新闻英语:中国科研产出2020年或赶超美国 英国皇家学会3月28日发布了一份名为《知识、网络和国家:21世纪的全球科研合作》的报告。报告显示,中国的科研论文发表数量从第六位上升到全球第二。尽管排在前十名的很多都是西方大国,但它们发表的研究论文数量正在减少,中国、巴西、印度等国发表的研究论文越来越多。到2020年,中国科研产出有可能超过美国,成为世界第一。 该报告对全球所有国家发表的科研论文的多项数据进行了分析,并对各国在1993―2003年和2004―2008年这两个时间段的论文数量进行比较。结果显示,美国在科研论文数量上仍是世界第一,但其所占比重下降了5个百分点;中国所占比重则从4.4%上升到了10.2%。 China has shot into second place in the world in terms of the number of scientific articles that are published in international magazines and the country's scientists are set to take the top spot from the United States in the next few years, according to a new report。 "China has already overtaken the UK and is the second leading producer of research publications, but some time before 2020 it is expected to surpass the US," said the report from the Royal Society in London。 While the top 10 is still dominated by major Western powers, their share of published research papers is falling, it noted。 Brazil and India are among countries that are quickly making their way up the list。 "The US leads the world in research, producing 20 percent of the world's authorship of research papers, dominating world university league tables, and investing nearly $400 billion per year in public and private research and development," said the report, which was released on Monday。 "The UK, Japan, Germany and France each also command strong positions in the global league tables, producing high quality publications and attracting researchers to their world-class universities and research institutes." China was in sixth place between 1999 and 2003 (with 4.4 percent of the total) but shot up to the second place with 10.2 percent for the years 2004 to 2008, overtaking several countries, including Japan, which had been in second place。 While the US remained in top spot, it saw its share shrink from 26.4 percent to 21.2 percent。 "China's rise up the rankings has been especially striking," said the report。 "China has heavily increased its investment in R&D (research and development), with spending growing by 20 percent per year since 1999 to reach over $100 billion a year today." The investment amounted to 1.44 percent of the country's GDP in 2007. "China is also turning out huge numbers of science and engineering graduates, with 1.5 million leaving its universities in 2006," said the report。 The Royal Society's findings were in a report entitled Knowledge, Networks and Nations: Global Scientific Collaboration in the 21st Century。
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挤泡沫之绿色环保经济适用男免费提供加拿大移民定居资料的下载~免费提供Friends(老友记)剧本和字幕(10集大全)下载~~~免费上传正版《大唐双龙传》迷有福了~回复: 新闻英语:中国科研产出2020年或赶超美国京沪将吸引全球富人? Six of the 10 cities worldwide that most appeal to wealthy individuals as places to live and invest will be located in Asia within a decade, according to research that highlights how the region is rapidly closing the gap with the west. 一项研究显示,不出10年,全球对富人在生活和投资方面最具吸引力的10座城市中,有6座将位于亚洲,突显亚洲正快速缩小与西方的差距。 The 2011 Wealth Report, to be published on Wednesday by Citi Private Bank, shows that Shanghai, Mumbai and Beijing are expected to shoot up the rankings by 2020, outpacing western rivals. 花旗私人银行(Citi Private Bank)周三发表的《2011财富报告》(2011 Wealth Report)显示,上海、孟买和北京的排名到2020年预期将大幅上升,超越西方竞争对手。 Mumbai expected to rise from 38th place this year to seventh by 2020 stands out as one of the fastest movers. Shanghai is forecast to leapfrog Beijing to become the third-highest ranked city in the world. 到2020年,孟买的排名预期将从今年的第38位升至第7位,使其成为名次上升最快的城市之一,引人注目。根据预测,上海将超越北京,成为世界上排名第3的城市。 