加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息大家搞baby shower吗?


孩子要出生了,有人问我要不要搞baby shower,但觉得这不是我们中国人的习惯,还麻烦人家大老远过来没必要。大家在这边搞这个吗?

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?baby shower是在别人家,别人给你办,不是在自己家办,我家宝宝出生前,朋友给办了一次

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?也是社交手段啊。华人第一代移民比较不流行。你可以试着问10人,估计大部分都不知道baby shower是什么。

钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?弱弱地问一下:什么是baby shower?

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?去baby shower 的客人是要带上小礼物的,这礼物是给baby的。事先主人列个单子baby缺什么写在上面。还是比较隆重的。

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?baby shower是在别人家,别人给你办,不是在自己家办,我家宝宝出生前,朋友给办了一次点击展开...可以是任何地方,但一般还是在自己家里,因为你的女性朋友亲戚可能互相并不认识,再说那些礼物在别人家里的话,你还是得自己的拖回来,另外一般都快临近产前,去别人家也未必方便。大家给办的是给你的礼物。据说在这边一般你的SPOUSE联系你所有的女性朋友办这个。

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?也是社交手段啊。华人第一代移民比较不流行。你可以试着问10人,估计大部分都不知道baby shower是什么。点击展开...也谈不上什么社交,主要是搜罗点孩子的东西来,有些小东西一直没买就是等人家送。呵呵我觉得中国的朋友都不会过来的,住得有点远,而且一般朋友关系不是很深的也不大乐意送礼物吧,毕竟不是中国的习俗。到时候就只有孩子父亲那方的女性亲戚了,想想还是不办了。

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?Baby Shower有点像满月酒。只不过是以实际行动互相协助,而不止是吃喝一场。宝宝满月时,亲戚好友齐聚一堂,分享礼物、食物与新生命的喜悦。同时也替(新手)妈妈分担忧喜与相关用品,小宝宝初生的用品之多之繁,相信一场分享聚会也可以帮忙碌的家庭打气。另外还有男性结婚前夕的单身派对(bachelor party)与女性的新娘之夜(bridal shower)。戏谑居多。记得之前我带了好多卷筒手纸,参加一位好友婚前派对,我们用手纸设计不同的婚裳礼服与头纱,她都得试穿。当然,三点式的婚纱也在其中。好景尽收眼底,好玩儿极了。

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?Baby Shower有点像满月酒。只不过是以实际行动互相协助,而不止是吃喝一场。宝宝满月时,亲戚好友齐聚一堂,分享礼物、食物与新生命的喜悦。同时也替(新手)妈妈分担忧喜与相关用品,小宝宝初生的用品之多之繁,相信一场分享聚会也可以帮忙碌的家庭打气。另外还有男性结婚前夕的单身派对(bachelor party)与女性的新娘之夜(bridal shower)。戏谑居多。记得之前我带了好多卷筒手纸,参加一位好友婚前派对,我们用手纸设计不同的婚裳礼服与头纱,她都得试穿。当然,三点式的婚纱也在其中。好景尽收眼底,好玩儿极了。点击展开...不太准确,BABY SHOWER和满月有很大的不同,一般是在孩子出生前办的,而且是在孕最后阶段。另外只是女性朋友参与。刚才已打电话告诉他们我不办这个了,因为这个在chinese community没有这个传统,所以也没有什么朋友过来。

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?可最近我的好友就是这样办的呢!可能Baby shower并没有硬性规定举行时间吧?

