加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!
尽管众玫瑰们在春风春雨的催动下长势喜人,含苞待放,但已发现不少叶子有虫眼。 最近开始发现有些已经孵化出来的浅绿色小虫,今早再经仔细研究,发现很多还完好无损的叶子背面竟然有很多尚未孵化的虫卵,有的一片叶子竟多达5个以上,可想而知过几天这片叶子的命运,现在看正面还是绿油油的新叶呢。 想请教诸位专家,应该用哪种杀虫剂啊,还有啥办法啊!!
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!蚜虫,曾经试过煮辣椒水,放凉后喷,有点作用
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!我的玫瑰上也有,我记得有个老外经纪说用稀释的洗手液喷,但没问啥比例,我还没试过,准备试试。
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!http://www.ehow.com/way_5576921_homemade-rose-bush-diseases-insects.html等不及了,自问自答一个,已经做完喷洒过一次了。好像没写是不是要天天喷啊。 给大家加分分了。
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!蚜虫最有效最有效就是从国内带过来的高效低毒农药--吡虫淋1:1500的稀释量否则只能多养点瓢虫吧
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!http://www.ehow.com/way_5576921_homemade-rose-bush-diseases-insects.html等不及了,自问自答一个,已经做完喷洒过一次了。好像没写是不是要天天喷啊。 给大家加分分了。点击展开...没戏+没效的就像加拿大治病一样,等着蚜虫吃腻吃够了你家的玫瑰自己跑了吧
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=6974921#post6974921请见26楼,付蚜虫效果肯定是很棒的!
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=6974921#post6974921 ??26?,??蚜哮效果肯定是很棒的!点击展开...谢谢啊,终于等来专家了,能说说比例吗?
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=6974921#post6974921 ??26?,??蚜哮效果肯定是很棒的!点击展开...如果有200多颗大大小小的玫瑰,每天还要上班接送小孩还要用毛刷刷蚜虫伺候自己的牙齿都没那耐心时间啊
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!如果有200多颗大大小小的玫瑰,每天还要上班接送小孩还要用毛刷刷蚜虫伺候自己的牙齿都没那耐心时间啊点击展开...那就用天然洗??加上食用油混合,再稀???了
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.谢谢啊,终于等来专家了,能说说比例吗?点击展开...快?了, 打一堆字, ?不?了,先得出樵,晚?回?真,比例先斤天然洗碗?: 食用植物油: 水 = 3:1:300~500
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.快?了, 打一堆字, ?不?了,先得出樵,晚?回?真, 比例先斤天然洗碗?: 食用植物油: 水 = 3:1:300~500点击展开...等下完这场雨,我也试试。
Alice Liu(爱丽丝),金牌平价经纪,新型地产服务;多种方案选择,大量佣金返还!专业坦诚,经验丰富,值得信赖!自2013年起多年获得大温地产局销售业绩前10%金牌经纪大奖,自2011年起多年获得Homeland Realty销售大奖!电话:778 858 1626 详情请见:http://blog.sina.com.cn/aliceliuhomes 赏 反馈:provence 2011-06-07#13 书 596 $0.00 回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!因为一个常用的号被删了,真不想在这里发言了,不过看到有园友需要帮忙,还是把我知道的资料告诉你吧,非常有用。没时间翻译,自己看吧。里面介绍用干咖啡沫,烟头水,大蒜水,西红柿或辣椒水治理,另外还有药物治理,防治方法非常简单,如果需要改日上传。成虫照片,幼虫的没时间搞了。Thebest control for flies is strict sanitation, exclusion and farmcleanliness. Stop the buggers ever getting a sniff. housesmust be airtight and all air vents must have filters. If you can affordto make your growing area a positive pressure zone, with filters on allair intakes, you'll be doing youtself a major favour in pest prevention.Watermanagement is crucial to controlling fungus gnat buildups: avoidoverwatering, and provide adequate indoor ventilation. Moving air isnot good news to fungus twats ... er gnats.ADDITIVES AS DETERRENTS:dried coffee grounds, tobacco water (from soaking cigarettebutts), chilli spray and garlic water have all also been toutedas possible deterrents. citronella candlesare reputed to deter many flying insects, including fungus gnats. also,crushed leaves of the herb 'tansy'can be sprinkled around the growing area: In Europe and in colonialAmerica in the 1840s, meat was packed in tansy or rubbed with it toprevent decay and to repel flies. The oil distilled from the plant,made a 'mosquito dope' useful to hunters and