加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤
回复: 听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤WEST VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - West Vancouver Police say they are considering attempted murder charges against a 15-year-old boy they arrested after a stabbing at the West Vancouver Secondary School earlier this morning. They say the 16-year-old victim has four stab wounds in his back and chest. He also suffered a collapsed lung, but is in stable condition. The attack is believed to have happened around 11:30 a.m. on the school grounds. The suspect was located not far from where the incident happened within minutes of police receiving the call. Police say they recovered an undisclosed weapon at the scene. Investigators have confirmed the suspect and victim are both students at West Vancouver Secondary School, but they still don't know if the two knew each other, or what could have motivated the attack. The incident is not being linked to death threats that were written on a wall at that same school last week. Cpl. Johal with West Vancouver Police says they have not found any evidence to link the two cases so far. There were a number of witnesses to the stabbing, and police will be talking to them throughout the day. If you have any information about the incident, you are asked to call the West Vancouver Police at 604-925-7300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).没人在这个学校?
回复: 听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤就是校园围墙出现死亡名单那个学校?
回复: 听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤我记得坛子里是有挺多人在这学校读书的。怎么西温中学这段时间这么多事呀?怕怕。。。
回复: 听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤我记得坛子里是有挺多人在这学校读书的。怎么西温中学这段时间这么多事呀?怕怕。。。点击展开... 是的。不过好像和种族仇杀没什么关系。 “该中学不久前曾惊现含有死亡恐吓的涂鸦。10月13日,西温哥华中学南边一幅外墙,惊现「10月19日,12人会死」(On Oct.19, twelve people will die)的恐吓字句,惊动警方介入调查,也令该校三成半学生在10月19日不敢回校上课。此案尚在调查之中,不料又发生了持刀伤人案。但警方表示,目前尚无证据显示周五的案件同恐吓涂鸦有关。 有传闻指出,案发起因可能同一个少女有关,该少女的哥哥可能就是涉案两人的其中一人。在周五下午,有一个自称是被刺伤学生的妹妹,称她就读第12班的哥哥,跟另外一个学生发生争执,之后遭对方刺伤。”
回复: 听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤双方都是白人
回复: 听说西温中学一个学生被另一学生刺伤今天明报有登
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