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收机联系: 7788810967 多订了一套 Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Home and Student Edition, 3 licences原价159.95元加HST= 179.14元,有发票现115元折价约3成 Make home projects & schoolwork even better•Experience a new sense of ease and speed with familiar applications including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. All three open and respond to your commands more quickly. •Create inviting documents by layering text, shapes, pictures, animations and charts. The simple visual interface lets you instantly reorder any element. •Edit documents online even when you\'re away from your Mac. Just access your free, secure Microsoft-hosted folder from any computer.
2011 Word+PowerPoint+Excel for Mac $115元收机联系: 7788810967 多订了一套 Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Home and Student Edition, 3 licences原价$159.95元加HST= 179.14元,有发票现$115元折价约3成 Make home projects & schoolwork even better•Experience a new sense of ease and speed with familiar applications including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. All three open and respond to your commands more quickly. •Create inviting documents by layering text, shapes, pictures, animations and charts. The simple visual interface lets you instantly reorder any element. •Edit documents online even when you\'re away from your Mac. Just access your free, secure Microsoft-hosted folder from any computer.
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