加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?
想自己出去走走 看到有个320的总站,谁能告知具体线路吗?
Start over回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?320 --> Surrey Center --> Skytrain --> Metrodown
回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?坐320,然后在surrey center下车,然后怎么去坐skytrain呢?~~刚到2,3天。。。完全没概念
Start over回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?http://www.translink.ca/
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?谢谢,这个地址查过 住的是支路,查不到,只知道附近有个320总站 输入的都不对= =查不了
Start over回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?Google map and street view can help you. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=surrey+center&sll=49.230857,-123.033904&sspn=0.011182,0.031478&ie=UTF8&hq=surrey+center&hnear=&ll=49.188825,-122.847716&spn=0.011191,0.031478&z=16&layer=c&cbll=49.188753,-122.847717&panoid=BJzgL2Iy_bu3CxSYI6bJig&cbp=12,340.18,,0,5
回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?To MetrotownTake 320 to Surrey Central exchangeBuy a 2 zones ticket, use for both bus and train, good for 1.5 hour Surrey Central skytrain station is just beside the bus exchangeGo up to the skytrain station’s platformTake train go to Waterfront station (NOT King George station)Not including the Surrey Central station, the 8th station is Metrotown station (about 20 min) Go HomeIf your ticket still valid (within 1.5 hour, you can use it to take skytrain back to Surrey Central)From Metrotown station’s platform, take train go to King George station (NOT Waterfront station)But you get-off at Surrey Central station, again the 8th station is Surrey Central station At Surrey Central, check again, if your ticket still within the 1.5 hour, you can use it to take 320 back homeIf not, buy 1 zone (not 2 zones) at Surrey Good luck
回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?非常感谢!!!
Start over想自己出去走走 看到有个320的总站,谁能告知具体线路吗?点击展开...楼主住的离龙猫家不远,坐320到 surrey central 站下车,一下车就会看到 sky train 的站台,想要看不到都很难,因为天车就在旁边跑来跑去的,搭乘天车到 metro town 站下车,就到了。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 在surrey 84 ave,请问怎么才能去metro town?Merci! 我坐了下,先坐320到surrey central,一下就看到skytrain了 之前没概念,去了后才知道skytrain真的很好找 谢谢各位啦 龙猫住在surrey哪里?
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