加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一些家长应该知道的秘密(转)
本帖志在与关心,担心同性恋教育对孩子造成影响的家长一起讨论有什么事情我们可以做,来保护我们的孩子。不关心,不担心同性恋教育对孩子的影响的家长,请不要参预讨论,因为跟你没有关系。我自己移民近十年,太不关心周围的事情。今天有朋友聊到The Corren Agreement, 有些秘密可能是不曾为我们这些华人家长所知的或关心的。www.ccrl.ca/doc/Pamphl...eement.pdf这个协议是两名同性恋Peter and Murray Corren和BC省教育厅于2006年4月28日签的秘密协议。就是把同性恋知识写入从Kindergarten到12年级的课程中。“There's no point in us mak ing the curriculum more queer-positive if people can take their kids out.” Peter Corren为了防止家长让孩子不上这些课,该协议规定:家长不能要求自己的孩子不上这些课程,哪怕与自己的信仰,道德观相抵触。(我从来没有看过有这样蛮不讲理的!完全违背人权与自由法)虽然家长可以选择不让老师教,而是自己在家里教导同性恋知识,但必须按照BC课程设制的内容来教导。但是,不是一点希望也没有。尽管BC教育厅和Corren想让家长认为他们有权力命令校区教授与他们道德相抵触的课程,但家长和学校局管理委员会可以拒绝该项声称。家长可以做什么?家长有权确保孩子接受符合自己信念的教育。这种权力被国际协议认可,公民基本自由为加拿大人权和自由法案所保障。家长应该选举那些愿意维护该自由的家长出来当选学校局委员,并要求学校局及老师配合。学校局委员及校区学务可以做什么?各区学校有权力和义务配合执行良心与宗教的自由,尽管过分艰辛。教育厅不能免除各区学校在维护自由上面的责任,如果教育厅的政策或指南与自由相抵触,那么 学校局委员应该予以拒绝。传统的课程满足家长关于课程的按排,一直为BC省家庭提供了良好的教育,这些传统的课程应该继续。没有出现问题时就不应该修正。以上部分内容是我翻译的。如有异议,以原文为准。更多关于BC JUSTICE课程的背景请看这里:http://bcpeoplesvoice.org/e_background.html
回复: 一些家长应该知道的秘密(转)这已经是三年前的事了,虽然了解迟了些,但好过不了解这件事。我们依然要继续争取,不能让孩子任凭学校教育与我们道德,信仰矛盾的内容。除了第一楼所说的选举之外,还可以写信,参加学校的PAC,让更多家长well informed.What you can do1. Let others know about the Corren agreement, regardless of their religious affiliation. Give them the address for the League’s web page about it (http://www.ccrl.ca/index.php?id=4835). Download documents for people who do not have internet access. Use your contacts in service clubs, the community and parish groups to spread the word and distribute information.2. Welcome and encourage non-Catholic Christians and persons of other faiths as partners in asserting and defending parental authority in the education of our children.3. If you are a CCRL member with an e-mail address, please send it to [email protected] so that we can keep you abreast of developments. Encourage others to join the League and do the same.4. Contact other groups opposing the Agreement and join in or support their activities.5. Write to or call your school district trustees or school board office and ask them to provide you with copies of the League's correspondence and their response to it. These ought to be matters of public record. Thank trustees who are supporting the authority of parents. Click here for on-line school district contact information. Click here for to download school district contact information in .pdf format.6. All citizens support the public school system, whether or not they have children enrolled. All are entitled to answers from their elected representatives. Ask them the questions asked by the League, and politely insist upon having answers. Let them know that you expect that parental authority to withdraw their children from objectionable classes or lessons will be respected; that you expect freedom of conscience and religion to be accommodated. It may be more effective if several people do this, or if parents act collectively to elicit a response. You might consider making the following points in your communications with trustees: The issues are the defence of parental authority in the education of their children and the accommodation of freedom of religion and conscience. Parents delegate (not surrender) some of their authority to the school system. They do not need permission to withdraw their children from classes or otherwise intervene in the best interests of their children. Parents and students do not give up freedom of conscience and religion as a condition of enrolment in public schools. Accommodation of freedom of conscience and religion is not optional. It is a legal obligation. International agreements and declarations hold that children should not be forced to receive teaching on religion or belief against the wishes of his parents or legal guardians.[See Parental Authority in Education: the International Context] 507. Run for school board trustee, or support someone who is willing to accommodate and protect freedom of conscience, religion, thought, opinion and belief in the public school system, despite the Corren Agreement.8. Parents whose children are enrolled in the public school system are automatically members of the Parent Advisory Committee of their school. Parent Advisory Committees and the District Parent Advisory Committees represent parents. School administrators, district officials and trustees have no jurisdiction to give direction to PACs or DPACs about what issues they may bring forward. They are entitled to take a position on these issues and communicate their positions to school administrators, district officials and trustees. While PACs and DPACs can be convenient and important channels of communication, individual parents remain free to communicate directly with trustees and administrators and to form other associations or groups for that purpose.9. Write to the Attorney General, the Minister of Education, and your MLA. Tell them what you think, and ask them why they continue to have confidence in the Correns as experts in social justice in view of Peter Corren's comments about the Catholic Church and Archbishop Roussin's statement; if they believe that children should be forced attend classes or lessons that their parents judge are contrary to the individual needs of their children, or that they find morally objectionable or subversive or offensive with respect to their religious, moral and cultural traditions; if they believe that teachers should not be permitted to exercise freedom of conscience and religion in the workplace.
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