佛为大医王,佛教就是苦集灭道。发心建一个What Buddha Said?的主题贴,希望能有助大家对佛家的了解和入门。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻Buddha once said:Just as the great Ocean slopes down gradually, deepens gradually, inclines gradually, and not abruptly like an abyss, even so Paharada, is this teaching and discipline: a gradual training (anupubba-sikkha), a gradual practice (anupubba-kiriya), and a gradual progress (anupubba-patipada);One does not suddenly penetrate to this highest Understanding.
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻.................
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻The Buddha once said: What mental fermentations (āsava) should be overcome by development? If a Bhikkhu by careful & rational attentiondevelops the Awareness Link to Awakening based on seclusion, disillusion,ceasing, and culminating in relinquishment, neither can any fermentation, nor any fever, nor any vexation ever arise in him. MN 2 [i 11]The Ability of Awareness is to remain anchored on any chosen object &when this ability is unshakable and well fixed, it is a Power of Awareness!Awareness is a Foundation (patthana), when well Established (upatthana) continually - without interrupting distractions - on these four objects:1: Body as mere form: Just a group of foul & fragile organs...2: Feeling as a reactive response assigned to any contact...3: Mind as only a changing set of mentalities & moods...4: Phenomena simply as momentary mental states...Not lasting but transient! Not pleasure but pain! Not Self but impersonal!Neither neglecting nor forgetting that these universal characteristics arerelevant & true for absolutely all aspects of these four objects, the false& distorted perception of beauty in what really is disgusting, of pleasurein what really is painful, of self in what really is selfless and impersonal,gradually fades away and the mental fermentations (āsava) of sensing,of views, of ignorance and of becoming are overcome by elimination.
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻很多人认为解除痛苦的办法是找到快乐的东西。佛陀告诉我们你必须面对痛苦去了解他生起的原因,性质,只有UNDERSTAND他了,才能真正止息他。 一切烦恼都是增上缘,使的我们趣向菩提。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻佛曰:执着是一切问题的根源。因为无常让我们感到痛苦,即使一切都会改变,我们还是死命地执着。执着不仅不可能抓住什么,反而会带给我们最想要避免的痛苦。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻不管你的贪嗔痴或者叫痛苦有多大,千年暗室一盏灯就可以照亮。如是见道,才可能走出禁锢。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻佛曰:执着是一切问题的根源。因为无常让我们感到痛苦,即使一切都会改变,我们还是死命地执着。执着不仅不可能抓住什么,反而会带给我们最想要避免的痛苦。点击展开...无常故苦,但实际上是因为迷才有苦。执本身就是凡夫的贪嗔痴
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻 A Simple Way to Establish Awareness:Friends, this highly advantageous praxis can be undertaken by anyone,at any time, all day long, in all situations, and at all locations! ThereforeDo it!, Repeat it!, and Remember it!:When walking, one understands: "I am walking.." When standing, one knows: "I am standing.." If sitting, one notes: "I am sitting down now.."While lying down, one reflects: "I am lying down.." When moving forward or returning, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When looking forward or away, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When bending or extending a limb, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When dressing or carrying things, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When eating, drinking, or chewing, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When defecating or urinating, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When walking, standing or sitting, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When falling asleep or waking up, one clearly comprehends exactly that..When talking or dwelling in silence, one clearly comprehends exactly that..

回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻(阿姜查)最好是以平常心修持。如果有令人烦心的事情,那也就有必要去对治;然而有,你就必需当下解它!以平常心生活,没有必要再另外去找什么特别的事物。要注意、警觉!无事时当然很好,有事情来时,提起心来关照,并保持正念,自然能化解一切。[1]P.39你做每一件事情,你必需心里很明白,很清楚。你看清楚,就不需要去忍或勉强你自己了。你感到受障碍或有负担,是因你不了解![1]P.30
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻平静是引发智慧的基础,而智慧是平静的成果。[5]P.103导致你受苦的不是身体,而是你错误的知见,当你误解时,你就被混淆了
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻佛说英文了
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻积木快来帮忙
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻佛以一音演说法,众生随类各得解点击展开...lz行啊,有点儿意思。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻那就从放下执着开始,一点点的放,这才是修行的开始。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻是要UNDERSTAND本来面目才能做到。如果还有迷惑是很难的所以戒定慧三学一样不可少。点击展开...《色戒》里面说是经“惑”而后才“戒”?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake《色戒》里面说是经“惑”而后才“戒”?点击展开...也不错,佛陀也是先成家再出家的。
回复: What Buddha Said? 如是我闻佛是最早懂得相对论的,不知道恶的善是伪善,不知道善的恶是假恶.这就像不知道黑怎么能知道白一样,只有尝尽人间冷暖才会入无欲涅磐的境界.佛提出入世修行就是这个道理.我们一直都在修行,每天吃饭睡觉,只是方法不同罢了.
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