才买没两个月的food processor,就不能用了。找出保修卡,发现需要提供收据复印件才能保修及退货。 收据都找不到了,怎么办呢?能去柜台吗?当时是银行卡付款的,不知道提供银行卡号能不能找回记录?
回复: 在superstore买的东西坏了,但是收据找不到了,怎么办呢?去customer service试试,一般都可以更换。
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: 在superstore买的东西坏了,但是收据找不到了,怎么办呢?. What is the Superstore Refund/Exchange policy?http://www.superstore.ca/LCLOnline/faqTermsConditions.jsp#685 Merchandise returns will be considered for exchange or refund within 14 days of purchase. The merchandise must be in salable condition and accompanied by a valid cash register receipt, some items such as pierced earrings are not returnable. Visit our Customer Services desk for further information. Identification may be requested at time of return. 传闻丢了收据,超过14日期限,需提供驾照,以Store Credit退还!http://forums.redflagdeals.com/superstore-return-policy-372028/ Superstore (as in Loblaws new format) often takes non-food items back without receipt (i.e. outside of 14-day period), but they make copy of your driver's license and they wouldn't give you cash (just store credit).
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――――――――――――――――――――Don't Trouble Troubles Before Trouble Troubles You. 赏 反馈:森林之歌 2011-10-12#5 L
回复: 在superstore买的东西坏了,但是收据找不到了,怎么办呢?退货不可以,质量问题的可以换新的。 ·新西兰汽车 全新电蒸煮锅
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