加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?



回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?什么问题?下一步交钱

lost in Vancouver说来听听看我师兄验出那些问题点击展开...师兄??

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?什么问题?下一步交钱点击展开...叫什么钱?可能不买这套了

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?原来我是他师兄的后来留了2级他成了我师兄了点击展开...什么学校?VCC? BCIT?

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?什么问题?下一步交钱点击展开...94,什么都没说

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?各位买过房的师兄师姐们: 谢谢你们中有的人的提醒和推荐,本人取消了房产经纪人老外推荐的老外验房师傅,而选用了CANADAMEET加元论坛里网友推荐的James钱平先生。 我之所以取消老外验房师傅,原因一是老外收费是中国人的两倍;二,老外验房师和经纪人有利益关系;三,我要支持中国同胞,有钱也尽量让中国人挣。 今天小钱准时到了,我一看他的行头和外表,就特满意。首先,他一口吴侬软语,戴眼镜,文质彬彬,一看就是陈景润式的知识分子,特别让人信得过,估计学历也不低;第二,他穿着有多个口袋的马夹,有人叫导演服,有人叫摄影师服,还配有很多工具,看上去十分专业;第三,他检查起来十分用心,查看蛛丝马迹,可谓洞察秋毫,本来我还想一直跟着,后来决定干脆不用跟了,我和朋友坐下聊天,就全交给小钱了;第四,他特别为我着想,有一点点问题,都会跟我不厌其详说明,而且非常客观。在他跟我说的时候,老外经纪人和售房代理二人神情都十分紧张――从这一点就可以看出,为什么验房师傅不能用经纪人推荐的! 当晚,小钱就给我发来详尽的验屋报告,非常专业,我很满意。在此报告基础上,我给经纪人写了邮件,表达了我的想法。 再次向未来购房者推荐验房师James钱平先生!点击展开...三点原因,其中第二点才是真正的关键。听我的没错吧。

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?三点原因,其中第二点才是真正的关键。听我的没错吧。点击展开...是啊,小钱跟我用中文说这个房子的问题时候,那两个老外耳朵都直了!可见验房师不能让经纪人来安排

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?我觉得是第一点。你外行点击展开...呵呵,你内行。

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?我觉得是第一点。你外行点击展开...第一点?价格原因?错了,买房是大事,几十万都花了,还在乎200元?便宜事次要的,关键是找中国人放心

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?是啊,小钱跟我用中文说这个房子的问题时候,那两个老外耳朵都直了!可见验房师不能让经纪人来安排点击展开...这个论证子中层有个HOME INSPECTOR 说给他推荐活的经纪也是他的CLIENT,那么他验房发现了问题他会怎么想呐?我真的搞不明白。

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?上面的大师,看看我给经纪人的邮件答复是否合适??Hi Alan,Thanks for the reminder and also for being present at the home inspection.As you know, we are interested in purchasing 501-xxxx Robson St but according to the report and to my friends' advice, there are some minor problems in the unit including missing trims, hardware loose, missing hardware, etc. After all, the unit has been vacant for a while and so there is no immediate attention and repair. Also, the mirror in the bedroom is a big no no according to Feng Shui. One switch is wrong and the black color is awful. There is also one leaking spot in the ceiling above the parking lot.The dark wall color needs repainting, also. The toilet bowl is filthy and gross and may need replacing.I wonder if the owner could fix these problems before they sell, or reduce the price to $xxx,000, which I believe is quite reasonable. If not, I will just pass, as there are some more intriguing condos that have appeared on the listing and I wouldn't mind keeping looking. If they think $xxx,000 is acceptable, that will be great, and I will pay the $x0,000 deposit immediately tomorrow--I think 2PM will be fine. If not, then I will wish them the best of luck with their continued endeavor in selling this miserable condo. Buyers with money may not think a cheaper price is their priority; rather, they hope to move into a place without much work to be done. Thanks and regards,DDDDDD

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?hahaFeng Shui都上了。30年房子就像48岁的林芳兵,你还能指望什么啊点击展开...

