加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?October 30, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, I've been applying for graduate studies at your department. A permanent resident of Vancouver, BC, I have lived, studied and worked in Beijing, China, Vancouver, BC, Canada and Los Angeles, USA. I'm writing to request a waiver of my TOEFL test by the Graduate Committee for the following reasons-- 1) I was an English major for 7 years (4 years in the undergraduate program and 3 years at graduate school), working with American and Canadian faculty, with the primary language of instruction being English. 2) I also had post secondary education in Canada. I was a full time student at Vancouver Film School, in the Film Production program, from 2007 till 2008. The school waived my TOEFL or IELTS test upon acceptance and also excluded me from their ESL class for international students. To verify this information please feel free to contact the former Head of Department, Ricky xxx at 604-xxx-xxxx. 3) Other universities that I applied to including UBC and xxxx University all waived my TOEFL and also GRE. Most faculties are very flexible. 4) Some Canadian or American academics can testify my English language skills and my academic preparation. Below are some comments by them. Whilst reading your [Dhawa’s] essays, I once again marveled at your excellent knowledge of the English Language...all in all, the report might just as well have been written by an educated American. The fact that you have an MA in English does NOT of and by itself impart such proficiency in English, so obviously you must have considerable APTITUDE for language learning―at least for the English language. --Robert Anderson, historian, NY [email protected] Did anybody edit that [Dhawa’s article] at all for you? It has crossed that final degree to native speaker quality. In truth, it is really quite rare that anyone whose mother tongue is Chinese can do that without growing up speaking the language. You do have a gift for language. --Steffani Pxxxx, Rutgers University [email protected] I hope the above information may assist you in evaluating my qualification and academic potential. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the email. Sincerely, Dhawa
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?好。
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?October 30, 2010 1) I was an English major for 7 years 2) I also had post secondary education in Canada.点击展开...这也算是教人如何免托福,让别人怎么学?
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?放着大好光阴不去赚钱, 读个烂博士October 30, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, I've been applying for graduate studies at your department. A permanent resident of Vancouver, BC, I have lived, studied and worked in Beijing, China, Vancouver, BC, Canada and Los Angeles, USA. I'm writing to request a waiver of my TOEFL test by the Graduate Committee for the following reasons-- 1) I was an English major for 7 years (4 years in the undergraduate program and 3 years at graduate school), working with American and Canadian faculty, with the primary language of instruction being English. 2) I also had post secondary education in Canada. I was a full time student at Vancouver Film School, in the Film Production program, from 2007 till 2008. The school waived my TOEFL or IELTS test upon acceptance and also excluded me from their ESL class for international students. To verify this information please feel free to contact the former Head of Department, Ricky xxx at 604-xxx-xxxx. 3) Other universities that I applied to including UBC and xxxx University all waived my TOEFL and also GRE. Most faculties are very flexible. 4) Some Canadian or American academics can testify my English language skills and my academic preparation. Below are some comments by them. Whilst reading your [Dhawa’s] essays, I once again marveled at your excellent knowledge of the English Language...all in all, the report might just as well have been written by an educated American. The fact that you have an MA in English does NOT of and by itself impart such proficiency in English, so obviously you must have considerable APTITUDE for language learning―at least for the English language. --Robert Anderson, historian, NY [email protected] Did anybody edit that [Dhawa’s article] at all for you? It has crossed that final degree to native speaker quality. In truth, it is really quite rare that anyone whose mother tongue is Chinese can do that without growing up speaking the language. You do have a gift for language. --Steffani Pxxxx, Rutgers University [email protected] I hope the above information may assist you in evaluating my qualification and academic potential. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the email. Sincerely, Dhawa点击展开...
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?放着大好光阴不去赚钱, 读个烂博士点击展开...你赚到多少钱啦?教教俺
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?现在不多, 考过P Eng就OK了你赚到多少钱啦?教教俺点击展开...
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?现在不多, 考过P Eng就OK了点击展开...但是如果当大学老师必须上PhD
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?这。。。不是英语专业没得混了啊 : )
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?贵庚点击展开...虚度三十多载
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?30多了还没事儿读博士, 你想当烈士吧。 pf我是没功夫陪孩子王玩儿了。。。
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?30多了还没事儿读博士, 你想当烈士吧。 pf 我是没功夫陪孩子王玩儿了。。。点击展开...你是没工夫还是没本事啊?没必要在这里装模作样吧。各有各的长项,别人做的到的,你做不到,也没必要在这里满嘴喷XXX。话说孩子王,你们家世世代代包括以后的后代(如果你绝后那就不一样了),都没上过学?都不需要老师?有必要这么羞辱一个职业吗?
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?你多大了 你又是谁的马甲 我见过45岁还在UBC当学生的主儿呢 我都怀疑那位跟人说自己是学生难道不感到惭愧嘛 pf你是没工夫还是没本事啊?没必要在这里装模作样吧。各有各的长项,别人做的到的,你做不到,也没必要在这里满嘴喷XXX。话说孩子王,你们家世世代代包括以后的后代(如果你绝后那就不一样了),都没上过学?都不需要老师?有必要这么羞辱一个职业吗?点击展开...
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?你多大了 你又是谁的马甲 我见过45岁还在UBC当学生的主儿呢 我都怀疑那位跟人说自己是学生难道不感到惭愧嘛 pf点击展开...惭愧什么呀这边就是80岁读成人高中也没人笑话你
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?额是男的, 所谓30而立。 31岁才二次立已经很丢人了, personally.我们家还等我传宗接代呢, 所以念书这种事在我看来没有挣钱实在。 女的我不做评论, 这也就是我从来没有在那位45岁高龄学生面前提这件事的原因。 惭愧什么呀这边就是80岁读成人高中也没人笑话你点击展开...
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?你多大了 你又是谁的马甲 我见过45岁还在UBC当学生的主儿呢 我都怀疑那位跟人说自己是学生难道不感到惭愧嘛 pf点击展开...所以你在这个社会呆多久都没什么区别,完全不了解你自己所处的社会状况。建议先了解一下西方高等教育的特点再攻击别人。40几岁已经算好的了,有的退休了孩子也大了又回到课堂做学生的。无它,就是满足一下自己学习的欲望。另外,请不要动不动就有被迫害妄想症。动不动就是谁的马甲。只要跟你意见不合的都是马甲。是不是有时候觉得满大街的都是谁的马甲?
回复: 罗珠达哇秘密:申请美加博士如何免托福?跟你说了我在考注册工程师, 这是份很体面的工作在西方世界。 你是干什么的啊 后面的都懒得看所以你在这个社会呆多久都没什么区别,完全不了解你自己所处的社会状况。建议先了解一下西方高等教育的特点再攻击别人。40几岁已经算好的了,有的退休了孩子也大了又回到课堂做学生的。无它,就是满足一下自己学习的欲望。另外,请不要动不动就有被迫害妄想症。动不动就是谁的马甲。只要跟你意见不合的都是马甲。是不是有时候觉得满大街的都是谁的马甲?点击展开...
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