加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新买的房子,DSC防盗系统的trouble灯老叫,不知道
回复: 新买的房子,DSC防盗系统的trouble灯老叫,不知道是什么原因?DSC防盗系统的trouble灯是系统故障灯,恢复一下
回复: 新买的房子,DSC防盗系统的trouble灯老叫,不知道是什么原因?这个灯亮有很多种可能,让保安台给查一下吧
回复: 新买的房子,DSC防盗系统的trouble灯老叫,不知道是什么原因?去DSC的网站下载User Manual。一般来说按“*2”看看故障码。下面这段话摘自PC5010的说明书。To view the type of trouble condition, press [Q][2]. One or more zone lights will turn ON, indicating thevarious trouble conditions:ZONE LIGHT TYPE OF TROUBLE1 ................. Service required. Press [1] and one or more of the zone lights corresponding to thefollowing system troubles will turn ON:1. Low Battery 5. General System Supervisory2. Bell Circuit Trouble 6. Not used3. General System Trouble 7. PC5204 Low Battery4. General System Tamper 8. PC5204 AC Failure2 ................. Indicates the loss of AC power. When this trouble occurs, the Trouble light will turnON but the keypad buzzer will not sound.3 ................. Telephone line trouble.4 ................. The panel has failed to communicate with the central station.5 ................. Zone fault. Press [5] and the zone light(s) corresponding to the faulted zones will turn ON.6 ................. Zone tamper. Press [6] and the zone light(s) corresponding to the tampered zones willturn ON.7 ................. Low zone battery. Press [7] and the numbers corresponding to the zones withbattery trouble will turn ON.8 ................. Loss of time on system clock. To set the system time, following the instructions in“Setting System Date and Time” on page 13.
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回复: 新买的房子,DSC防盗系统的trouble灯老叫,不知道是什么原因?有密码吗,按完密码就没事了,如果不知道密码,就需要断电重新设置(不懂的人做不了,找这方面的朋友)或者致电那个公司寻找密码,需要核实屋主身份,或者让公司上门服务,但需要收费,预约上门$60,马上上门,$100。 嫌吵的话,先断电,一般在Basement的电箱旁边有一个小箱子,断里面像电池一样的右边那条,还有一条在上面一排端子的最左边端子。
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