一叶知秋上面的大师,看看我给经纪人的邮件答复是否合适?? Hi Alan, Thanks for the reminder and also for being present at the home inspection. As you know, we are interested in purchasing 501-xxxx Robson St but according to the report and to my friends' advice, there are some minor problems in the unit including missing trims, hardware loose, missing hardware, etc. After all, the unit has been vacant for a while and so there is no immediate attention and repair. Also, the mirror in the bedroom is a big no no according to Feng Shui. One switch is wrong and the black color is awful. There is also one leaking spot in the ceiling above the parking lot. The dark wall color needs repainting, also. The toilet bowl is filthy and gross and may need replacing. I wonder if the owner could fix these problems before they sell, or reduce the price to $xxx,000, which I believe is quite reasonable. If not, I will just pass, as there are some more intriguing condos that have appeared on the listing and I wouldn't mind keeping looking. If they think $xxx,000 is acceptable, that will be great, and I will pay the $x0,000 deposit immediately tomorrow--I think 2PM will be fine. If not, then I will wish them the best of luck with their continued endeavor in selling this miserable condo. Buyers with money may not think a cheaper price is their priority; rather, they hope to move into a place without much work to be done. Thanks and regards, DDDDDD点击展开...从你的叙述中看,这个房子应该没大问题,另外红字部分是你看房是就应该知道的,而且风水呀,颜色呀等不是房子的质量问题,不属于INSPECTOR的业务范围。虽然小问题你可以要求卖家维修,从你的叙述中看不出取消合同的条件,你降价的理由也不充分。ANYWAY, GOOD LUCK!

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?从你的叙述中看,这个房子应该没大问题,另外红字部分是你看房是就应该知道的,而且风水呀,颜色呀等不是房子的质量问题,不属于INSPECTOR的业务范围。虽然小问题你可以要求卖家维修,从你的叙述中看不出取消合同的条件,你降价的理由也不充分。ANYWAY, GOOD LUCK!点击展开...当然,验房后如果你不满意,你可以直接取消合同,而不需解释理由,这是你的权利。

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?从你的叙述中看,这个房子应该没大问题,另外红字部分是你看房是就应该知道的,而且风水呀,颜色呀等不是房子的质量问题,不属于INSPECTOR的业务范围。虽然小问题你可以要求卖家维修,从你的叙述中看不出取消合同的条件,你降价的理由也不充分。ANYWAY, GOOD LUCK!点击展开...所谓的风水嘛,就是大床对着镜子,很不好,睡觉时候对着镜子容易做恶梦,这是我好多朋友说的

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?当然,验房后如果你不满意,你可以直接取消合同,而不需解释理由,这是你的权利。点击展开...我只要求讲点价格因为瑕疵很多

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?所谓的风水嘛,就是大床对着镜子,很不好,睡觉时候对着镜子容易做恶梦,这是我好多朋友说的点击展开...HOME INPECTOR不是风水专家。镜子对着床是你进屋就能看到的。什么颜色舒服也是你能看见和感觉到的。这些都不是你验房后谈判的条件。

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?上面的大师,看看我给经纪人的邮件答复是否合适?? Hi Alan, Thanks for the reminder and also for being present at the home inspection. As you know, we are interested in purchasing 501-xxxx Robson St but according to the report and to my friends' advice, there are some minor problems in the unit including missing trims, hardware loose, missing hardware, etc. After all, the unit has been vacant for a while and so there is no immediate attention and repair. Also, the mirror in the bedroom is a big no no according to Feng Shui. One switch is wrong and the black color is awful. There is also one leaking spot in the ceiling above the parking lot. The dark wall color needs repainting, also. The toilet bowl is filthy and gross and may need replacing. I wonder if the owner could fix these problems before they sell, or reduce the price to $xxx,000, which I believe is quite reasonable. If not, I will just pass, as there are some more intriguing condos that have appeared on the listing and I wouldn't mind keeping looking. If they think $xxx,000 is acceptable, that will be great, and I will pay the $x0,000 deposit immediately tomorrow--I think 2PM will be fine. If not, then I will wish them the best of luck with their continued endeavor in selling this miserable condo. Buyers with money may not think a cheaper price is their priority; rather, they hope to move into a place without much work to be done. Thanks and regards, DDDDDD点击展开...最后一段啥意思啊?

回复: 今天验房了,发现了问题,下一步怎么办?最后一段啥意思啊?点击展开...大概意思死这样吧?买家不把便宜的价格放在第一位,而期望住进去之前把所有问题都解决了。 言外之意,罗珠并不把价格看那么重,而是希望卖家能够维修他所提出的问题。

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