加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT
1,800 new Canadians poised to lose citizenship: KenneyRichard J. Brennan National Affairs Writer Immigration Minister Jason Kenney confirmed Wednesday that as many as 1,800 new Canadians could be stripped of their citizenship because they were obtained fraudulently.“We are in the process of notifying them that we will be revoking their citizenship because Canadian citizenship is not for sale,” Kenney told the Economic Club of Canada.Kenney said some of the individuals are believed to have used “unscrupulous” immigration consultants who submitted fraudulent applications on behalf of people who did not meet the qualifications for citizenship.The 1,800 were identified following a three-year investigation by the RCMP, other police forces and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.“By the way, we are not done with our investigation” Kenney said, noting that many of the accused live outside the country.They can challenge the decision in Federal Court. If not, Cabinet will move to revoke their citizenship.Citizenship revocation is relatively uncommon in Canada with only 63 people being stripped of their citizenship since 1977, Kenney said.Most were for reasons related to residence fraud, criminality and false identity, or concealing their involvement in war crimes.Speaking in Vancouver on Tuesday, Kenney said Ottawa is trying to discourage immigration fraud.“For those who simply touch down and try to get a Canadian passport as a … passport of convenience, who don’t pay our taxes but who do consume our social benefits, I think that’s dishonourable,” he told reporters after delivering a speech to the Vancouver Board of Trade.“There are many ways that we are combating immigration fraud and abuse of our generosity, whether it is from [bogus] asylum claimants, crooked immigration consultants, people smugglers [or] people who are abusing our citizenship program,” he said.Kenney also announced that Canada will soon be introducing multi-year visas for low-risk visitors from around the world that will last 10 years.
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZTwhy can someone translate it
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT这个执行起来总要有根据的吧,公民法又没有这方面的规定,哪能说取消就取消的
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT全是英文看不懂???求翻译!
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT所以,计算居住时间时最好宽裕点。其它似乎关系不大。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。所以,计算居住时间时最好宽裕点。其它似乎关系不大。点击展开...已经入籍的就没关系了吧,文章是指申请入籍的人士?
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT英文看不懂,标题的意思是:1800要求入籍的人士被取消资格,对吗?
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT英文看不懂,标题的意思是:1800要求入籍的人士被取消资格,对吗?点击展开...拉?大?,是已?入籍的.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT文章主要内容是说1800名已入籍人士可能被剥夺加拿大公民身份,因为他们利用不法移民中介伪造了申请入籍前在加拿大居住的证明文件,而事实上其中很多人这段时间是在加拿大境外居住。
生平事,天赋予,且婆娑。 几人尘外相视,一笑醉颜酡。拉?大?,是已?入籍的.点击展开...不对,呵呵,我还是枫叶卡,且5年要住满2年还有困难的, 下个月还是要回中国,55555555555
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT文章主要内容是说1800名已入籍人士可能被剥夺加拿大公民身份,因为他们利用不法移民中介伪造了申请入籍前在加拿大居住的证明文件,而事实上其中很多人这段时间是在加拿大境外居住。点击展开...伪造者,不要同情!
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT支持,好~
[FONT=bookman old style, new york, times, serif]卉樱果的涂鸦画廊-求加分[/FONT][FONT=bookman old style, new york, times, serif]卉樱果的退休[/FONT]生活-求关注不对,呵呵,我还是枫叶卡,且5年要住满2年还有困难的, 下个月还是要回中国,55555555555点击展开...晕呀, 我是针对您的问题回答您,这些人是已经入籍的回乡是好事呀!
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT做假的代价
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT操心地问一问,如果这1800人当中,有来自不承认双重国籍的国家,即以取得加拿大护照,便失去祖国的国籍。现在,面临着失去加国护照,岂不要成为无国籍的人?因为中国护照失去容易,要想得到,其难度不亚于美国绿卡。
赏 操心地问一问,如果这1800人当中,有来自不承认双重国籍的国家,即以取得加拿大护照,便失去祖国的国籍。现在,面临着失去加国护照,岂不要成为无国籍的人?因为中国护照失去容易,要想得到,其难度不亚于美国绿卡。点击展开...
回复: 1800名入籍人士或被取消公民资格 ZT操心地问一问,如果这1800人当中,有来自不承认双重国籍的国家,即以取得加拿大护照,便失去祖国的国籍。现在,面临着失去加国护照,岂不要成为无国籍的人?因为中国护照失去容易,要想得到,其难度不亚于美国绿卡。点击展开...老老??按?定?坂,?做假不就得了
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