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?可最近我的好友就是这样办的呢!可能Baby shower并没有硬性规定举行时间吧?点击展开...是有人在出生后办,但一般在出生前,可能是要提前准备孩子的东西吧。没有一定的规则。Traditionally, baby showers were given only for the family's first child, and only women attended. The original intent was for women to share wisdom and lessons on the art of becoming a mother.[citation needed] Over time, it has become common to hold them for subsequent or adopted children, and/or invite men as well. It is not uncommon for a parent to have more than one baby shower, such as one with friends and another with co-workers. According to etiquette authority Miss Manners, because the party centers on gift-giving, the baby shower is typically arranged and hosted by a close friend rather than a member of the family, since it is considered rude for families to beg for gifts on behalf of their members.[1] However, this custom varies by culture or region and in some it is expected and customary for a close female family member to host the baby shower, often times the grandmother.[citation needed] There is no set rule for when or where showers are to be held. The number of guests and style of entertainment are determined by the host. Most hosts invite only women to baby showers, although there is no firm rule requiring this. If the shower is held after the baby's birth, then the baby is usually brought, too. Showers typically include food but not a full meal. Guests bring small or large gifts for the expectant mother. Typical gifts related to babies include diapers, baby bottles, clothes, and toys. It is common to open the gifts during the party. Some hosts arrange baby-themed activities, such as games to taste baby foods or to guess the baby's birth date or gender.

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?仔细查了一下,以下供大家参考。Baby showers -- girly parties where guests give presents to a mom-to-be -- have long been a tradition in the Canada. What better excuse for getting a group of friends together than to celebrate a new life? Who organizes it? The only person who shouldn't organize a baby shower is the mom-to-be. The whole event should be great fun and completely stress-free for her, while someone else does all the organizing and hard work. Friends, family and/or work colleagues are the usual organizers. When should it happen? The best time to hold a baby shower is some time in the last trimester. You could either keep it as a surprise from the mom-to-be, or tell her what you are planning so that she has something to look forward to in those last few weeks. Who to invite If you are not keeping the baby shower a secret, ask the mom-to-be who she would like to have on the guest list. Remember to ask for names and addresses of close friends that you might not know, such as workmates, or friends met through prenatal or exercise classes. While a baby shower is often a 'girls only' affair, partners can come along, too, and it can be a nice way for dad to feel involved. One couple asked the sonographer to secretly write down the sex of their baby at their 20-week scan and seal it in an envelope. This was then passed on to the baby shower organizer who let all the guests know so they could buy the appropriate presents. Amid much excitement, everyone managed to keep 'mum' throughout the weeks leading up to the party. As the couple opened their first present the answer was revealed! Where should we have it? You need to consider the location before deciding on how many people to invite. Ideally, the party shouldn't be held at the mom-to-be's house, so she doesn't have to worry about cleaning the house before everyone arrives or clearing up after they've gone. Ask around to see if anyone else is prepared to host the event at their home. If not, think of playgroups, the local church hall or a health club which might rent a room for a small fee for a couple of hours. How much to spend If you don't want to pay for the whole thing yourself, the best way to cover the cost is to ask each guest to chip in. When working out how much it might add up to, remember to include: invitations and stamps food, paper plates, cups, plastic knives and forks etc cake decorations prizes for games going home 'goody bags' location rental presents -- you may all want to contribute to a bigger, combined present. Costs can be lowered by, for instance, designing an invitation on a computer and e-mailing them to as many people as possible; asking everyone to bring a dish and borrowing the right number of plates, etc if you don't have enough, to save buying them; holding the shower at someone's house rather than hiring somewhere. Choosing a theme Baby showers usually have some sort of baby theme to get everyone in the mood. You can either buy decorations with a baby theme or make your own. Popular themes include: Teddy bear's tea party Get hold of as many teddies as you can and make sure each guest brings one, too! As presents, they could bring teddy bear-related books. The cake could be in the shape of a teddy bear.Nursery rhymes Arrange toys linked to nursery rhymes around the room -- shoes (There Was An Old Lady), spider (Little Miss Muffet), bucket (Jack & Jill's pail), toy boats (Row Row Row Your Boat), roses (Ring around the Rosie). Ask guests if they can count how many rhymes are represented.Books Ask each guest to bring a book that meant something to them as a child. It's a great way for mom to start up her child's library. For decoration, everyone could also bring books to arrange around the room. The cake could be in the shape of a fairy tale book. It's also really nice to ask guests to write a poem, ditty, limerick or rhyme about the mum-to-be and her baby. Buy a book to stick them all into and it will be a memento she can pass on to her child when s/he grows up. Alternatively, ask everyone to sign a book with a few words of 'wisdom' to pass on to the prospective mom. She might not take your advice, but it could give her a few laughs! Present ideas If they're not moms themselves, it can be difficult for guests to know what to buy. Have a list prepared by the mom-to-be, or try some of these ideas: For MomPedicure kit -- for when she can reach her toes again!Magazine subscription -- so she can have a quick read when feedingFrozen dish -- ask everyone to bring a meal for the freezer which can be defrosted when needed once the baby's born. (See our freezable recipes for new moms.) BabyClassic books, such as Beatrix Potter, Winnie the Pooh or fairy talesNursery rhyme tapes Bathroom kit: first toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoo Party food Ask everyone to bring a dish of nibbles. Home-made snacks are ideal, but guests who are working and/or have young families themselves may prefer to make a financial contribution or bring shop-bought snacks, such as mini sausage rolls, ready-made sandwiches, crisps, quiche, juice and so on. If you're worried about what's safe for your expectant friend to eat and what's not, visit our Is it safe to...? page. Party games and prizes You could all sit around and chat about how painful labour is for a couple of hours, but your pregnant friend may appreciate it more if you play a few lighthearted games, instead! These could include: Guess the celeb Cut out some old magazine pictures of pregnant celebrities (Catherine ZD, Kate Moss, Jade Goody, Jordan etc), fold back the head and ask everyone to guess who's who. Letter puzzles With words such as baby, diaper, labour, birth and so on hidden among the letters. Prizes for guests who find all the words. Guess the name If mom's willing, have a list of 20 boys and 20 girls names and promise a prize to whoever guesses the name correctly once the baby's born. Any small prize will be appreciated, but if the guests are moms, too, try something like a pass for two to the cinema, a promise of one evening's babysitting or relaxing bath oil. Goody bags It's nice to give a small goody bag as guests leave as a way of saying thank you for coming and for any presents given. A small token is all that is needed, such as sugared almonds in a little tulle bag, a scented candle or chocolates: something they (especially moms) might not indulge in and buy for themselves. Have fun!