New York and London will fight off competition from rapidly growing markets to retain the first two spots, according to the report, but other European cities including Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Frankfurt are set to experience a decline in popularity. 根据这份报告,纽约和伦敦将击退快速增长市场的竞争,保留前两名的地位,但欧洲其它城市包括巴黎、布鲁塞尔、柏林和法兰克福势必将经历人气下降。 The increasing appeal of Asian cities reflects the region’s strong economic growth rates relative to western markets, as well as high employment levels, lower taxes and “liveability” their good education systems and infrastructure. 亚洲城市吸引力上升,反映出该地区相对于西方市场的强劲经济增长率,以及较高的就业水平、较低的税收,还有所谓“宜居性”它们良好的教育体系和基础设施。 “When compared [with] other regions, Asia continues to be an attractive location for global talent, as it offers good job opportunities as well as a relatively easy environment for family relocation,” said Kwang-Meng Quek, global co-head of real estate investment at Citi. “对全球人才来说,与其它地区相比,亚洲继续是一个有吸引力的地点,因为它能提供良好的就业机会,以及相对容易的举家迁居的环境,”花旗环球房地产投资业务联席主管郭光明(Kwang-Meng Quek)表示。 The yearly report looks at the attitudes of wealthy individuals based on a survey of 160 of Citi’s global wealth advisers. Their views represent about 5,000 investors in 36 countries who are each worth more than $100m on average. 这份年度报告根据对160名花旗全球财富顾问的调查,研究富裕人士的态度。他们的观点代表36个国家的大约5000名投资者,其平均身价超过1亿美元。 Assessment criteria included the level of economic activity in a city, including the number of international business headquarters there; their influence on the global political stage, judged by, for example, the number of embassies and think-tanks that they host; and the quality of life for residents. 评估标准包括:一个城市的经济活动水平,包括该市的国际企业总部数目;它们在全球政治舞台上的影响力,这方面的评判标准包括大使馆和智库的数目等;以及该市居民的生活质量。 While the rapid growth of China’s main cities is expected to slow as the government “puts the screws in” to slow the property market, Mr Quek believed it would exceed that of western counterparts such as New York and London. 随着中国政府采取措施给房产市场降温,中国主要城市的快速增长预期将放缓,但郭光明相信,它们的增速仍将超出纽约、伦敦等西方城市。 Shanghai specifically would be boosted by wealthy investors in other parts of the country increasingly snapping up property there, he said. 他表示,上海尤其将得到越来越多在上海购置房产的中国其它地方富裕投资者的提振。 “The focus is shifting people in second- and third-tier cities will continue to buy places in Shanghai it will become like the New York of China. [Property] prices may not go up as fast but still we would expect 10-15 per cent per year.” “人们的焦点正在转移二、三线城市的人们将继续在上海买房该市将成为中国的纽约。(房产)价格也许没有以前涨得那么快,但我们仍预期每年涨幅将达到10%至15%。” Beijing, which already ranks in the top 10, is expected to rise more modestly, from eighth to fourth place within the next 10 years. 已经跻身前10名的北京,其排名预期将以更加温和的速度上升,在未来10年里从第8位升至第4位。 In spite of their meteoric rise, the Asian cities are not expected to topple New York and London, which the report says will remain the world’s two highest-ranked cities among wealthy investors and residents. 尽管亚洲城市的排名直线上升,但预期它们不会超越纽约和伦敦。报告表示,这两座城市在富裕投资者和居民圈子中仍将是世界上排名最高的地方。 The other Asian cities in the top 10 are Hong Kong in fifth place, Singapore in sixth, with Tokyo taking the eighth slot. Paris and Moscow are in ninth and 10th places. 前10名中的其它亚洲城市是:第5位的香港、第6位的新加坡,以及第8位的东京。巴黎和莫斯科分别位居第9和第10。
挤泡沫之绿色环保经济适用男免费提供加拿大移民定居资料的下载~免费提供Friends(老友记)剧本和字幕(10集大全)下载~~~免费上传正版《大唐双龙传》迷有福了~回复: 新闻英语:中国科研产出2020年或赶超美国莫斯科居然也在其中?
挤泡沫之绿色环保经济适用男免费提供加拿大移民定居资料的下载~免费提供Friends(老友记)剧本和字幕(10集大全)下载~~~免费上传正版《大唐双龙传》迷有福了~回复: 新闻英语:中国科研产出2020年或赶超美国赶英超美的年代

回复: 新闻英语:中国科研产出2020年或赶超美国传播这种东西对中国没有实际好处,可能还有坏处。
回复: 新闻英语:中国科研产出2020年或赶超美国看来4年后我不能回流了,在北京生活不起了。
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