加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息nala死了。。。



人生不过是行走的影子回复: nala死了。。。虽然不知道你在说什么 但是也来顶一顶

钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡..虽然不知道你在说什么 但是也来顶一顶点击展开...著著啊。。。 就是那?去年出生的白鎏啊。。。

人生不过是行走的影子著著啊。。。 就是那?去年出生的白鎏啊。。。点击展开...原来你说白鲸啊 8难受啊 其实我也挺难受的

钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡..回复: nala死了。。。VANCOUVER -- Nala, the one-year-old baby beluga whale who died Monday evening at the Vancouver Aquarium, had a blocked airway and was unable to breath, an aquarium veterinarian said Tuesday.After a preliminary examination, Dr. Martin Haulena said staff found Nala had a "unique pocket" in her airway that contained a couple of rocks and a penny.The pocket had become inflamed and was blocking Nala's airway, he said. There was also an accumulation of fluid in her lungs.Haulena said staff members are still trying to figure out whether the pocket was the result of a congenital defect or caused by the inhalation of the foreign objects."A very, very strange finding, one that we certainly did not suspect," he said. "I'm still racking my brain to try to figure out what we could have done about it," he said, at a news conference Tuesday, in front of the Beluga tank where Nala had died.The rocks are a normal part of the pool environment, although staff still aren't sure how the penny got in the tank.Animals take in small particles all the time, he said, but it very unusual to find them in airway.Behind Haulena in the pool Tuesday swam three Beluga whales, including, Tiqa, Quila and 23-year-old Aurora, the mother of baby Nala.Nala had suffered a bout of illness which had lasted about 10 to 14 days in duration for which staff had treated her aggressively for a suspected infection.Her health seemed to improve Friday and by the weekend she was playing with the other whales.Though Nala's health suddenly took a turn for the worse Monday and she had been put under 24-hour watch by staff and volunteers. On Monday night, staff knew by the monitors that something was wrong, said Haulena.He said they rushed out but Nala died just as they reached the water.Another beluga born to Aurora, Tuvaq, died in 2005, but Haulena said he did not believe the deaths had anything to do with the stress of being in captivity."If it is a congenital defect it is going to happen to any animal, if it was rocks it is going to happen to any animal anywhere ... so I can't see a connection. Obviously the penny is a little concerning and we are going to try to figure out where that came from," he said.Although no signs were posted at the Beluga tank Tuesday, staff said usually there are many signs around the aquarium warning people not to throw items in the tank.

回复: nala死了。。。VANCOUVER -- Nala, the one-year-old baby beluga whale who died Monday evening at the Vancouver Aquarium, had a blocked airway and was unable to breath, an aquarium veterinarian said Tuesday.After a preliminary examination, Dr. Martin Haulena said staff found Nala had a "unique pocket" in her airway that contained a couple of rocks and a penny.The pocket had become inflamed and was blocking Nala's airway, he said. There was also an accumulation of fluid in her lungs.Haulena said staff members are still trying to figure out whether the pocket was the result of a congenital defect or caused by the inhalation of the foreign objects."A very, very strange finding, one that we certainly did not suspect," he said. "I'm still racking my brain to try to figure out what we could have done about it," he said, at a news conference Tuesday, in front of the Beluga tank where Nala had died.The rocks are a normal part of the pool environment, although staff still aren't sure how the penny got in the tank.Animals take in small particles all the time, he said, but it very unusual to find them in airway.Behind Haulena in the pool Tuesday swam three Beluga whales, including, Tiqa, Quila and 23-year-old Aurora, the mother of baby Nala.Nala had suffered a bout of illness which had lasted about 10 to 14 days in duration for which staff had treated her aggressively for a suspected infection.Her health seemed to improve Friday and by the weekend she was playing with the other whales.Though Nala's health suddenly took a turn for the worse Monday and she had been put under 24-hour watch by staff and volunteers. On Monday night, staff knew by the monitors that something was wrong, said Haulena.He said they rushed out but Nala died just as they reached the water.Another beluga born to Aurora, Tuvaq, died in 2005, but Haulena said he did not believe the deaths had anything to do with the stress of being in captivity."If it is a congenital defect it is going to happen to any animal, if it was rocks it is going to happen to any animal anywhere ... so I can't see a connection. Obviously the penny is a little concerning and we are going to try to figure out where that came from," he said.Although no signs were posted at the Beluga tank Tuesday, staff said usually there are many signs around the aquarium warning people not to throw items in the tank.点击展开...真可惜呀 人类难道是杀死它们的凶手?

回复: nala死了。。。真可惜呀 人类难道是杀死它们的凶手?点击展开...在尸检中,工作人员发现在小白鲸的呼吸道里有一个肿起来的气囊,里面包裹着一些小卵石、一枚硬币和其他一些杂物。

回复: nala死了。。。其实对温哥华水族馆圈养 beluga 这件事一直有不少人持反对意见,认为应该尽早让他们回归大海。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:octor 2010-06-22#9 酿酒阿J 9,813 $0.00 回复: nala死了。。。可怜的小生命

回复: nala死了。。。可怜的小生命点击展开...用酒厚葬。。。

人生不过是行走的影子赞反馈:龙猫dodola 2010-06-23#11 candy 3,922 $0.00 回复: nala死了。。。女儿是那里的志愿者,看着nala长大,收到nala走的email,扒我肩膀哭了半天。唉,可怜的小精灵,希望它在天堂里快乐!

回复: nala死了。。。硬币在呼吸道里。。。人类啊。

回复: nala死了。。。也许是先天发育不好,不然食物怎么会在气管里。

回复: nala死了。。。女儿是那里的志愿者,看着nala长大,收到nala走的email,扒我肩膀哭了半天。唉,可怜的小精灵,希望它在天堂里快乐!点击展开...孩子?小和?物成樘,可能??得很善良,??就不好在中?办?了

人生不过是行走的影子回复: nala死了。。。一路走好吧.看来凡间容不下这圣洁的精灵,被上帝招到天庭去了.

三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2一路走好吧.看来凡间容不下这圣洁的精灵,被上帝招到天庭去了.点击展开...?是善良的人多。。。 家?彦那???新?铨目居然是nala暴?什?轧啊,nala是拘捕?人犯??呃?膣?的铨目!

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