加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求免费学英语的地方


Hi there, will you please recommend where I can get free english trailing on advanced level . I am living in richmond , BC, it is around pacific mall and T&T. because I was just moving from toronto, so pretty new around here. appreciate very much in advance.

回复: 求免费学英语的地方Welcome to Vancouver!!!

回复: 求免费学英语的地方The best place is find a job with English environment or find English speaking friends.

我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强!回复: 求免费学英语的地方Hi Buddys, I have worked here , there is almost no chinese in the company. I have to try my best to communicate with my collegues on everything in english. but I strongly reallize my english is poor. so please help me to find a place to practice english in richmond.

回复: 求免费学英语的地方(have answer already, please refer)Hi friends, please refer this web, you can get what you want for english learning. http://www.welcomebc.ca/wbc/immigration/settle/learn/index.page?

回复: 求免费学英语的地方楼主是问免费学习高级英语的地方, 这个在加拿大基本上都不是免费的吧.BC的ELSA免费课程只到第5级, 离advanced还有十万八千里.

回复: 求免费学英语的地方是新移民就有免费学习的地方,你是新移民吗?

以日月星辰为伴,以沧海桑田为欢楼主是问免费学习高级英语的地方, 这个在加拿大基本上都不是免费的吧.BC的ELSA免费课程只到第5级, 离advanced还有十万八千里.点击展开...my LINC level are level 4 3 years back, so all the level above 4 are all advance for me. and in fact, I have no problem with writing and reading, speaking and hearing are only my concerns. or you guys have some secret place for practicing your english, appreciate to have me in.

回复: 求免费学英语的地方my LINC level are level 4 3 years back, so all the level above 4 are all advance for me. and in fact, I have no problem with writing and reading, speaking and hearing are only my concerns. or you guys have some secret place for practicing your english, appreciate to have me in.点击展开...Get some people who are interested in practicing English while sports or other activities together. you all can practice together in English while exercise.

Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)Hi there, will you please recommend where I can get free english trailing on advanced level . I am living in richmond , BC, it is around pacific mall and T&T. because I was just moving from toronto, so pretty new around here. appreciate very much in advance.点击展开...你这段有好多语法错误和拼写错误

回复: 求免费学英语的地方Get some people who are interested in practicing English while sports or other activities together. you all can practice together in English while exercise.点击展开...这段也是错误百出

回复: 求免费学英语的地方The best place is find a job with English environment or find English speaking friends.点击展开...语法错误

回复: 求免费学英语的地方这段也是错误百出点击展开...So that's why we need more practice.The important thing is not just pointing out the wrong, correcting it might help more.

Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)So that's why we need more practice. The important thing is not just pointing out the wrong, correcting it might help more.点击展开...这句还是有错误

回复: 求免费学英语的地方这句还是有错误点击展开...英语中句号的用法和中文有些差别。如果以中文的方式来说明上面的错误,这句话也有错误。按一般英语理解,上面的应该是两句话,因此,如果只引用一句(比如第一行),“这句还是有错误“似乎没什么问题(如果加上句号的话)。如果引用两句话,似乎可以说:“这段话还是有错误。”“这段话还是有错误。”是不是就完全对了呢?我觉得是没问题的。但如果做语义语法分析,还是可以改正的:既然是讨论语法,这里可以狭义理解为文章的段落或句子,要么说“这两句(话)还是有错误。如果是指其中一句有错误而不是全部的话,似乎应该这样说:“(在)这两句(话)中还是有错误。”似乎越改越嗦,想想还有很多需要推敲的地方。anyway,从语言的通俗高效来看,在我看来,“这段话还是有错误。”应该是可以接受的。

Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)回复: 求免费学英语的地方“I read me (my)sentences again and really found an error, (.)p (P)lease tell me if you found more.”

回复: 求免费学英语的地方The important thing is not just pointing out the wrongs,(and) correcting (them) might help (me) more.这还是一句话,不是一段话。

回复: 求免费学英语的地方The important thing is not just pointing out the wrongs,(and) correcting (them) might help (me) more.这还是一句话,不是一段话。点击展开...That makes sense. Thanks Hundred!. (I think it still works instead of them, don't you think so?)

Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)That makes sense. Thanks Hundred!. (I think it still works instead of them, don't you think so?)点击展开...你又不是只犯了一个错误,当然不能用单数了

回复: 求免费学英语的地方你又不是只犯了一个错误,当然不能用单数了点击展开...记得不可数名词的时候可以用it指代,既然犯的语法错误会有很多,今后也还有许多可能再犯,似乎是不可数了,所以it也应差强人意了(玩笑,狡辩的)You are definitely right! Thanks again.看看,这不就是免费学英语的地方吗?

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