加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中国的 'BMW 小城' Shiji 崩溃于房地产金字
Where is "Shiji"?23 Sep 2011“For as long as anyone can remember, Shiji has been poor. The village is little more than a dusty grid of brick shacks and its residents live on an average of just 10,000 yuan (£1,000) a year.But this spring, a miraculous transformation occurred. The locals suddenly noticed that they were rich.“We have become a BMW town!” wrote one shocked villager on a local internet forum. “In our county, there are now 800 BMWs and 600 Mercedes, 500 Audis, 50 Porsches, 30 Jaguars, one Ferrari, one Lamborghini and one Maserati,” he added.A forest of cranes had also sprung up around the village, constructing large apartment blocks which advertised themselves with pictures of English butlers and sumptuous, chandelier?lit dining rooms."It all began when a man named Shi Guobao returned to Shiji after working in Beijing," said Zhu Yi, the head official in the village."He became a property developer, but he wanted to make a bigger fortune so he decided to also become a loan shark." Together with 17 of his friends, Shi began tapping the villagers for their savings, promising to pay them 10 per cent interest each month.The gang quickly raised 350million yuan, (£35.5million) which they then lent out at rates of 30 per cent or more each month to borrowers including local property developers. Shi became known as "King Claw", the man at the head of the pyramid.For a while, the scheme worked well. Other property developers borrowed from Shi in order to begin construction and the local government, which earned income from every acre sold to the developers, also prospered.Earlier this month, Shiji’s boom ended as abruptly as it began.The local Dragon Court BMW dealership has been shuttered; its owner is under house arrest. And as The Daily Telegraph arrived to investigate, jittery local officials were quick to detain us.What happened in Shiji is a fraud that plays out every day in some corner of China’s murky economy, as local Communist Party officials and greedy entrepreneurs collude in vast pyramid schemes.But there was little demand in the end for the huge apartment blocks, which today stand empty and half?finished. And when the borrowers started defaulting on King Claw’s loans, the pyramid collapsed.点击展开...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/8783588/BMW-town-crashes-in-pyramid-fraud.htmlhttp://www.montrealgazette.com/news/China+town+crashes+pyramid+fraud/5444273/story.