加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Steveston Salmon Festival(渔人码头10点CANADA游行)


http://www.stevestonsalmonfest.ca/ The 66th Annual Steveston Salmon Festival celebrates "Sport for Life". We look forward to celebrating "Canada's biggest little birthday party" with you!The people of Steveston have come together every year since 1945 to celebrate Canada’s birthday & the rich heritage of our community. Thanks to the tireless efforts of hundreds of volunteers & the generous support of our sponsors, the Steveston Community Society organizes one of the largest non-profit Canada Day celebrations across the country! On average, over 70,000 people from across Richmond, Metro Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest spend Canada Day with us! The day begins at 10am with a parade through historic Steveston village, which features over 100 entries including floats, marching bands, celebrities, politicians, community groups, vintage vehicles & much more. Then, the Festival is officially kicked off at our Opening Ceremonies on the Main Stage at 12:30pm with dignitaries, speeches, & the singing of O Canada. After the official opening, the stage bursts with great entertainment all afternoon. Festival highlights include attractions such as the Japanese Cultural Show, Craft Fair, Trade Show, an awesome Children’s Festival, Funtastic Inflatables & Mini Midway, Martial Arts Demonstrations, Youth Rock Fest, Food Fair plus an Art Show & Exhibit. The main attraction is our famous salmon barbecue where over 1200 pounds of wild salmon filets are grilled over open fire pits. This popular treat sells out every year! Whatever your age… Whatever your interests… There is something for everyone at the Steveston Salmon Festival!

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