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3,812 $0.00 回复: 双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因脑子里太多H2O看来也会弱智评论
回复: 双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因格趟有点阿唔卵了。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。回复: 双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因我觉得少数双语人群垄断联邦政治这一点,可以解释加拿大的很多不合理现象。就像中国被共产党垄断统治一样。一个垄断统治的国度,总是各种问题重重。
FUCK CANADA>> www.dsc-gc.com回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因精神病人的思维想象超于常人,在常人眼中根本无法想象到精神病人所想象到的事,因为自己无法理解,所以才会称他们为精神病患者我们常人依赖于我们所习惯的思维方式,受其束缚而不得超脱,这也是为什么我们最终只是常人的缘由俗人昭昭,谓之昏昏 此致 敬礼!
回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因为什么这个帖子一下就被拉到‘谈天说地’了?是不是因为提到了‘共产党’? 这样算涉及敏感词?还是因为不能说加拿大是个专制国家?如果是因为‘共产党’,我们今后也可以尽量避免提及,或者换一个暗语。比如,贡缠裆。呵呵。
FUCK CANADA>> www.dsc-gc.com回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因Bilingual Dictatorship in Canadai have an idea. the Federal Bilingualism is to blame. it requires the people who work in Federal Government and Federal Politicians to be Bilingual in both English and French. is this Bilingualism hurting their intelligence? does it cause confusion in their minds that they can't think clearly?it makes me feel creepy whenever i see some Canadian federal politician or official speaking English and then, suddenly, shifted to a different language (French) that i don't understand. its a very strange feeling, almost scary. because, this person seems to me suddenly shifted to another personality. it was like looking at a zombie, robot or machine. kind of inhuman. so, these are Canada's politicians and federal government officials. and, how many percentage is the real Bilingual population in Canada, which means those who can speak and write English and French fluently at the same time. must be quite low. but this small pool of Bilingual people are where the Federal politicians and officials come from. therefore, Canada is controlled by a very very small group of its population. the Bilingual People. this small group of fluent Bilingual people rules Canada!it's almost like an Authoritarian rule or dictatorship. and, it becomes the core reason why Canada sucks big time and so many of the federal policies are idiotic.why Canada sucks?----- the ultimate answer reveals -----Canada is ruled by a very small group of people, the Bilingual Group.Canada is a bilingual Dictatorship.
FUCK CANADA>> www.dsc-gc.com回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因我终于明白为什么加拿大联邦政府,移民部,老是出台一些脑残的,不可思议的,胳膊往外拐的,不维护加拿大人利益的,弱智政策了。一个极少数人垄断统治的政府,怎么有可能为广大人民考虑呢?怎么有可能代表加拿大人民呢。加拿大的绝大部分人都不是双语。绝大多数人只讲英语,其余的有只讲法语的。有些部分人是讲中文以及其他语言的。魁北克的双语人口也很少。有的所谓双语,就是在母语法语的基础上,懂得一些基本的英语。或者母语是英语,但懂得一点基本的法语。都达不到联邦政府要求双语听说读写流利的程度。所以,加拿大的双语政策,导致联邦政治被一小帮双语流利的人群垄断操控。
FUCK CANADA>> www.dsc-gc.comBilingual Dictatorship in Canadai have an idea. the Federal Bilingualism is to blame. it requires the people who work in Federal Government and Federal Politicians to be Bilingual in both English and French. is this Bilingualism hurting their intelligence? does it cause confusion in their minds that they can't think clearly?it makes me feel creepy whenever i see some Canadian federal politician or official speaking English and then, suddenly, shifted to a different language (French) that i don't understand. its a very strange feeling, almost scary. because, this person seems to me suddenly shifted to another personality. it was like looking at a zombie, robot or machine. kind of inhuman. so, these are Canada's politicians and federal government officials. and, how many percentage is the real Bilingual population in Canada, which means those who can speak and write English and French fluently at the same time. must be quite low. but this small pool of Bilingual people are where the Federal politicians and officials come from. therefore, Canada is controlled by a very very small group of its population. the Bilingual People. this small group of fluent Bilingual people rules Canada!it's almost like an Authoritarian rule or dictatorship. and, it becomes the core reason why Canada sucks big time and so many of the federal policies are idiotic.why Canada sucks?----- the ultimate answer reveals -----Canada is ruled by a very small group of people, the Bilingual Group.Canada is a bilingual Dictatorship.点击展开...这一大段最好不是LZ自己写的,不然岂不是坐实了LZ的论断,双语导致人思维混乱。
回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因这一大段最好不是LZ自己写的,不然岂不是坐实了LZ的论断,双语导致人思维混乱。点击展开...双语是否导致人思维混乱,这个可以进一步科学研究。但有一点是肯定的,在加拿大真正双语流利的只是一个很小的人群。而联邦政府,联邦政治家,都是双语流利,也就是说属于这么一个小集团。加拿大是一个小集团-双语党-统治的国家,这个没错吧?
FUCK CANADA>> www.dsc-gc.com回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因这位兄弟是很有想法的人,我很钦佩。
There are two things you can do with your head down - play golf and pray.回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因thinking out of the box. 敬佩!
回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因这个问题需要更多人关注。
FUCK CANADA>> www.dsc-gc.com回复: 极少数双语人群垄断统治的国家加拿大-双语制是导致弱智政策的根本原因各省独立,各省就有了自决权。 联邦是个政客型政府。和双不双语没有什么关系。 议员,总理没有强求双语。但内阁各部,是要求的。 大量的MP是单语的。但话又说回来,总理肯定是双语的, 要么,也肯定当不上总理,因为,Quebec和New Brunswick法裔的票数,足够使他当不成总理。所以,还是各省独立比较好。 联邦没有什么意义,对各省来讲。 比较欣赏 ----瑞士的国度,和国家风格。
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