PARADE DATE & TIME:Date: Sunday, December 4, 2011
Time: 1:00 p.m.
BEST PLACES TO WATCH: With a long parade route, there will be great viewing along the entire route.
PARADE ROUTE CHANGE: The parade will start at West Georgia Street and Broughton (at 1:00 pm), travel east along West Georgia, turn north on Burrard and finish at Burrard and Cordova.
COAST CAPITAL SAVINGS CHRISTMAS SQUARE:10:30am to 1:00pmLocated on Thurlow Street between Georgia and MelvilleCome out and join in on the family fun pre-parade festivities! There will be live entertainment on the main stage, Decorate a Gingerbread Man, Write a Letter to Santa and much more!
WHAT TO WEAR:Go for classic west coast style (fleece, waterproof jackets and comfortable waterproof footwear).Dress in layers to keep warm.Remember that umbrellas will unfortunately block the view, so please leave them at home.
PARADE ETIQUETTE: Secure your spot on Santa’s nice list! Follow these Rogers Santa Claus Parade protocolsRespect parade officials. Your safety and that of your family is paramount. Obey all instructions to avoid Santa’s naughty list!S marks the spot - someone else’s that is! Never move or occupy an empty chair. This curbside spot has been reserved.
CONSIDER OTHERS:Wear your rain gear. Umbrellas block the view.Be nice. Please allow those in wheelchairs front row, curb side viewing of the parade. Also, allow families with children to sit in front. We short people appreciate it too!Say “excuse me” or “I’m sorry” if you bump or step on someone in the crowd.Don’t smoke.Property…a respectful reminder: climbing on or sitting atop anything belonging to Citytv, Canada Post, dumpster companies, et al is a definite don’t!
LOST AND FOUND: At the end of the day all items collected will be transported to the head office of Rogers Retail. To claim an item, please call (604) 270-9200.
[font=仿宋体]我不去想是否能够 [/font][font=仿宋体]既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程 我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影 我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料[/font]
反馈:阿子, 列治文的台北仁 和 私人订制 2011-12-02#2 伟 4,578 $0.00
回复: The Eighth Annual Rogers Santa Claus Parade收藏。
工程找伟丰装修(Well Fortunate Renovations),质量有保障!778-389-8812 龙师傅 604-782-3606本人(Mandy)本人不是龙师傅,是龙师傅代表
回复: The Eighth Annual Rogers Santa Claus Parade补充一下, 家有小朋友的,可以在看完游行后去SANTLEY PARK坐火车, 是一年一度的为消防员烧伤基金筹集资金的活动, 据说有200万盏灯,场面应该会梦幻吧?下午三点开始。
14th Annual Bright Nights in Stanley Park http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bright-Nights-in-Stanley-Park/193276108416 http://twitter.com/BrightNightsVan
December 2, 2011 to January 2, 2012(Closed Christmas Day)Sunday to Thursday, 3:00pm - 10:00pm ; Friday and Saturday, 3:00pm - 11:00pm The Vancouver Park Board and British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund invite everyone to nights of magic and illumination for the 14th annual Bright Nights in Stanley Park.Get in the spirit of the Holidays - take a train ride through our forest transformed with two million twinkling lights, see the animated displays and listen to holiday sounds as you enjoy hot chocolate, fresh popcorn and roasted chestnuts.Mortal Coil's

fabulous creations bring laughter and artistry to the Park. Christmas tunes serenade you as you ride the train. Professional and community choirs and bands will also be in the Plaza on special nights.
NEW THIS YEAR!Don't forget to visit our North Pole! Featuring Santa and the parade of trees.Student volunteers act as festival ambassadors. Individuals, companies and foundations donate goods and funds to ensure that the over 200,000 annual visitors to Bright Nights enjoy the event called "the most spectacular lighting display in Canada".
Admission On-site Ticket Prices (Miniature Railway Ticket Booth)(Prices include HST) Adult $9.00 Discount$6.00 Discount is for children & youth (2-18), seniors (65+)Leisure Access Card Holders 50% DiscountAdmission to the Plaza is by donation to the BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund. Tickets are required to ride the
Bright Nights Train.Train tickets are sold in half hour time slots.Trains run Sunday to Thursday, 3:00pm - 10:00pm (the last train leaves at 10:00pm)Trains run Friday & Saturdays, 3:00pm - 11:00pm (the last train leaves at 11:00pm)Free Event Parking after 3:00pm
Purchase Tickets in Advance of the Day You Want to Come through TicketmasterWhere: Please call 1-855-985-5000 or visit Ticketmaster

