加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美国三名受贿专家不会左右WHO对甲H1N1流行趋势的


美国三名受贿专家不会左右WHO对甲H1N1流行趋势的预测英国的调查报告说明不了WHO对去年四月至今春世界性“甲流”流行趋势的指导性意见是受美国三名受贿专家所左右,因为这三名受贿专家都不是世界有名的流行病学专家,他们的言行只能鼓动达菲制药厂多生产达菲,而不能左右WHO对“甲流”流行趋势的预测。WHO过高的估计了“甲流”可能造成的危险,是源于墨西哥“甲流”早期的高传染性和高病死率以及1918-1919年历史上第一次猪流感大流行给人类造成的灾难,而忽略了猪流感在那次大流行后病原学的变异和趋于北美洲的流行特征以及一个新的生物种在人群中存活下来的必备条件,如SARS冠状病毒引起的传染性非典型肺炎不是不见了吗? The United States three take bribe expert can't the or so WHO spreads the trend to AH1N1 of estimateThe investigation report elucidation of England not WHO to in April last year up to now the spring" A flow" in the world leading opinion of the popular trend is to be subjected to the United States three take bribe the expert or so, can't or so WHO to" A flow" estimate of the popular trend because these 3s take bribe all of the expert are not well-known Epidemiology experts in world, their words and actions can stir up to reach the "DAFEI" system pharmaceutical factory to produce to reach the "DAFEI"much only,.The WHO led the high estimate of the danger that" A flow" may result in, is come from the high contagion of the earlier period of Mexico" A flow" and high die of illness the rate and 1918-1919 calendar historieses to spread to result in for mankind greatly for the first time up pig flue of disaster, but neglect the pig flue after that big and popular the variation that cause learn and tend sow in to survive down in the crowd in popular characteristic and a new living creatures of Sacs of essential condition, such as contagion SARS that the SARS coronal virus cause not is to be missing?

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