加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息怎样理解这些英文?
这是使馆的回答:Please be advised if you are a Chinese Citizen you are required, when leaving China to have a passport that is valid for more than 6 months, therefore we recommend you obtain a new passport if the one you currently have will expire in the next 6 months. (You may want to contact the entry and exit bureau to see if they will allow you to leave China with the passport you currently hold.) Canada does not require applicants to have 6 months passport validity, therefore if you are not a Chinese citizen you are not required to obtain a new passport. We hope this has answered your question. 请问朋友们,持探亲签证的人,当护照有效期不足6个月时,到底要不要先在国内换新护照?(如果在国内换还要去户籍所在地比较麻烦,能否到加后再去中大使馆更换?请有经验的朋友告知,谢谢!
回复: 怎样理解这些英文?通知里已经说明了,你的护照少于6个月有效期,如果中国的出入境管理处允许你出境,加拿大方面并不要求你的护照有效期必须长于6个月。也就是说,只要你能从中国出境,就可以在加拿大入境。 经验告诉我们,中国出入境要求我们的护照有效期为6个月以上,才能出境。
回复: 怎样理解这些英文?谢谢楼上回答!看来主要是我们这边出入境要管。
回复: 怎样理解这些英文?还有持枫叶卡的人,护照有效期不足6个月,出中国海关会有问题吗?
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