回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害googlemap可以显示列志文0-1米,本拿比75米左右
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害这么低啊
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害这么低啊点击展开...海堤2-4米,大多3米。
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害googlemap可以显示列志文0-1米,本拿比75米左右点击展开...请教googlemap怎么显示呢?北本拿比海拔多少?南本拿比呢?
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害要是真的海啸的话,政府会通过什么来告诉我们逃生呢?比如会鸣笛之类的吗?
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害这次日本程度的海啸,richmond 被夷为平地。
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害请教googlemap怎么显示呢?北本拿比海拔多少?南本拿比呢?点击展开...不是google map, 是Google earth。要测某个位置,先把那个位置放大到足够清晰,将光标移到那个位置,google earth右下角会出现经度、纬度、海拔高度、视点高度。
长空万里落秋雁,残枫映雪对愁眠。夜来凭窗听风雨,忽复梦还大江边。回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害

回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害

回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害浏览附件185555点击展开...
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害海堤2-4米,大多3米。点击展开...这么低呀. 美国那边的海堤在关键地带建有6米多高的防波墙
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害请教googlemap怎么显示呢?北本拿比海拔多少?南本拿比呢?点击展开...burnaby是两头高中间低, 如BCIT
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害ConclusionAfter analyzing our data and creating out final map, it was discovered that the most hazardous areas in the event of an earthquake are in Richmond and Delta, BC. In addition, there are patches of potentially hazardous areas throughout the GVRD such as False Creek and parts of Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Pitt Meadows. Although the final map provides a general idea of the hazardous areas, it must be noted that further analysis is required in order to better understand the risks of a major earthquake and successfully mitigate potential hazards. Although the final map shows safer areas in green and more dangerous areas in red; the green areas are just safer and not without risk. One must remember that all areas will be dangerous when a large earthquake strikes.
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害ConclusionAfter analyzing our data and creating out final map, it was discovered that the most hazardous areas in the event of an earthquake are in Richmond and Delta, BC. In addition, there are patches of potentially hazardous areas throughout the GVRD such as False Creek and parts of Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Pitt Meadows. Although the final map provides a general idea of the hazardous areas, it must be noted that further analysis is required in order to better understand the risks of a major earthquake and successfully mitigate potential hazards. Although the final map shows safer areas in green and more dangerous areas in red; the green areas are just safer and not without risk. One must remember that all areas will be dangerous when a large earthquake strikes.点击展开...
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害ConclusionAfter analyzing our data and creating out final map, it was discovered that the most hazardous areas in the event of an earthquake are in Richmond and Delta, BC. In addition, there are patches of potentially hazardous areas throughout the GVRD such as False Creek and parts of Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Pitt Meadows. Although the final map provides a general idea of the hazardous areas, it must be noted that further analysis is required in order to better understand the risks of a major earthquake and successfully mitigate potential hazards. Although the final map shows safer areas in green and more dangerous areas in red; the green areas are just safer and not without risk. One must remember that all areas will be dangerous when a large earthquake strikes.点击展开...是不是得看谁离靶心更近. 都是高人, 咱们这里的板块接缝在哪呀
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害真要大温是强震的震中,出现地裂滑坡的话,哪里都不安全,估计就都毁了。如果震中在美国,那RICHMOND和DELTA以及上面提到的河流咸水段的两岸都是最危险的地方,因为次生灾害海啸要比远离震源的地震更可怕。
回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害这次日本程度的海啸,richmond 被夷为平地。点击展开...据说温哥华西海岸发生大地震是大概率事件,也就是说richmond被毁也是大概率事件!
玉玲珑古筝和古琴音乐工作室-中国业余音乐考级优秀指导教师广陵琴派第十二代传人604 368 4658回复: 列治文的海拔几米?--海啸比地震厉害海啸的预测海啸前 1.地震海啸发生的最早信号是地面强烈震动,地震波与海啸的到达有一个时间差,正好有利于人们预防。地震是海啸的“排头兵”,如果感觉到较强的震动,就不要靠近海边、江河的入海口。如果听到有关附近地震的报告,要做好防海啸的准备,要记住,海啸有时会在地震发生几小时后到达离震源上千公里远的地方。 2. 如果发现潮汐突然反常涨落,海平面显著下降或者有巨浪袭来,并且有大量的水泡冒出,都应以最快速度撤离岸边。 3.海啸前海水异常退去时往往会把鱼虾等许多海生动物留在浅滩,场面蔚为壮观。此时千万不要前去捡鱼或看热闹,应当迅速离开海岸,向内陆高处转移。 4.通过氢气球可以听到次声波的“隆、隆”声。发生海啸时 1. 发生海啸时,航行在海上的船只不可以回港或靠岸,应该马上驶向深海区,深海区相对于海岸更为安全。 2. 因为海啸在海港中造成的落差和湍流非常危险,船主应该在海啸到来前把船开到开阔海面。如果没有时间开出海港,所有人都要撤离停泊在海港里的船只。 3. 海啸登陆时海水往往明显升高或降低,如果看到海面后退速度异常快,立刻撤离到内陆地势较高的地方。
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