加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息为什么用电话卡打,bell手机还要收长途费?
刚才,用手机打了本地电话公司,然后电话卡再输入大陆号码。结果传来:“This is long distance call, xxx will be charged....”赶紧挂了。用固定电话+电话卡打没有这么说的呀,怎么搞的。
人生就是一个过程,你自己快乐就好。回复: 为什么用电话卡打,bell手机还要收长途费?是奇怪啊!赶紧问清楚,不能花冤枉钱!
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]刚才,用手机打了本地电话公司,然后电话卡再输入大陆号码。结果传来:“This is long distance call, xxx will be charged....”赶紧挂了。用固定电话+电话卡打没有这么说的呀,怎么搞的。点击展开...输入大陆号码之后有没有按通话键?
http://www.canadameet.com输入大陆号码之后有没有按通话键?点击展开...肯定摁了,在通之前传出的嘛。我用固定电话和人家的fido手机打就没有这个提示。刚才我上网专门查了这个问题,bell还真的要收费。收的还真狠,比早年的中国电信狠多了。International Outbound service describes long distance calling to destinations other than in Canada and the United States.Calls placed are subject to service restrictions in effect at the terminating point. Some areas within the destinations lists may not beaccessible by telephone.Rating for calls terminating on a wireless device (mobile), such as a mobile phone, a pager, etc., may differ from a landline rate.A non-discounted transaction charge applies in addition to the per minute rates in the chart below for all calls, other than customerdialled,for each call as follows:Automated:a: Calling Card $2.75b: Credit Card $2.75Operator Assisted:a: Calling Card $5.00b: Sent paid $7.50c: Third Number $7.50Person-to-Persona: Calling Card $9.50b: Sent paid $9.50c: Third number $9.50
人生就是一个过程,你自己快乐就好。回复: 为什么用电话卡打,bell手机还要收长途费?BELL....
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