加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息入籍申请表寄回来,要重新递交..请大家来帮帮.
半年前递的入籍申请表..因为付款方式错误,还有相片名字签在背面...现在整份表格返回,但盖了个章,,现在要求UPDATE 地址和 在加拿大的时间要算到我现在重新填表的日期,重新计算..那么我是要再填一份新的表格吗,还是在原来盖章的表格上改? 那么申请又变重新开始?? 如果重新填一份,和原来那份盖了章的表,,我也一起寄回去,会不会接着时间去排队?? 还有办公室要求:payment of the appropriate fees. please refer to the enclosed information concerning payment of fees. fee for adults is $200.00; fee for children under the age of 18 is $100.00. we are unable to accept cash, credit card and money order payments. update all information on your form, including addresses, absences from canada, and the prohibitions declaration. your application must then be re-signed and re-dated using the current date and must be received in our office within 90 days of the date on which it was signed and dated. your signature on the white signature strip of each photograph. please ensure that your signature does not extend ouside the white signature area. use your usual signature; do not print. note: children under the age of 14 do not have to sign their photographs. do not sign your child's photographs.
回复: 入籍申请表寄回来,要重新递交..请大家来帮帮.我的理解是重新申请,LZ被耽误了半年多的时间~~~ 抓紧时间重新递交吧,别再出差了!
回复: 入籍申请表寄回来,要重新递交..请大家来帮帮.可能英文太差,印象分打折扣。
回复: 入籍申请表寄回来,要重新递交..请大家来帮帮.还有人给点意见吗
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