加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息寻找温哥华打网球的朋友
本人6月份长登温哥华. 有没有喜欢打网球的朋友可以和我联系. 本人打了十几年的球, 水平4.5.本人同时也特别喜欢GOLF 和 SOCCER.
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友带个拍子去球场晃晃,就能找到球友了。
温哥华奶爸回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友行啊,除了能一块买车外还可打网球、足球,我认识这里的这两球华人圈子,可以介绍给你。本人两父女也长年钟情网球,到时一块玩玩。我的邮箱是 [email protected]
理发,广州市、温哥华专业发型师。Metrotown附近的四季发廊:7569 Royal Oak Ave. Burnaby BC tel:604-431-9619, 778-668-9800回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友我才正学呢。鬼叫这里网球场多,而且是免费的,嘻嘻……
5月20日递表(HK case)-26号签收-6月23号担保DM-7月14号IP-24号FN(TCY)-8月4号DM-9月18号PL-10月8号前往温哥华回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友太好了,到时候和你们联系
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友我九月去温哥华长登,喜欢网球和足球.希望到时候有机会一起玩.
08年北京case,6月30日邮寄,7月3日签收,7月29日DM(8月19日查到8月11日IP),8月4日DM letter,8月16日FN 状态14,8月18日主动补护照,9月3日变12,9月4日变13,9月9日变17,9月11日大信封回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友我也喜欢网球~~~
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友本人6月份长登温哥华. 有没有喜欢打网球的朋友可以和我联系. 本人打了十几年的球, 水平4.5.本人同时也特别喜欢GOLF 和 SOCCER.点击展开...4.5水平太高了,呵呵。
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友水平太高,不陪你玩.
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友本人6月份长登温哥华. 有没有喜欢打网球的朋友可以和我联系. 本人打了十几年的球, 水平4.5.本人同时也特别喜欢GOLF 和 SOCCER.点击展开...现在你在哪儿打呢?一般什么时间段?
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友4.5?! OMG!
人在广州,上网去温哥华。回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友我现在在温哥华,并且经常来.很希望找到人打球. 我在国内常打,已打了六七年了. 我住Burnaby,联系办法 [email protected] 或 604-8059886
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友4.5?会不会已经understated? 我在想想要不要当炮灰。我的email:[email protected]
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友本人6月份长登温哥华. 有没有喜欢打网球的朋友可以和我联系. 本人打了十几年的球, 水平4.5.本人同时也特别喜欢GOLF 和 SOCCER.点击展开...4.5这么牛的, 可以当偶的教练了....
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友长凳住richmond就好了.天气热了.适合打网球了.
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友4.5? 直接可以找一份网球教练的part time工作了。
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友4.5...OMG...好厉害...
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友4.5...OMG...好厉害...点击展开...你多少?
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友你多少?点击展开...我从来没有测试过...也没有自己测过...4.5是业余选手中的高手了....厉害佩服... 1.5You have limited experience and are working primarily on getting the ball in play.2.0You lack court experience and your strokes need developing. You are familiar with the basic positions for singles and doubles play.2.5You are learning to judge where the ball is going, although your court coverage is limited. You can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability.3.0You are fairly consistent when hitting medium-paced shots, but are not comfortable with all strokes and lack execution when trying for directional control, depth, or power. Your most common doubles formation is one-up, one-back.3.5You have achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but need to develop depth and variety. You exhibit more aggressive net play, have improved court coverage and are developing teamwork in doubles.4.0You have dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate-paced shots. You can use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys with some success and occasionally force errors when serving. Rallies may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident.4.5You have developed your use of power and spin and can handle pace. You have sound footwork, can control depth of shots, and attempt to vary game plan according to your opponents. You can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve. You tend to overhit on difficult shots. Aggressive net play is common in doubles.5.0You have good shot anticipation and frequently have an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured. You can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys. You can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes, and have good depth and spin on most second serves.5.5You have mastered power and/or consistency as a major weapon. You can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation and hit dependable shots in a stress situation.6.0 to 7.0You have had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels and have obtained a sectional and/or national ranking.7.0You are a world-class player.当场自测,结果:3.0-3.5之间. 现在估计只有3.0了...而且现在体力不行. 曾经得过类似支气管炎的病,就没有确诊过,一直深咳嗽...现在情况稍微轻一点,在国内时候很严重,所以网球就不打了...
回复: 寻找温哥华打网球的朋友哇,你也不错啊,3.5FEMALE里面也算厉害的了...偶这么多年就只是在2.0下面荡漾, 一直跟教练打和平球,离开教练就不知道怎么打了...大汗!知道奶牛什么时候来温哥华吗?
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