加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Calgary 租房大概多少加
各位在calgary 租房子,一室一厅大概在多少钱?谢谢
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加$700-1000.
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加如果只是一居室呢?
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加如果只是一居室呢?点击展开...apartment,house?
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加One bed share bath & kitchen are around $300-550.it is dependent where & quality.
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加One bed share bath & kitchen are around $300-550.it is dependent where & quality.点击展开...thank you very much for you help!
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加thank you very much for you help!点击展开...You are welcome.I have been living in Calgary for two years.I may move to Vancouver at some day. Are you living in Vancouver ,and thinking about go to Calgary? If you want some informtion of Calgary I'd like to tell as far as I know.
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加你好, 我正在准备申请移民,只是在job center 的Website上看到Calgary似乎提供的工作岗位很多,请问你是这样的吗?在Calgary,主要会计行业和酒店行业是否好找工作?消费水平怎么样?还有,你清楚如何自已办移民吗?谢谢You are welcome.I have been living in Calgary for two years.I may move to Vancouver at some day. Are you living in Vancouver ,and thinking about go to Calgary? If you want some informtion of Calgary I'd like to tell as far as I know.点击展开...
回复: Calgary 租房大概多少加You are welcome.I have been living in Calgary for two years.I may move to Vancouver at some day. Are you living in Vancouver ,and thinking about go to Calgary? If you want some informtion of Calgary I'd like to tell as far as I know.点击展开... 愿意和你分享两地信息
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