加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Think you're ready - Gianmarco?
转贴:SFU要开始了!!! [ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=96GaS9OirB0&feature=relmfu[/ame] Hi Everyone! I hope everyone did well on their finals and hopefully done with them as well. The best part is yet to come. We are recruiting people to join our team in the planning process with this unique experience in creating a lipdub video for SFU. I certainly have very high expectations and there will be great challenges for everyone. After 6 years producing and directing films, I feel this is the time to apply my experience and to make something that I am fully passionate about. Each time I watch a lipdub video made by other schools, I experience a sense of euphoria and excitement. I would very much like to do the same with SFU to show not just Canada but to the World how wonderful our school is. SFU students, staff and the community overall are absolutely fantastic to showcase. As most of you probably know, my goal and ambition is to cover all 5 SFU campuses in "one" continuous shot. Thus, I would like to form three major teams in the planning process: "Business" Team: This team will oversee budgeting, marketing, sponsorships, finding charity, finding feature artists, fundraising, clearing music rights, logistics and much more. Creative Team: This team consists of choreographers, musicians, art directors, costume designers, designers, artists, set builders, dancers, orientation leaders, etc - anything that has to do with rehearsal, leading large crowds and building materials ahead of time. Filmmaking Team: This team will consist of assistant directors, grips, gaffers, photographers, videographers, Engineers (to build special rigs/systems to mount cameras on for particular shots), electricians, visual effects artists (compositing will be needed for certain transition shots) sound designers, editors, production assistants and many more. I have been approaching people that I've worked with in the past from the film industry to volunteer their time and equipment on this project. I would like to treat this project as a real film production project because there isn't much room for errors in the planning process (pre-production). We have about 4 months to plan and prepare everything to be ready to shoot early September. A lot of commitment will be needed to put this project together. UBC spent 6 months into their lipdub video and as good as it turned out, it was still rough (in my opinion). In order to best assess you and place you into the right team as well as assign the best position for you, please send me your resume and/or demo reel (for filmmakers/photographers/videographers) if you wish to take part in the pre-production process. There will be a lot of room for a lot of people to get involved. I look forward to hearing from all of you and can't wait to start planning this epic experience. I truly believe SFU will make the best lipdub video ever. Cheers, Alfonso Chin 6park.comSFU SIAT 4th Year. 6park.comDirector 6park.comRosetta Entertainment Inc. 6park.comFacebook Page 6park.comhttp://www.facebook.com/SFULipDub 6park.comTwitter Page 6park.comhttp://***/SFULipdub 6park.comOfficial Web 6park.comhttp://www.sfu-lipdub.com/
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: Think you're ready - Gianmarco?[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=wP9Kb3KQYxg&feature=relmfu[/ame]
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: Think you're ready - Gianmarco?[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=lCUKzGO7Xfo&feature=fvwrel[/ame]
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