or purchase them in person at any of the Ticketmaster sales locations. To purchase tickets for groups of 10 or larger, please contact Ticketmaster. TicketMaster customer service 1-855-985-4357. * Note that Ticketmaster service charges apply.
When: Any day from now until 9:00 am on the day you wish to ride the train, except for: Sundays - Ticketmaster sales cut off at 9:00 am on the Saturday beforeDecember 24, 26, 27 & 28 - Ticketmaster sales cut off at 9:00 am on December 23January 1 & 2- Ticketmaster sales cut off at 9:00 am on December 30
Hint: If booking online and all the times you check are sold out, call Ticketmaster. Its agents can let you know what dates and times still have tickets available.
Buy Your Tickets The Same Day at Stanley ParkWhere: At the ticket booth in the train Plaza in Stanley Park.
When: Starting December 2, 12:00 noon daily. (Tickets are sold for that day's train rides only.)
Big Bright Night Out Dinner PackageBright Nights Dinner Packages with the Old Spaghetti Factory are only available through Ticketmaster. Buy package tickets

. The Old Spaghetti Factory

is donating to the Burn Fund an amount from every meal served at its Lower Mainland locations for the duration of the Bright Nights event.
Matinee Bookings December 7th & 14th, 11:30am - 3:00pm (last train leaves at 3:00pm)The matinees are ideal for your special group outing. To book for your group's timeslot, please call Miniature Train Administrative Office, 604-257-8530 or fax a completed booking form

to 604-718-6539. Please book by Dec. 1st, 12:00pmNote: Matinees require 50 people minimum, so if your group is smaller than 50 people the matinee will be subject to this minimum being met by multiple groups.
Important Information 
At least half the tickets for each day's train rides will be set aside and only available for purchase on-site from 12:00 noon onwards on that same day. This means that even if Ticketmaster is sold out for the day, there will still be lots of tickets for sale on-site.This event is very popular and train tickets sell out early on busy evenings. To avoid crowds, consider coming on Monday-Thursday during the first two weeks. The BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund displays are open at all times during the event.For public safety reasons, Stanley Park may occasionally be closed due to inclement weather conditions such as high winds. We will do our utmost to notify the public if a closure happens by contacting local media with an advisory and updating messages on the
Bright Nights Info line at 604-257-8531.

The entire Bright Nights site is wheelchair accessible. The train has a specially designed carriage which will accommodate up to two wheelchairs and has seating for companions. Go to the train platform exit gate and our staff will arrange for boarding.
BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund 
All donations collected at the event, and partial proceeds from the sale of tickets for the train, go to the Burn Fund to help burn survivors and their families. As Bright Nights is one of its major fundraisers, the Burn Fund accepts donations at the front gate and suggests a minimum donation of $4.Bright Nights has raised over $1.5 million for the Burn Fund. This achievement is supported by more than 500 off-duty professional fire fighters from the Lower Mainland and around BC who donate their time to set up, operate and take down the annual display.The BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund

is a registered charity established in 1978 by the BC Professional Fire Fighters' Association. Over 3,800 professional fire fighters throughout British Columbia dedicate their time and skills to help burn survivors in the province.To make a donation or for more information please visit www.burnfund.org

or call 604-436-5617.
Refreshments Enjoy a snack, hot drink or a light meal at the Concession. In the Plaza, there are chestnuts and pistachios roasting and the Stanley Park Ecology Society

sells hot buttered popcorn from its cob house.
Colouring Page We've created a colouring page for children of all ages. You can either pick one up in the information tent at Bright Nights or download it here (2MB)

[font=仿宋体]我不去想是否能够 [/font][font=仿宋体]既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程 我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影 我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料[/font]
回复: The Eighth Annual Rogers Santa Claus Parade.....................................
回复: The Eighth Annual Rogers Santa Claus Parade去温哥华市中心看游行那里能停车啊?
回复: The Eighth Annual Rogers Santa Claus Parade好像距离美领馆不远的。要么停在美领馆对面的公共停车场。好像3块多一个小时。
生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!·
生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?