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?也谈不上什么社交,主要是搜罗点孩子的东西来,有些小东西一直没买就是等人家送。呵呵我觉得中国的朋友都不会过来的,住得有点远,而且一般朋友关系不是很深的也不大乐意送礼物吧,毕竟不是中国的习俗。到时候就只有孩子父亲那方的女性亲戚了,想想还是不办了。点击展开...我说的社交不是生意场得社交,就像国人办满月宴周岁宴一样。一般还是要比较close的朋友才会邀请。有的还会玩玩猜礼物价格的游戏。

钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore可最近我的好友就是这样办的呢!可能Baby shower并没有硬性规定举行时间吧?点击展开...大部分是出生前。

钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore 2011-05-10#15 julius87 4,189 $0.00 乐颠颠老妈说:我读ESL时,曾相应老师的号召给班上俩个临产的大肚子做过个这个活动。同学们坚守秘密,俩个大肚子什么都不知道。老外老师也不知道我们会给大肚子准备什么,老师以为我们什么都没准备。直到谜底揭晓,大肚子们非常非常感动!她们都知道礼物是我选的,钱是同学大家分摊的。

乐颠颠在加国的小学快乐行!(3年级――7年级) http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=55856回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?最后还是答应搞这个,因为他们说我们这么ARROGANT,不要免费孩子东西了吗?

回复: 大家搞baby shower吗?最后还是答应搞这个,因为他们说我们这么ARROGANT,不要免费孩子东西了吗?点击展开...搞吧搞吧,很有意思的。生个孩子不容,弄的丰富多彩些。

钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore搞吧搞吧,很有意思的。生个孩子不容,弄的丰富多彩些。点击展开...谢谢,主要BF等着孩子的婶婶们送孩子的东东,呵呵

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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