加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源
美国宪法,人权宣言,独立宣言,政府制度,都来源于北美原住民的理念与体制。1988年,美国国会通过决议承认了这一点。不单如此,维基百科还说北美原住民几千年历史培育的谷物品种现在已经成为全世界50%到60%的粮食来源。"Over the course of thousands of years, American indigenous peoples domesticated, bred and cultivated a large array of plant species. These species now constitute 50 - 60% of all crops in cultivation worldwide.[60]"source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aboriginal_peopl ... "Melting potThe Iroquois are a melting pot....The captives were generally adopted by families of the tribes to replace members who had died.The Iroquois worked to incorporate conquered peoples and assimilate them as Iroquois, thus naturalizing them as full citizens of the tribe. Cadwallader Colden wrote, "It has been a constant maxim with the Five Nations, to save children and young men of the people they conquer, to adopt them into their own Nation, and to educate them as their own children, without distinction; ...They also adopted European captives, as did the Catholic Mohawk in settlements outside Montreal.""Unanimity in public acts was essential to the Council. In 1855, Minnie Myrtle observed that no Iroquois treaty was binding unless it was ratified by 75% of the male voters and 75% of the mothers of the nation.[41] In revising Council laws and customs, a consent of two-thirds of the mothers was required.[41]""The women held real power, particularly the power to veto treaties or declarations of war.[41] The members of the Grand Council of Sachems were chosen by the mothers of each clan. If any leader failed to comply with the wishes of the women of his tribe and the Great Law of Peace, the mother of his clan could demote him, a process called "knocking off the horns". The deer antlers, emblem of leadership, were removed from his headgear, thus returning him to private life.[41][42]""Influence on the United StatesHistorians in the 20th century have suggested the Iroquois system of government influenced the development of the Articles of Confederation or United States Constitution. ...In 1988, the United States Congress passed a resolution to recognize the influence of the Iroquois League upon the Constitution and Bill of Rights.[46]"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois_Confede ...
回复: 刚发现北美原住民培育的谷物竟然养活了当今全世界60%的人口美国国会参议院决议文件,正式承认美国立国的国父乔治华盛顿,以及宪法起草人本杰明富兰克林等,都对美洲原住民体制与民主自由理念的仰慕。承认美国宪法的联邦体制以及各种民主制度原则,来源于原住民的体制与理念。正式官方文件如下:http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/hconres331.pdf
回复: 刚发现北美原住民培育的谷物竟然养活了当今全世界60%的人口...To acknowledge the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the United States Constitution and to reaffirm the continuing government-to-government relationship between Indian tribes and the United States established in the Constitution.Whereas, the original framers of the constitution, including most notably, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, are known to have greatly admired the concepts, principles and government practices of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy; andWhereas, the Confederation of the original thirteen colonies into one Republic was explicitly modeled upon the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself; and,...1) The Congress, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution, acknowledges the historical debt which this Republic of the United States of America owes to the Iroquois Confederacy and other Indian Nations for their demonstration of enlightened, democratic principles of government and their example of a free association of independent Indian Nations;...4) The Congress also acknowledges the need to exercise the utmost good faith in upholding its treaties with the various Tribes, as the Tribes understood them to be, and the duty of a great nation to uphold its legal and moral obligations for the benefit of all its citizens so that they and their posterity may also continue to enjoy the rights they have enshrined in the United States Constitution for time immemorial.本议案在国会众议院408:8高票通过。
回复: 美国宪法的来源能介绍下中华民国和中国宪法的起源不?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。能介绍下中华民国和中国宪法的起源不?点击展开...不知道。如果有兴趣可以去研究一下。但我没有感到太特别的兴趣。既然你提到了,我想了一下,中华民国宪法应该有不同的版本。可能有1912年的版本,还有抗日胜利后的1946年版本?孙中山是美国公民,据称是夏威夷出生,有夏威夷出生纸(但也说是造假的,事实是广东出生)。所以,估计有模仿美国宪法的部分。比如孙中山推崇的青天白日满地红旗,几何特性应该有学习美国国旗的因素,比如左上角的一个方框。还有颜色采用红白蓝三色。跟美国国旗一样的颜色。
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源但有人认为青天白日满地红旗是不吉利的。因为国民党旗偏安一角,所以他们去了台湾。然后满地红?红色代表共产党,所以满地大陆都是红了。怎么说呢,我觉得可以改一下。上面的青天不要只是在一个角落,而是要扩张开,占据整个旗面的上半部分,或者上面3分之2面积。青天当然要全体覆盖,而不是只有一个角落。如果青天代表民主,那么民主要覆盖全国,不是只有一个角落台湾。大地,不能是红色的。可以考虑绿色大地,或者金黄色也可以。因为秋天谷物成熟的季节是金黄色的。符合大地颜色的事实,也预示丰收以及丰收的喜悦。大地无论如何不是红色的,不是事实。所以,我认为应该大大的青天白日加上满地黄或者绿。
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源共产党的五星红旗也不好。一个大星代表党,几个小星代表人民。这是对人民的极大侮辱。世界上有几个国家的国旗是这样含义的?甚至共产主义国家里面都没有。北朝鲜不是,越南都不是。苏联也不是。从没有一个国家,甚至共产国家,是在国旗上表示一个巨大的党领导几个小民的。
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源小秘,你的帖子要是能不喊口号,有话好好说,外加点常识和知识,还是能让人看下去的。不算被你骗进去那次,第一次回复你。
比肩奋斗,正当权益是靠自己争取来的。回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源小秘,你帖子被警告了,能不能说说原因,为什么被警告了。
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源承认是小秘了。自己给自己警告?怎么弄的?
永久封禁用户回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源发帖进入高级模式,可以选择‘信息图标’。 比如我现在选一个箭头。
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源小秘,你的帖子要是能不喊口号,有话好好说,外加点常识和知识,还是能让人看下去的。点击展开... 那就不是小秘了。
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源哦哦
回复: 奇怪发现,你以前不知道的,美国宪法的来源嗯,会了,谢谢。
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