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 中国的 'BMW 小城' Shiji 崩溃于房地产金字塔骗局应该是江苏石集http://www.gdcct.gov.cn/life/focus/usury/loan/201107/t20110718_526950.html 这其实还是小case,温州的问题更大。 温州大老板胜利大逃亡名单http://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15626492 时隔多年后,曾经是民营制造业之都的温州,已风光不再,2001年时,温州拥有近4000余家打火机企业,占据了全球金属打火机80%的市场份额,而温州占据着中国打火机市场的98%。同年9月,温州因此获得“中国金属外壳打火机生产基地”的称号。十年后的至今,保留下来的企业却已经不足100家。拥有“中国鞋都”之称的温州,在2005年相关媒体的报道中,温州有鞋企近4000家,而6年后的现在仅有2600家鞋类企业处于生存状态。楼市泡沫为全国之最,各制造业纷纷锐减,纷纷参与借贷,已成为名副其实的“借贷之城”、“炒钱之都”。所谓人在江湖飘,哪有不挨刀,不管是借的,还是贷的,出来混迟早是要还的,(按温州习俗,过年都是要回收账款的)年关将近,跑路的人还会越来越多,越来越多,等着看戏吧,这个年不好过哦,现在是一个一个的跑,年底可能一群一群的跑.........以下都是今年媒体报道过的或比较大的知名企业,无数逃跑的小企业,私人的不包含其中! 4月初,位于温州龙湾区的江南皮革有限公司董事长黄鹤失踪。目前公开的原因为黄鹤参与大额赌博,欠下巨额赌资出逃…… 4月,温州波特曼咖啡因经营不善,企业主向民间借入高息资金,最终导致资金链断裂出走,相关门店停止经营…… 4月,位于乐清的三旗集团董事长陈福财,因资金链出现困境、企业互保出现问题出走............ 6月初,温州铁通电器合金实业有限公司的股东之一范某出走,估计涉及上千万元民间借贷…… 6月中旬,位于乐清的浙江天石电子公司老板叶某出走,据传叶某欠下7000万巨债无法偿还…… 7月,瑞安的恒茂鞋业老板虞正林出逃。 7月底,位于温州龙湾区海滨街道的巨邦鞋业有限公司老板王某出走,据记者了解其参股一家担保公司,涉及资金约一亿…… 8月24日,位于温州瓯海区的锦潮电器有限公司老板戴某失踪,原因可能是其参与经营的担保公司出了问题…… 8月29日,位于温州鹿城区的耐当劳鞋材有限公司宣布停工,传言老板戴某因欠巨债潜逃… 8月31日,永嘉县温州部落之神鞋业公司老板吴伟华失踪了......... 9月1日,永嘉县蝶梦儿鞋厂老板黄杰失踪了...... 9月9日下午,在龙湾颇有名气的家电老板郑珠菊,郑珠菊共欠债权人现金借款、银行承兑汇票等高达2.8亿元,其中现金1.8亿元,银行承兑汇票1亿元左右“落跑”半个月之后,在温州经济开发区滨海园区被警方抓获 9月13日左右,温州奥米流体设备科技有限公司300名员工得到了一个好消息,往年只发一箱方便面当作中秋福利的老板,今年居然要送全体员工集体去雁荡度假,包括5名保安,费用由公司全包。意想不到的是,当中秋节后他们欢天喜地的游玩归来,却震惊的发现,两天一夜里,公司40多台、总价值上千万的精密加工设备全部不翼而飞,董事长和总经理等负责人也不知所踪。 中秋节期间,温州龙湾新耐宝鞋业老板跑路.......... 中秋节期间,温州唐风制鞋老板黄伯鹤跑路.......... 中秋节期间,温州金竹工业区的星际鞋业老板跑路......... 中秋节期间, 温州 欧霸标准件有限公司老板跑路........... 9月15日左右,浙江祥源钢业、温州宝康不锈钢制品有限公司董事长吴保忠失踪,欠银行贷款2亿多元,民间借贷8000万元,承兑汇票5000万元没有归还。 9月19日,开业仅2年的信河街温州福燕兄弟实业有限公司(燕窝之类饮食的)倒闭,房产易主,老板跑路。老板欠了几个亿的高利贷资金链断了,房产被银行转卖。 9月21日,公司占地200亩,年总产值达10个亿的浙江温州东特不锈钢制造有限公司老板姜国元跑路,一名在东特公司门口揽客的当地驾驶员告诉记者,这两天他看到一些手持借条陆续来东特公司要债的债主,其中有两名债主操温州龙湾当地的口音,一人展示的借条有1600万元,另外一人的借条共计1800多万元,他俩一看到公司搬抢一空的情形,当场腿就软掉了。日前警方正在审理中,涉案金额至少上亿..... 9月22日,温州龙湾 蓝天大药房老总跑路,涉案资金8000万,但是按照龙湾三甲庄泉移民村的居民反映,涉案资金估计超亿,目前老板手机全部关机 9月22日,位于温州瓯海区娄桥工业园区内,厂房占地120亩的,温州最大的眼镜企业浙江信泰集团董事长欠款8亿跑路(具知情人透露,实际欠款达20多亿).......... 名单继续增加中..................... 10月,11月,年底.......
及时行善回复: 中国的 'BMW 小城' Shiji 崩溃于房地产金字塔骗局ah, thanks!
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 中国的 'BMW 小城' Shiji 崩溃于房地产金字塔骗局这次房地产调控好像也把温州人逼住了。蹩得资金流动不起来了?这个消灭流动性起来和股市有一拼。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。回复: 中国的 'BMW 小城' Shiji 崩溃于房地产金字塔骗局是2011年?2010年不是已经倒了一片批吗?
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