fisherman and others whohad to work where mosquitoes are troublesome.One major sourceof gnats is in their (microscopic) egg and larvae forms, in coco-coirand under-pasteurised manure-based substrates. Increase pasteurisationtimes and temperatures (being wary not to accidentally sterilise).Remove any standing water, or treat it with the long-term biologicalmosquito larvicide Bacillus Thuringiensis (variants H-14[Gnatrol] or Israelensis, BTI)weekly for two or three weeks as routine preventative control of fungusgnat larvae. This larvicide gradually settles in water where it iseaten by any mosquito or fungus gnat larvae growing there, which willbe killed continuously.BTI is used to make ‘skeeter dunks’ thatlook like little donuts (designed to float on water and killmosquitos), and will keep on working for 30 days or longer undertypical environmental conditions. While floating they slowly release atthe waters surface. Put some in water to be used for a day or two, toload it with the stuff.BTI:-tansy:-You can also drench soil with neemextract. the fascinating Indian Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica) and itsunique extracts have an enormously broad range of applications. Theoil, extracted from neem tree kernels, has nourishing qualities and isused in India today in many toiletry ranges, including hair-careproducts, toothpaste and soap. Mahatma Gandhi believed firmly in thegoodness of neem and ate neem leaf chutney as part of his everydaydiet. The main substance azadirachtin, a tetranortriterpenoid,influences the hormonal system of insects, exerting thereby apesticidal effect. Feeding activity, reproduction and flying ability ofinsects are also affected. Azadirachtin has a very low toxicity tomammals, its biologically degradable and can be easily extracted fromthe seeds of the trees - it can be found as leaves, oil, powder orcoir. Note, though that Azadirachtin [Diazinon] has been withdrawn dueto fly resistance from many areas.
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!快?了, 打一堆字, ?不?了,先得出樵,晚?回?真,比例先斤天然洗碗?: 食用植物油: 水 = 3:1:300~500点击展开...Mark。。。曾经试过大蒜水,不怎么管用,还弄得花花草草都带大蒜味。。。
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!Mark。。。曾经试过大蒜水,不怎么管用,还弄得花花草草都带大蒜味。。。点击展开...第一你的比例没掌握好,第二你选的蒜不对。第三你用的时间不对,第四你用的地点不对,第五使用的人不对。总之,不能因为没成功就认为不管用。
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!好像口水最有效。喷!
回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!呃?比例, ?铨大大 !要看您用的洗?精有?有增稠?,若有比例就要?些,不咿那?很??,也不知道真正比例?多少, 只能多??次.不咿,我家地小,就二、三十株玫瑰, ?不多,蚜哮不?重,?重的通常是生樘?衰弱者,或是已?生病的,蓖可能?掾?,有?肺植, 植株健康,蚜哮很少的.刷刷就掉, 爬上?再刷,基本上刷?三次就上不?了.目前?止只有?株玫瑰有蚜哮, ?株都是因?被其他生樘??的玫瑰?住了?光,才影?生樘?, 才有蚜哮,其他都很正常??, 花苞??若是像LoveMJ同?那??百株,最好地要大, ?光要充足,植株健康,玫瑰也不容易生病的.不咿我真的很好奇, MJ同?都肺哪些品肺呢?每一品系啉?最好的?三肺, 也不至於上百呀膣道MJ同?自己育肺???
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!哦,忘了真, 洗衣粉,肥皂,洗衣精,洗?精,沐浴精...都可以替代洗碗?,但是?了?境安全,所以建阻用天然洗??油也一?.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 求问一个花草除害虫的问题,急!继续学习。
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961如果有200多颗大大小小的玫瑰,每天还要上班接送小孩还要用毛刷刷蚜虫伺候自己的牙齿都没那耐心时间啊点击展开...玫瑰园哦! 牙齿有电动的来伺候,玫瑰只能手工。
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