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上周去SFU,想参观加拿大的大学校园。但见SFU楼房墙皮不装修,到处裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧! 整个校园看起来灰蒙蒙的,让人感觉在一所大型旧厂房里。后来听说,建筑师是设计监狱的。

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]上周去SFU,想参观加拿大的大学校园。但见SFU楼房墙皮不装修,到处裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧! 整个校园看起来灰蒙蒙的,让人感觉在一所大型旧厂房里。后来听说,建筑师是设计监狱的。点击展开...夏天很漂亮的

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!夏天很漂亮的点击展开...夏天可在暑天看雪山乘凉。而SFU地势高,应该是观赏蓝天白云的好去处。我们那天去的时候是阴天。

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!清水水泥+钢铝+木材+玻璃现代简约建筑艺术

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!清水水泥+钢铝+木材+玻璃现代简约建筑艺术点击展开...的确,室内除了玻璃就是木板,整墙很少见,到处是玻璃屋,真节约呀。

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]的确,室内除了玻璃就是木板,整墙很少见,到处是玻璃屋,真节约呀。点击展开... 节约? 造价比金碧辉煌到处帖大理石的还贵

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!节约? 造价比金碧辉煌到处帖大理石的还贵点击展开...。据说建筑商是为了节约建筑材料和成本,才造玻璃屋的呀。

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!这种风格需要环境绿化好才显得不突兀。 厂房大跨度结构的混凝土和钢筋肯定用不少,特别是玻璃外表的,承重全吃在垮梁上。

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!这种风格需要环境绿化好才显得不突兀。 厂房大跨度结构的混凝土和钢筋肯定用不少,特别是玻璃外表的,承重全吃在垮梁上。点击展开...我们本来是想去大学校园看花的,结果发现SFU校园绿化不茂密,仅有的几颗花树也没开。倒是地势高,天好时,可近距离欣赏蓝天白云。

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]。据说建筑商是为了节约建筑材料和成本,才造玻璃屋的呀。点击展开... 下回你细看清水水泥墙这至少经过3道打磨工序,最后还得喷上氟碳保护漆,玻璃都是中空LOW- E的,而且BC因环保原因根本不产玻璃,价格极其昂贵所以大伙去看OPEN HOUSE时,假如发现大量使用玻璃的,特别是非标的,造价一定比别人高多了去

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!下回你细看清水水泥墙这至少经过3道打磨工序,最后还得喷上氟碳保护漆,玻璃都是中空LOW- E的,而且BC因环保原因根本不产玻璃,价格极其昂贵所以大伙去看OPEN HOUSE时,假如发现大量使用玻璃的,特别是非标的,造价一定比别人高多了去点击展开...哦,专业。我当时看到,玻璃都是三层的:两边厚,中间夹一层薄些的。

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!中间那个。。。是low e argon。。。不是夹的什么薄得。。。家里普通的是空气。。。像这种大玻璃。。。一般都有很多科技加在中间。。。比如保温,冬暖夏凉。。好的基本就是高级墨镜技术,还反各种光。。。

为什么没有我这个城市的本地社区????中间那个。。。是low e argon。。。不是夹的什么薄得。。。家里普通的是空气。。。像这种大玻璃。。。一般都有很多科技加在中间。。。比如保温,冬暖夏凉。。好的基本就是高级墨镜技术,还反各种光。。。点击展开... “家里普通的是空气”是什么意思?谢谢!

[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!是1963年的比赛得奖设计。The design chosen was that of a young UBC architecture professor, Arthur Erickson, and his colleague Geoffrey Massey. The four other winners were William R. Rhone and Randle Iredale; Zoltan Kiss; Duncan McNab, Harry Lee, and David Logan; and Robert F. Harrison. The Erickson and Massey design had been the unanimous choice of the judges, and had met all the requirements that Shrum had outlined in his memo. Erickson's design was regarded as innovative in several key aspects. Its mountain top location inspired Erickson to reject multi-story buildings, which he felt would look presumptuous. Instead, Erickson turned for inspiration to the acropolis in Athens and the hill towns of Italy, where the mountain was incorporated into the design itself. This concept is evident in many aspects of the university's design. For example, the manner in which the buildings are terraced to remain in harmony with the contours of the landscape and the emphasis upon the horizontal rather than the vertical expansion of the buildings themselves. Another innovative aspect of the design was its rejection of the traditional separation of faculties and departments into individual buildings. In emphasizing the universality of the university rather than the specialization of knowledge, Erickson wanted to facilitate interdisciplinary work and a closer relationship between faculty and students. To this end, the design incorporated buildings which would house several departments as well as classroom space. This measure satisfied the practical requirements of both students and faculty by reducing the travel time between classes, as well as fostering an intimate learning environment. The design of Simon Fraser University marked the beginning of what has been a long and distinguished career for Arthur Erickson, one of Canada's most renowned architects. Simon Fraser University was completed in time for the opening ceremonies on September 9, 1965, and was widely heralded across the world as an architectural success. Its innovative design complemented the remarkable pace in which it was built, creating a structure which soon became known as the "instant university".内部通道四通八达,sfu的学生不用担心刮风下雨。。。

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!UBC一样水泥裸露

额滴博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5609139692心路历程大荟萃《漫长的等待、幸福的憧憬、登陆的迷茫》http://forum.iask.ca/threads/漫长的等待、幸福的憧憬、登陆的迷茫.229841/回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!在哪,我怎么没看到啊

优品会团购广告合作,欢迎大家联系我,778-858-3567回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!与自然和谐---------支持!!

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!还好吧,的确有点跟监狱似地~~这就是underworld 4,在这取景的原因之一吧~

回复: SFU楼房墙皮不装修,裸露着水泥和混凝土,也太节俭了吧!少见多怪。

温哥华奶爸是1963年的比赛得奖设计。The design chosen was that of a young UBC architecture professor, Arthur Erickson, and his colleague Geoffrey Massey. The four other winners were William R. Rhone and Randle Iredale; Zoltan Kiss; Duncan McNab, Harry Lee, and David Logan; and Robert F. Harrison. The Erickson and Massey design had been the unanimous choice of the judges, and had met all the requirements that Shrum had outlined in his memo. Erickson's design was regarded as innovative in several key aspects. Its mountain top location inspired Erickson to reject multi-story buildings, which he felt would look presumptuous. Instead, Erickson turned for inspiration to the acropolis in Athens and the hill towns of Italy, where the mountain was incorporated into the design itself. This concept is evident in many aspects of the university's design. For example, the manner in which the buildings are terraced to remain in harmony with the contours of the landscape and the emphasis upon the horizontal rather than the vertical expansion of the buildings themselves. Another innovative aspect of the design was its rejection of the traditional separation of faculties and departments into individual buildings. In emphasizing the universality of the university rather than the specialization of knowledge, Erickson wanted to facilitate interdisciplinary work and a closer relationship between faculty and students. To this end, the design incorporated buildings which would house several departments as well as classroom space. This measure satisfied the practical requirements of both students and faculty by reducing the travel time between classes, as well as fostering an intimate learning environment. The design of Simon Fraser University marked the beginning of what has been a long and distinguished career for Arthur Erickson, one of Canada's most renowned architects. Simon Fraser University was completed in time for the opening ceremonies on September 9, 1965, and was widely heralded across the world as an architectural success. Its innovative design complemented the remarkable pace in which it was built, creating a structure which soon became known as the "instant university". 内部通道四通八达,sfu的学生不用担心刮风下雨。。。点击展开...,学习!得奖主要是因为设计。

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