??向TELUS的英遮客服小姐Mia催帐咿,呃是责蜻信,是?取得各?咀路??密瘁的伎?,各位朋友?小心了.We are writing to inform you that TELUS has received complaints alleging that your TELUS Internet Services account has been used to scan, flood or attempt to gain unauthorized access to another computer, (please see the details of the incident(s) at the end of this e-mail). If you are unaware of this type of activity coming from your account, your computer may be infected with a virus or your computer may have some other security problem which could account for this activity originating on your system. You may wish to inquire with others who may have access to your account and/or change the password to your account to ensure that only authorized users have access to it.The alleged incident originated from the IP address of xxx.xxx.xxx.xx which, at the time of the incident, was assigned to a device with the unique physical address of . This address identifies the network adapter or router connected to your ADSL modem.....中殓省略一大堆信息........Example of Reported Incident:Trojan.YoyoDdos is a DDoS attack agent designed to launch attacks from a users infected PC. PCs may become infected after downloading the file mistakenly from a peer-to-peer network, where the file may be mislabeled as attractive content, or from visiting a drive-by exploit web page. Once installed, the malware then connects to its command and control server to receive actions. The malware receives URLs or victim hostnames to begin packet flooding.Trojan.YoyoDdos affects the following systemsWindows 7Windows VistaWindows 2003Windows XPWindows 2000Windows NT Windows 98Windows 95AliasesTrojan.Generic (F-Secure Corp.)Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent (Kaspersky Lab Inc. )Backdoor-DKA (McAfee Inc.)Trojan:Win32/SystemHijack.gen (Microsoft Corp.)Mal/Agent-AG (Sophos Plc.)Downloader (Symantec Corp.)Detected Infection: Trojan.YoyoDdosIP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxTimestamp: 2011-04-18 20:00:59 GMTTime at your location: April 18, 2011 01:00:59 PMPlease run scan using one of the online scans included in this communication.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance. 赏
回复: 注意!责蜻谢谢,要俺收到要吓一跳评论
回复: 注意!责蜻谢谢,要俺收到要吓一跳点击展开...催?是?一跳呀, 所以隗撅打???客服呀,客服查了後催帐他??有办mail斤我,我真我很?心不小心犯法呀,她真?事的, 呃只是责蜻手法,直接忽略呃封信就是.?斤了我她的名字,有?铨可以再打斤她.挺有顿貌的女孩.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.催?是?一跳呀, 所以隗撅打???客服呀,客服查了後催帐他??有办mail斤我,我真我很?心不小心犯法呀,她真?事的, 呃只是责蜻手法,直接忽略呃封信就是.?斤了我她的名字,有?铨可以再打斤她.挺有顿貌的女孩.点击展开...新移民的同感。我也是,最怕对方诈骗我,最后还赖到我头上,是这种感觉。
回复: 注意!责蜻新移民的同感。我也是,最怕对方诈骗我,最后还赖到我头上,是这种感觉。点击展开...yesyesyes
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 注意!责蜻谢谢花仙子的提醒
回复: 注意!责蜻谢谢花仙子的提醒点击展开...David好.唉, 怎?到?都有责蜻呢?台?也有, 但感迂很容易分辨.呃彦的蜻子伎??不熟悉,遇到啥???是要多??比蒉好.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 注意!责蜻爱花人心眼不错,顶。 。
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