VICTORIA ? Responding to an increase in drunk driving cases, the B.C. government has increased fines and other penalties for people caught drinking and driving. Under amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act introduced Tuesday by acting Public Safety Minister Mike de Jong, police will have the option of imposing an immediate penalty on anyone who fails a roadside breath test. Instead of issuing a 24-hour suspension, police will be able to impose a 90-day driving ban, a $500 fine and impound the vehicle for 30 days. The fee for reinstating a suspended licence will be increased from $100 to $250, and drivers will also be billed $700 for towing and 30 days of vehicle impoundment. Failing a roadside test will also mean mandatory participation in B.C.'s "responsible driver program" at a cost of $1,420. The changes mean one roadside test could cost a driver $3,750 before driving again, and that is before any criminal code charges and suspensions that may also result.The legislation also provides for a three-day driving ban and a $200 administrative penalty for someone who blows a "warn" reading between .05 and .08 on a roadside screening device. This usually results in a 24-hour suspension under current laws. Three "warn" ratings within five years could result in a 30-day ban and $400 penalty. De Jong called the new penalties "swift, severe, and the toughest in the country." Announcing the changes at the B.C. legislature Tuesday, de Jong was flanked by police officers from around the province, and a couple whose daughter was struck and killed two years ago by a driver charged with impaired driving. Four-year-old Alexa Middelaer was feeding horses at the roadside in Delta when she was killed in 2008. The driver in the incident is scheduled to go to trial in May. Her parents said they were grateful that the latest changes were dedicated to their daughter's memory. "This does provide a real hope, and I have to say today has been really inspiring," Laurel Middelaer said. De Jong said 30 years of "counterattack" promotion and enforcement in B.C. has got the message through to most drivers, but about one in 30 still drinks and drives, and cases have begun to increase in recent years.
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975回复: 看来在卑诗省开车连葡萄酒也不能多喝了.沙发
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975回复: 看来在卑诗省开车连葡萄酒也不能多喝了.酒后驾驶查得非常严厉
回复: 看来在卑诗省开车连葡萄酒也不能多喝了.葡萄酒的后劲挺厉害的呀,白马非马?是酒都不能喝吧
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