加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?



大温地区房屋买卖查询:[email protected]回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?en, its true

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?是呢!!

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?The B.C. government and retailers are trying to downplay a decision by Washington State that will allow residents in British Columbia and Ontario to enjoy a sales tax break on goods purchased in the U.S. state once the harmonized sales tax comes into effect. Washington officials say residents in those two provinces will be eligible for a tax exemption on tangible goods purchased for use outside of the state, such as clothing or electronics, once the HST begins July 1. Lodging, restaurant meals and other services inside the state are exempt. Washington gives its retailers the option to waive the state's 6.5 per cent sales tax for residents living in areas with sales taxes below three per cent. Although the incoming HST will be 12 per cent in B.C., Washington's Department of Revenue considers the levy to be zero because the harmonized tax is "value added," or VAT, instead of a straight sales tax. B.C. Finance Minister Colin Hansen says the HST will still apply to some Washington state products people bring back to Canada over their duty-free limit and that might temper some people's enthusiasm for cross-border shopping. Mark Startup, President of Retail B.C., says some chronic cross-border shoppers will be thrilled with the news. But he also says retailers on this side of the border have managed to compete and survive with their U.S. competitors despite the lure of a strong Canadian dollar. To receive the exemption, visitors must show proof of identity, like a driver's licence, to the U.S. seller. The state already offers a similar exemption to provinces that already have the HST, such as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec. The news isn't being received favourably by retailers in Washington State. Ken Oplinger, the President and CEO of the Bellingham/Whatcom Chamber of Commerce & Industry, says the tax break will remove $1 to $2-million from Whatcom County's tax base this year alone. "The sales tax paid by Canadians here is being used for our tax base now all this money will no longer be used for services we need, like roads and public safety," Oplinger told ctvbc.ca in a phone interview Wednesday morning. "The bottom line is that in our economy that's already hard hit with a municipal government that is already cutting services is going to look at another round." The exemption law was first enacted in the state in 1965 to attract Oregon residents to shop in Washington. Oplinger said although retailers are not obligated to give the tax break, historically the vast majority have because they feel they have no choice. "When you look at the city of Vancouver, Washington, just across the border from Oregon, there are only a handful of small retailers that don't participate," he said. "They'll see an increase in customers if they give it and see customers that are going to be expecting that money taken off. They'll walk if they don't." David Webster, the Chief Administrative Officer for Bellingham, says the new rules won't change how they receive British Columbian shoppers. "This will clearly be an impact on our sales tax revenue but we're still going to welcome people from B.C. with open arms," he said. Both Bellingham's chamber of commerce and city council are asking Washington's governor to weigh in on the law and is considering asking for it to be repealed. Any purchases coming back into Canada are still subject to duty and border restrictions. Canadians returning from the U.S. are allowed $50 worth of items duty free after a 24-hour absence. The limit jumps to $400 after 48 hours.

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?留学生算吗?

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?太好了,干脆搬白石住去了,哈哈,天天去美国买东西。

大温地区房屋买卖查询:[email protected]回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?不知道要出示什么证件证明是住BC的。

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?不知道要出示什么证件证明是住BC的。点击展开...驾照

不计其数的孩子走在学琴的道路上,千姿百态,蔚为壮观;然而,相当多的孩子还没有听到掌声却已经落幕…… 太好了,干脆搬白石住去了,哈哈,天天去美国买东西。点击展开...去美国买东西不错,就是过关比较烦,每次排队至少30分钟,回来进关有时也要排。

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?严格来说不能说是全部免税,WA的州税是6.5%,减免是在这个基础上的。但各地还有自己的地方税,如County,City等,这部分是不会减免的,当然啦,这部分最多就是2%上下。原文如下 (http://dor.wa.gov/Content/AboutUs/newsroom/html/060810.aspx) British Columbia, Ontario Residents to Become Eligible for Non-resident Sales Tax ExemptionOLYMPIA June 8, 2010 Beginning July 1, residents of British Columbia and Ontario become eligible for a non-resident sales tax exemption on purchases of goods in Washington for use outside the state.State law allows a sales tax exemption to residents of jurisdictions that impose a sales tax of three percent or less. Washington sellers are not required to make tax-exempt sales to qualifying nonresidents, but most do. The exemption applies only to tangible personal property and does not apply to lodging, meals, or other retail services that are provided in the state.In order to receive the exemption, qualifying residents must show proof of residency, such as a driver’s license, to the Washington seller. The seller must retain the information to support the exemption in the event of a tax audit. Residents of British Columbia and Ontario previously did not qualify for the exemption but both provinces are adopting a harmonized sales tax (HST) in tandem with the Canadian federal government beginning July 1. The HST technically is a value-added tax (VAT) and not a sales tax.Residents of other Canadian provinces that impose the harmonized VAT have been eligible for the exemption for years.Six states, including Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Montana, Delaware and New Hampshire, eight Canadian provinces, and four U.S. possessions already qualify for this exemption.The exemption statute, RCW 82.08.0273, was enacted in 1965.

Go Canucks Go!去美国买东西不错,就是过关比较烦,每次排队至少30分钟,回来进关有时也要排。点击展开...常去可以办个快速过美国海关的卡。

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?能证明你在BC省住即可。小孩,良民证的, 有吗?留学生算吗?点击展开...

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?驾照,bank statement, MSP card I suppose.不知道要出示什么证件证明是住BC的。点击展开...

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?别忘了回来时海关让缴税,

回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?常去可以办个快速过美国海关的卡。点击展开...依稀曾经听说过快速过关卡不可以购物的,谁说的我忘了,也懒的去查。


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。太好了,干脆搬白石住去了,哈哈,天天去美国买东西。点击展开... 那就不必了吧,还不如2天来我这里洗吹一次头发免付HST

上海发型师 in Richmond 详情请电:778-889-0899 RayWashington sellers are not required to make tax-exempt sales to qualifying nonresidents点击展开...商家不一定让你免税的。

http://www.canadameet.com回复: 7月实行HST后,BC人去美国购物免税是真的吗?去西雅图买房子,保留BC居民身份,收入报最低收入~~然后常住西雅图,那是很爽的啊~~

享受溫哥華去西雅图买房子,保留BC居民身份,收入报最低收入~~然后常住西雅图,那是很爽的啊~~点击展开...No need to work?

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