加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回
Florida Six L's Recalls Salmonella Grape Tomatoes April 30, 2011 Six L's of Immokalee, Fla. is voluntarily recalling a single lot of grape tomatoes, because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. The strain of Salmonella has not been determined and no illnesses have been reported.The specific lot was packed on April 11 and was comprised of grape tomatoes that can be identified by Cherry Berry lot code DW-H in either in clam shells or 20 lbs. cardboard containers. The product was distributed to North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, Georgia and Canada, and reached consumers through retail stores and restaurant distribution.The contamination was detected through a random sample obtained by the USDA at a distributor in New York. The product is from a farm in Estero, Fla. which has since ceased production of that commodity.
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回吃过了还能召回吗
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回好象不是第一次了,08年也有过一次.
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回本拉登永垂不朽 !!!ABC NEWS
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回本拉登永垂不朽 !!!ABC NEWS点击展开...本拉登和沙门氏菌有关?
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回有没有草莓的事.刚还在吃草莓
Toronto 有没有草莓的事.刚还在吃草莓点击展开...就是,我也在想,草莓洗了又洗,差点蜕皮。
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回前天才在costco买了小番茄
回复: 产自佛罗里达的小番茄因沙门氏菌原因召回顶
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