How Chinese call White People: Ghost ManWithin Chinese community, especially in Hongkong and Macau, Chinese call White people gweilo, that means literally "ghost man" and arose as a comment on the pale complexion of white foreigners, which was seen as being ghost-like. This pejorative term commonly used by Cantonese speakers to refer to white people, mainly in speech. Some claim that its use can be neutral. An alternative neutral term is Xiren (Xi: western, ren: people).Prior to the 1980s the term was commonly prefixed with sei, jyutping: sei2, meaning death or damnation, to make sei gweilo meaning "damned ghost man" or "damned gweilo. There are different words for different sex and age accordingly, young male white person is called gwei tsai; a young female white is called gweimei, which literally means ghost sister, and very lovely; as for middle-aged or old married female they has a name gwei p'o, which mean ghost granny. They also has a prefix for black and white people generally, that is black ghost and white ghost respectively.
回复: How Chinese call White People: Ghost Man呵呵:)
回复: How Chinese call White People: Ghost ManCaucasian Canadian knows it, they will call Cantonese or Chinese racist.
回复: How Chinese call White People: Ghost ManI thought only Cantonese called them ghost man?
回复: How Chinese call White People: Ghost Man我认识的两个中国通老外,都自称GWEILO,就是广东话鬼佬的译音,他们还说的很开心。
找工作经历;与房东的诉讼经验;带狗狗移民全攻略等。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]新版面“宠物之家”欢迎各位宠友及热爱动物的同学报道!分享家有爱宠的酸甜苦辣,感受人与动物之间的和谐默契!神犬汤圆的幸福移民生活我认识的两个中国通老外,都自称GWEILO,就是广东话鬼佬的译音,他们还说的很开心。点击展开...是啊,鬼佬这个词不是挺可爱的吗? 他们是那样,以前在北京有一个老外还给我讲过他挺早去中国的时候,可能有个小孩第一次见到真老外,说那个小小孩都吓哭了,然后这位鬼佬一掳胳膊:看,因为我的毛太多。其实他算是老外里长得清秀的。后来在温哥华,一个老外同事(娶了一个中国人),他自己说:我们像monkey,毛太多。是不是他们都是这么理解的?
回复: How Chinese call White People: Ghost ManHow Chinese call White People: Ghost ManWithin Chinese community, especially in Hongkong and Macau, Chinese call White people gweilo, that means literally "ghost man" and arose as a comment on the pale complexion of white foreigners, which was seen as being ghost-like. This pejorative term commonly used by Cantonese speakers to refer to white people, mainly in speech. Some claim that its use can be neutral. An alternative neutral term is Xiren (Xi: western, ren: people).Prior to the 1980s the term was commonly prefixed with sei, jyutping: sei2, meaning death or damnation, to make sei gweilo meaning "damned ghost man" or "damned gweilo. There are different words for different sex and age accordingly, young male white person is called gwei tsai; a young female white is called gweimei, which literally means ghost sister, and very lovely; as for middle-aged or old married female they has a name gwei p'o, which mean ghost granny. They also has a prefix for black and white people generally, that is black ghost and white ghost respectively.点击展开...楼主你不懂就别乱讲,根本不专指白人。不论黑白皮肤,非我族类皆 鬼佬。ghost的含义是指灵魂,上帝就是Holy ghost。不是邪恶鬼evil
回复: How Chinese call White People: Ghost Man是啊,鬼佬这个词不是挺可爱的吗? 他们是那样,以前在北京有一个老外还给我讲过他挺早去中国的时候,可能有个小孩第一次见到真老外,说那个小小孩都吓哭了,然后这位鬼佬一掳胳膊:看,因为我的毛太多。其实他算是老外里长得清秀的。后来在温哥华,一个老外同事(娶了一个中国人),他自己说:我们像monkey,毛太多。是不是他们都是这么理解的?点击展开...呵呵,我小时候认为他们是金丝猴变的
找工作经历;与房东的诉讼经验;带狗狗移民全攻略等。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]新版面“宠物之家”欢迎各位宠友及热爱动物的同学报道!分享家有爱宠的酸甜苦辣,感受人与动物之间的和谐默契!神犬汤圆的幸福移民生活上帝就是Holy ghost。不是邪恶鬼evil点击展开...呃?一直很迷糊。。。该看的英文的慢?上?的是holy spirit
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