加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大消费者的一些权益---scan code policy
如果你去商店买东西,本来价格 15刀的东西,在CASHIER处却变成了18刀,不要怕,直接去服务台退货,提出“canada scanning code of pratice" , 商家应该减去 10刀,而你只付5刀就可以了。许多消费者并不知道这个条款:10刀以上的东西减10刀,10刀内的东东全免。参加这个CODE的店家(我们比较常去的):Safeway, Market Place, Saveonfoods, Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mart, Costco, London drugs, Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Toys R us,Best Buy, Future shop,Wal-Mart.......Which stores participate in this code? Here's a rough list of participating stores. the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores (CACDS)Shoppers Drug MartThe Groupe Jean Coutu (NB and Ont only)Lawton Drug StoresLondon DrugsLovell DrugsPharma-save (BC and Sask)Pharma Plus the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors (CCGD)Canada Safeway LimitedThe Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company of Canada LimitedLoblaw Companies Limited----------------------------------------------Superstore's Parent CompanySobeys Inc.Metro Inc.Thrifty FoodsCostco Wholesale Canada Ltd.Co-op AtlanticFederated Co-operatives Limitedthe Retail Council of Canada (RCC)Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.The Home Depot CanadaCanadian Tire Corporation Ltd.Toys r UsShoppers Drug MartWal*Mart Canada Corp.Giant Tiger Stores Ltd.The North West CompanyBest Buy/Future Shop ( in implementation stage)2 Home Hardware franchiseesthe Federation of Independent Grocers (FIC)Thrifty FoodsOverwaitea Food GroupThe Harry Watson GroupLongos Brothers Fruit Markets
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 反馈:oldfatcrab 2010-09-06#2 蜡 1,528 $0.00 回复: 加拿大消费者的一些权益---scan code policy头一回听说这个code, 好贴要顶
回复: 加拿大消费者的一些权益---scan code policy实用的生活信息,谢谢分享!
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