加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美国EPA关于日本核泄漏影响美国西海岸的监测


Radiation Monitors Continue to Confirm That No Radiation Levels of Concern Have Reached the United States WASHINGTON ? During a detailed analysis of four west coast RadNet air monitor filters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified trace amounts of radioactive iodine, cesium, and tellurium consistent with the Japanese nuclear incident. These levels are consistent with the levels found by a Department of Energy monitor last week and are to be expected in the coming days. EPA’s samples were captured by three monitors in California and one in Washington State on Friday, March 18 and sent to EPA scientists for detailed laboratory analysis. The data was reviewed over the weekend and the analysis was completed Monday night. The radiation levels detected on the filters from California and Washington monitors are hundreds of thousands to millions of times below levels of concern. In addition, last night preliminary monitor results in Hawaii detected minuscule levels of an isotope that is also consistent with the Japanese nuclear incident. This detection varies from background and historical data in Hawaii. This isotope was detected at our fixed monitor in Hawaii, and it is far below any level of concern for human health. The sampling filter from this monitor is being sent to our national radiation lab for further analysis. In a typical day, Americans receive doses of radiation from natural sources like rocks, bricks and the sun that are about 100,000 times higher than what we have detected coming from Japan. For example, the levels we’re seeing coming from Japan are 100,000 times lower than what you get from taking a roundtrip international flight. EPA is in the process of conducting detailed filter analyses for fixed monitors located in Oregon. EPA’s RadNet filter results for San Francisco, Seattle, Riverside and Anaheim, California detected minuscule quantities of iodine isotopes and other radioactive particles that pose no health concern at the detected levels. Below are the results of the detailed filter analysis. All of the radiation levels detected during the detailed filter analysis are hundreds of thousands to millions of times below levels of concern. All units are in Picocuries per meter cubed. - Filter results for Anaheim, Calif. found: Cesium-137: 0.0017 Tellurium-132: 0.012 Iodine-132: 0.0095 Iodine-131: 0.046 - Filter results for Riverside, Calif. found: Cesium-137: 0.00024 Tellurium-132: 0.0014 Iodine-132: 0.0015 Iodine-131: 0.011 - Filter results for Seattle, Wash. found: Cesium-137: 0.00045 Tellurium-132: 0.0034 Iodine-132: 0.0029 Iodine-131: 0.013 - Filter results for San Francisco, Calif. found: Cesium-137: 0.0013 Tellurium-132: 0.0075 Iodine-132: 0.0066 Iodine-131: 0.068 EPA’s RadNet system is designed to protect the public by notifying scientists, in near real time, of elevated levels of radiation so they can determine whether protective action is required. In addition, an analysis of the filters in the monitors can identify even the smallest trace amounts of specific radioactive isotopes. 还要看今明两天的监测数据。单位不一样,一个是Picocuries, 一个是Sievert.这两个单位表示的意思不同,换算有难度。

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。赞反馈:jmhdong 和 phyfox 2011-03-23#2 phyfox
3,770 $0.00 回复: 美国EPA关于日本核泄漏影响美国西海岸的监测这样挺好。BC省政府有没有类似的检测公告?

回复: 美国EPA关于日本核泄漏影响美国西海岸的监测Bc省0.0000005 millisieverts,不懂哦。。。 The amounts of radiation from Japan detected over the past few days in BC measure 0.0000005 millisieverts, which is significantly less than those coming from other sources.

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